
  • 网络Land Policy
  1. 论土地政策执行的方法与步骤

    Discussion on the methods and steps of carrying out land policy

  2. 这一次,他阐述了政府的土地政策。

    This time , he addresses the Government 's land policy .

  3. 香港地产投资者克里斯托弗狄龙(ChristopherDillon)曾著书论述香港楼市,他表示:政府的土地政策以及高昂的地价,使权力集中到了少数几家大开发商手中。

    Government land policies and high prices have concentrated power in the hands of a few large developers , says Christopher Dillon , a Hong Kong property investor who has written a book about the market .

  4. 美国西进运动中的土地政策研究

    A Study of the Land Policies of American Western Expansion Movement

  5. 美国早期的土地政策分析(1780-1820)

    Analysis of the Land Policies in Early American ( 1780-1820 )

  6. 土地政策是初期政府的一项主要核心政策。

    Land policies were a key focus of the early government .

  7. 国外土地政策研究:价值导向、特征和热点

    Overseas Land Policy Research : Value Orientation , Characteristics and Hot Spots

  8. 构建了土地政策参与宏观调控的理论模型。

    Construct a theoretical model of land policy affecting macro-control .

  9. 杭州发展都市农业的土地政策支持

    On Land Use Policies of City Agriculture Development in Hangzhou

  10. 中国土地政策改革:一个整体性行动框架

    Chinese Land Policy Reform : A Framework of General Measures

  11. 土地政策在宏观政策中的作用效果分析

    The Effects of Land Supply Scheme on Macro Control Policies

  12. 资源节约与环境保护中土地政策调控研究

    Research on the Role of Land Policy in Resource-saving and Environment-friendly Society

  13. 土地政策与农民增收具有相关性。

    Land policies have interrelation to peasant 's increasing income .

  14. 中国土地政策法律化研究

    The Research of Policy and Law for Land in China

  15. 北宋土地政策对南宋社会的影响

    The Influence of Land Policy of North Song on South Song Society

  16. 案例研究:土地政策的支持系统

    A Case Study : the support systerm for land policy

  17. 土地政策与房地产业发展

    Land Policy and the Development of the Real Estate Industry in China

  18. 对中国农村土地政策的一个经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Land Policy in Rural China

  19. 中国农村土地政策的调查与思考

    Rural Land Policy in China : Investigation and Consideration

  20. 土地政策改革时期的城市空间发展:北京的实证分析

    Urban spatial development in the land policy reform era : evidence from Beijing

  21. 新中国城市土地政策评析

    Evaluation and Analysis of the Chinese Urban Land Policy

  22. 因此,联邦土地政策对西部各州来说至关重要。

    Thus federal land policy is of critical importance to the western states .

  23. 土地政策是土地政策学的基础性概念。

    Land policy is a basic concept of the discipline of land policies .

  24. 提供了土地政策参与宏观调控环境优化的明确路径。

    Point out the clear paths to optimize environment of land policy affecting macro-control .

  25. 最近几年国家的土地政策和财政金融政策等。本论文的研究将有助于填补中小城市房地产市场研究的空白。

    Soil policy and finance policy promulgated by the government during these several years .

  26. 因此有必要重新选择我国土地政策的中心目标。

    Therefore , it is necessary to rechoose the central target of Chinese land policy .

  27. 矿区土地政策探讨

    Discussions About Land Policies in Mining Areas

  28. 远东共和国的土地政策

    Land policies of the Far East Republic

  29. 然而一些制度性障碍,如户籍管理制度、土地政策成为对农民向城市转移的羁绊。

    The barrier of system block peasant to enter cities , such as land policy .

  30. 农村土地政策的合理制定事关中国的经济命脉。

    The reasonable formulation of the rural land policy concerns China , s economic lifeline .