
  1. 城市规模扩大;(5)土地利用规模经济。

    Urban size and land using . 5 . Economies of land size and scale .

  2. 以土地利用规模、性质和区位势作为影响交通生成的主要因素,引入区位势因子,最终建立城市新区交通生成预测模型。

    Considering the scale and usage of land utilizing and location potential , it establishes a traffic creating forecasting model which introduces a location potential coefficient .

  3. 从地区、省域和重点城市3个不同的空间层次对我国城市土地利用规模与结构的变化进行分析。(4)中国城市土地利用变化人文驱动因素分析(第8章)。

    This part analyzes the scale and structure change of urban land-use in China from three spatial levels & regions , provinces and major cities . ( 4 ) Analysis of human driving factors of urban land-use change in China ( Chapter Eight ) .

  4. 中国城市土地利用的规模效应研究

    Study on Scale Effect of China 's Urban Land Use

  5. 而农村居民点在建设发展过程中,由于长期缺乏系统的规划和正确的引导,土地利用存在着规模过大、结构失衡、效率偏低等问题,造成土地资源的巨大浪费。

    Due to always lack of planning guidance , the defects of rural residential in the construction process are the larger-scare land-use , structural imbalance , low efficiency and other problems , which causing a huge waste of land resources .

  6. 大连城市总体规划与土地利用总体规划人口规模预测中协调

    Coordination on the Prediction of People 's Scale between City Planning and the Overall Plan of Utilization of City in Dalian

  7. 土地利用在不同的规模尺度上具有不同的特征,某个研究尺度上的影响因子可能在其它尺度上并不发生作用。

    Land-use in different size scales have different characteristics , the impact factor of one research scale in the other scale may not play a role .

  8. 逐一探讨土地利用的性质、规模、强度及区位特征对出行的影响,并引入出行生成基本权重、用地规模、土地利用强度系数和小区区位系数作为模型的基本参数,并给出取值方法。

    It discuses the property , scale and intensity of land use and location . It provides several basic parameters such as trip generation basic rate , intensity coefficient , location coefficient and their value-taking method .

  9. 研究结果与理论假设相一致,即土地集约利用与城市规模既存在显著而直接的逆向耦合,又存在显著而间接的正向耦合。

    The findings are consistent with theoretical assumptions , that there are both significant and direct " negative " - coupling relations as well as significant indirect " positive " - coupling relations between urban scale and intensive land use .

  10. 在城镇化迅速发展的现实背景下,如何提高土地资源的配置效率和促进农村土地的集约利用及规模经营一直是我国重点关注的对象。

    Under the realistic background of the rapid development of urbanization , how to improve the allocation efficiency of land resources and promote the intensive utilization and the scale operation of rural land has been our focus on objects .

  11. 规划通过一定的技术手段确定土地利用方式、进行土地利用布局、控制城市土地利用规模,从定性、定量、定位与定序四个方面对城市土地利用发挥引导作用。

    Planning could set the land use method , structure the land use and control the size of city land use through certain technical methods . It could guide city land use in four areas that is characteristic , quantity , location and time sequence .

  12. 通过揭示重庆市小城镇土地利用的现状特征,分析了小城镇土地利用在用地规模、用地效益和土地供给机制等方面存在的矛盾及成因。

    According to present traits of land use in towns of Chongqing , the article analyses the contradictions and reasons on scale , benefit , and supply method of land in towns of Chongqing .

  13. 从土地科学和农业经济科学视角出发,探讨我国国家农业科技园区的运行机制和园区内部核心区、示范区和辐射区三大结构的土地利用规模状况;

    From the angle of land science and agricultural economy science , this paper firstly discusses the inner mechanism of the national agricultural science and technology parks and the land use of the inner core area , the demonstration area and the radial area .