
tǔ dì zī yuán
  • land resources
  1. 基于GIS的斗门县土地资源评价

    GIS Based Land Resources Evaluation of Doumen County

  2. 以岷江上游土地资源适宜性评价为研究对象,利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,建立了该地区的土地资源基础信息库;

    The study of suitability assessment of land resources in the upper reaches of Minjiang and the application of GIS technique to the research lead to the establishment of basic information warehouse of land resources in the area .

  3. 基于GIS的农业科技示范园区土壤和土地资源管理研究

    Soil and land resource management using GIS in the agricultural demonstration zone

  4. 城乡交错带土地资源优化配置研究&以山东省H县为例

    Study on the Land - Use Optimization of the Rural - urban fringe - A Case Study of H County of Shandong Province

  5. 针对中国加入WTO的新形势,全面参与经济全球化的国际分工,阐述了对我国土地资源配置的影响和导向。

    Facing to the new situation of china entering WTO and participating international assignment of economy globalization , this paper illustrates the effect and guidance that these elements produce .

  6. 结论是利用1:10万陆地卫星TM像片在黄土高原调查土地资源要求精度为80%以上时,是可行的。

    It is feasible that 1 : 100 000 TM image of landsat as main information resource , is used to make land resource survey in the loess plateau .

  7. 基于3S技术的县级土地资源动态监测技术系统

    A Dynamic Monitor System for Land Use Change at a County Level Based on the Technology of Remote Sensing , Geographical Information System and Global Positioning System

  8. 研究目的通过综述和比较SOTER数据库的原理和框架,探讨建立土地资源的模式。

    This paper aimed to review on progresses in SOTER research and examine its applicability in building land resource database .

  9. 应用当今先进的地理信息系统技术、遥感技术、GPS技术和网络通讯技术,建立了以防汛业务为主体,以地理空间数据为基础,集土地资源、人口和社会经济信息于一体的防汛指挥系统。

    Dongping lake flood preventing and management system here applied nowadays advanced geographic information system , RS , GPS and the network communication technique . It established a flood preventing and management system with geography space data , land resources , population and social economic information .

  10. 参照一篮子期权的几何平均B-S期权定价模型,给出了基于实物期权的多项土地资源储备与开发的算术平均收益的夏普比率优化目标函数。

    The objective Sharpe ratio function of land development arithmetic average value portfolio is deduced based on the geometric average B-S model of the basket options in the paper .

  11. 运用熵理论推导证明K2≤N<1+13·K2为模型的全局解,可作为区域土地资源的人口安全区间。

    From the model and using the theory of entropy , this paper derived the final solution of K2 ≤ N < 1 + 13 · K2 , which can be taken as the population security interval for regional land resources .

  12. RSECTS开发和在草地及其它土地资源动态监测中的应用(Ⅱ)

    Studies on Development of Remote Sensing Environment Comprehensive Technology System ( RSECTS ) in Grassland and Other Land Resourses Dynamic Applications (ⅱ)

  13. 与其他配电装置型式相比,H-GIS具有很多优点,适合用于经济较好而土地资源较少的地区。

    Comparing with another type of switchgear , H - GIS has many advantages and is suitabLe for the area where economic condition is better and but ground - resource is scarce .

  14. 土地资源与人类生存和发展密切相关。

    Land resources and human survival and development are closely linked .

  15. 黄土高原土地资源现状与优势分析

    Current Situation and Advantage Analysis of Land Resource of Loess Plateau

  16. 我国城市土地资源配置机制研究

    Study on Our Country 's Urban Land Resources Allocation Mechanism

  17. 土地资源发展潜力初探

    A preliminary study on development of potentialities of land resources

  18. 甘肃省土地资源的持续利用探析

    Analysis on Sustainable Use of Land Resources in Gansu Province

  19. 土地资源短缺是城市化过程的一种必然现象,消除土地资源瓶颈约束,是提高城市化水平的必要条件。

    The shortage of land resources is an unavoidable problem in urbanization .

  20. 区域土地资源的适宜性评价和空间布局

    Suitability Assessment of Regional Land Resources and Its Spatial Distribution

  21. 神木试区土地资源与利用

    Land Resources and Its Utilization in the Shenmu Experimental Area

  22. 福建琅岐岛土地资源及其开发利用

    Land resources , its exploitation and utilization in Lanqi Island , Fujian

  23. 扬中县土地资源人口承载量研究

    Study on the Population Carrying Capacity of Land Resource in Yangzhong County

  24. 土地资源配置方式改革与公共政策转变

    Reform of Land Resource Allocation and Adjustment of Public Policy

  25. 湖北省土地资源的遥感宏观分析

    An analysis of land resources of Hubei Province form Landsat TM image

  26. 我国土地资源评价研究及其展望

    The study and Prospect of land resource assessment of China

  27. 农用土地资源价值测度方法研究

    Research on Method of Agricultural Land Resource Valuation and Accounting

  28. 分析了湖南省生态环境变化的总体特征:水土流失加剧,土地资源退化严重;

    The total characteristic of ecological environment degradation in Hunan was analyzed .

  29. 土地资源调查的国内外比较研究

    Comparison between land resources investigation of China and foreign countries

  30. 县域土地资源利用与土地资产管理研究

    Research of Land Resources Utilization and Land Assets Management in County Region