
  • 网络land tenure administration
  1. 七是土地权属管理不到位;

    The seventh is that administration of the land ownership is not rational .

  2. 农村土地权属管理中存在的问题及解决对策

    On the Problems and Solutions in the Management of Rural Land Property Right

  3. 通过对城中村改造存在的政策体制冲突与协调分析,认为加大政府投资,强化人口户籍制度、土地权属制度和管理体制以及城市规划等方面冲突的和谐,有利于城中村改造进行;

    The conflicts of policy and system in City Villages ' regeneration are studied , it is favorable to the City Villages ' regeneration that the harmonies of population registered permanent residence system , the droit of land and management system , and the implementation of urban planning ;

  4. 地籍管理是进行土地利用管理和权属管理的基础,是维护土地市场秩序和监督违法占地的手段,是为土地管理制度的落实制定的相关检查措施。

    Cadastral management is the base of land utilization and right managements , the measure of maintaining the land market order and supervising the illegal land occupancy , and the relative inspection measure for carrying out the land management system .

  5. 地籍管理的对象是作为资源和资产双重职能的土地,它的核心是土地的权属管理。

    Cadastral Management is targeted at dual functions as a resource and asset of the land , its core is the management of land ownership .