
  • 网络Land Suitability Evaluation;land suitability assessment;appraisal of land suitability
  1. 基于GIS的土地适宜性评价决策支持系统研究与应用

    Development and Application of Land Suitability Evaluation Decision Support System Based on GIS

  2. 基于GIS的农用土地适宜性评价模型的建立

    Application of GIS in agriculture land suitability evaluation

  3. GIS支持的福清市多目标土地适宜性评价

    GIS-aided Land Suitability Appraisal for a Multi-objective Land-use in Fuqing Municipality

  4. 并应用GIS技术进行绿色腹地建设用地土地适宜性评价。

    Apply GIS to construction land suitability assessment and rationality optimization analysis .

  5. 土地适宜性评价的GIS实践方法比较研究

    A comparative study on the GIS-based practical methods of land suitability appraisal

  6. 基于GIS下的北京市板栗土地适宜性评价

    Soil Suitability Evaluation for Planting Chestnut in Beijing City Based on GIS

  7. 基于遥感和GIS的土地适宜性评价

    Evaluation of Land Suitability Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

  8. GIS支持下的闽侯县未利用土地适宜性评价

    Suitability evaluation of the unused land based on GIS

  9. 基于GIS的农业土地适宜性评价系统研制技术

    Agricultural Land Suitability Assessment System Based on GIS

  10. 基于GIS和ANN技术的矿区复垦土地适宜性评价

    On GIS and ANN-based Assessment of Suitability of Reclamation Land in Mining Area

  11. 基于AHP决策分析方法的石河子市土地适宜性评价

    Based on the AHP method of land suitability appraisal in Shihezi

  12. 基于Web服务的土地适宜性评价PSE设计与实现

    Land Suitability Assessment PSE Design and Implement Based on Web Service

  13. AO支持下的土地适宜性评价系统研制

    Research on Land Suitability Evaluation System Based on AO

  14. 专家知识、数学模型与GIS的集成技术在土地适宜性评价中得到了广泛应用。

    The compositive technology including expertise , mathematic model and Geographical Information System ( GIS ) has been popularly used in the land suitability evaluation .

  15. 该文阐述了土地适宜性评价的概念和内涵,综述了GIS支持下的各种土地适宜性评价方法及其优缺点。

    The paper clarifies the concept and connotation of land suitability assessment , discusses the methods of land suitability assessment based on GIS , including overlaying method , multi-criteria method and artificial intelligence method , and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages .

  16. 深入讨论了GIS在农业资源调查与管理、农业区划、农业土地适宜性评价、农业生态环境研究、农业灾害预防、农作物估产及精确农业等方面的应用现状。

    The present situation of GIS application in agriculture , including agricultural resource research and management , cropland regionalization , assessment of land suitability , agro-environment investigation , prediction of plant diseases , estimation of crop yield and precision agriculture were reviewed .

  17. 本研究比较详细的介绍了土地适宜性评价的概念和原则,并对FAO《土地评价纲要》中的土地适宜性评价的内容体系和方法做了简单介绍。

    Concepts and principles of land suitability evaluation are detailed introductive in this article which makes simple introduction on content system and method of 《 A framework for land evaluation 》 ( FAO ) .

  18. 探讨了基于GIS的土地适宜性评价中确定土地评价单元的方法,DTM在土地适宜性评价中应用的几个问题和基于线性四叉树编码的空间叠置分析方法。

    This paper explores the method of determining land cell for evaluation and several problems about the application of DTM to evaluate land suitability supported by GIS , and the method of overlaying analysis based on linear quadtree coding .

  19. GIS是依托地理科学的信息技术,在地理科学领域得到了更加广泛、深入的应用,如耕地地力评价、土地适宜性评价、土地资源管理与规划等。

    Depending on improvement of geographic information technology , GIS is widely used in many fields of geography , such as productive evaluation of cultivated land , land suitability assessment , land resources management and planning . GIS also plays an important role in country land resources management .

  20. 农地适宜性评价是土地适宜性评价的一种类型。

    Farmland suitability evaluation is one type of land suitability evaluation .

  21. 露天煤矿待复垦土地适宜性评价单元类型划分

    Classification of Reclaimed Land Unit for Suitability Valuation in Open-pit Coal Mine

  22. 可变模糊集方法及其在土地适宜性评价中的应用

    Variable fuzzy sets methods and application on land suitability evaluation

  23. 土地适宜性评价空间决策支持系统初探

    Discussion on Spatial Decision Support System for Land Suitability Evaluation

  24. 基于矢栅混合数据模型的土地适宜性评价研究

    Land adaptability evaluation based on vector-raster mixed data model

  25. 宁夏南部黄土高原地区土地适宜性评价研究

    Land resources evaluation in the loess plateau of the Southern Area of Ningxia

  26. 系统工程原理在神府东胜矿区土地适宜性评价中的应用

    Application of System Engineering in Evaluation of Land Suitability in Shenfu-Dongsheng Ore Area

  27. 土地适宜性评价过程中模型方法对比研究

    Comparative Study on Models and Methods in the Course of Land Suitability Evaluation

  28. 陕西省农业土地适宜性评价研究

    Suitable evaluation of the agricultural land in Shaanxi province

  29. 交通建设中的土地适宜性评价

    Study of evaluation of land suitability in traffic construction

  30. 第三部分为土地适宜性评价的方法研究;

    The basic approach study on land suitability assessment ;