
  • 网络soil environment;edatope
  1. 农田塑料薄膜(地膜)污染对土壤环境危害很大,覆膜灌溉技术可能会增加其复杂性。

    The plastic sheeting used in farmland extremely pollutes and sabotages the soil environment .

  2. 基于GIS的土壤环境数据处理方法研究&以永城市陈集镇数据为例

    GIS-based Methods to the Soil Environment Data Processing Methods

  3. 这些灌木必须生长在不含石灰的酸性土壤环境。

    These shrubs must have an acid , lime-free soil .

  4. 土壤环境质量基准中Cd限量指标的推算

    Estimation of cadmium limits for soil environmental quality standard

  5. 方法采用国家规定的环境质量及其分析方法标准和相关的文献方法对库拉索芦荟GAP种植基地规划区环境空气、土壤环境和水资源进行评价。

    Method The analyzed methods used for environment quality of country standard and other methods used in references were adopted in this study .

  6. GIS支持下的区域耕地土壤环境质量评价&以福建省莆田市荔城区为例

    Evaluation of environmental quality in regional cultivating soil by GIS & Take Licheng District , Putian City , Fujian Province as an example

  7. 在中性至碱性土壤环境中,土壤动物密度与土壤ph值是反相关;

    From the neutral to the alkaline . the density of soil . Animal has a negative interrelation to pH value of soil .

  8. Zn平均含量为105.28mg/kg,超过土壤环境质量一级标准。

    The average content of Zn is 105.28 mg / kg , which exceeds the standard of Class I of the soil environment quality .

  9. 目的探讨GAP实验基地土壤环境质量,对灵芝药材品质的影响,为制定和建立灵芝GAP种植基地建设提供科学依据。

    OBJECTIVE To discuss the effect of soil quality in GAP experiment base on the quality of Ling Zhi . To provide scientific support for design and construction of Ling-Zhi GAP cultivation base .

  10. 土壤环境中活性X-3B红染料的吸附行为及影响因素

    Adsorption Behavior of Reactive X-3B Red Dye in Soil Environment and Relevant Influencing Factors

  11. TCE作为一种重要的有机溶剂,被广泛应用于各种工业生产活动中,应用过程中的排放、泄漏事故和挥发等,导致其污染地下水和土壤环境。

    Widely used as an organic solvent , TCE has contaminated groundwater and soil environments through leakage and accidental releases .

  12. 以国家土壤环境质量二级标准评价,其综合污染指数为1.43,是Ni引起的轻度污染。

    Based on the state standard values of soil quality in China the average integrated pollution index of the city was 1.43 that indicated the result of vegetable farm soils having been slightly contaminated by nickel .

  13. 复合污染研究已经成为环境科学发展的重要方向之一,多环芳烃(Polycyclicaromatichydrocarbon,PAHs)与重金属是土壤环境中重要的污染物,开展两者复合污染的研究对生态环境保护和治理有重要的意义。

    The interacted pollution has been one of the important aspects of the environment science . The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ( PAHs ) and heavy metals are the main contamination in soil .

  14. 可见,FastPrep○R核酸提取系统同样适用于重金属污染农田土壤环境中微生物基因组DNA的快速分离和纯化,得到的DNA可直接用于PCRDGGE分析。

    The FastPrep ○ R system is also suitable for rapid efficient extraction and purification of soil total community DNA from farmland soils polluted with mixed heavy metals and in turn the DNA can be used directly for PCR-DGGE analysis .

  15. LR比LTR2更能适合非根际土壤环境,而LRR在健康棉花根际的定殖能力上,比LTR2有明显下降。

    LR is more adapted in non-rhizosphere soils , and LRR is less competent in healthy cotton rhizosphere than LTR-2 . LR is not effective in controlling cotton damping-off caused by R.

  16. 应用甲基对硫磷降解菌DLL-1对土壤环境中甲基对硫磷农药的降解进行了实验室研究和小区试验。

    Laboratory studies and plot experiments were carried out using the Plesiomonas sp. DLL-1 to degrade the pesticide parathion-methyl ( PM ) in soil .

  17. 主要污染物为As,其次是Cd,Hg,Pb,土壤环境质量综合评价的结果表明重庆市园地土壤环境质量状况处于警戒级至轻污染之间。

    The primary pollutant turned out to be As , followed in order by Cd , Hg and Pb . Comprehensive assessment of soil environmental quality indicated that the environmental quality status of garden soils in Chongqing is between the grade of " warning " and " light pollution " .

  18. 考察了含有腐植酸的吸水性树脂(HA-MA-AM)在溶液以及土壤环境中的性质。

    In this paper , various properties of a new super-absorbent resin humic acid ( HA-MA-AM ) in solution and soil environment were investigated .

  19. Cd平均含量达到2.7mg/kg,是国家土壤环境质量三级标准(1.0mg/kg)的近3倍;

    Especially , the average content of Cd in the sediments of the whole lake reaches 2.7 mg / kg , which exceeds the standard of class ⅲ of environmental quality standard ( 1.0 mg / kg ) for Soils in China .

  20. 采用土柱模拟实验对土壤环境中活性X3B红染料的淋溶行为及向下迁移能力进行研究。

    Leaching behavior and downward transport ability of reactive X 3B red dye in soil environment were studied using the simulated experimental method of soil columns .

  21. 本文以转COMT(咖啡酸-O-甲基转移酶)基因白桦为材料,研究由于转基因使木质素成分改变对白桦环境降解的影响,以及转化的目的基因水平转移向土壤环境微生物的可能性。

    In this study , the leaves of transgenic silver birch are used as the materials , what is used to analyze the effect of decomposition by changing the lignin component of transgenic plants , and the possibility of transgene horizontal transfer .

  22. 最近,BLM呈现出向土壤环境中拓展的趋势,发展能预测重金属对土壤生物毒性的陆地生物配体模型(t-BLM)正成为最新的国际研究热点。

    Recently , the BLM concept was applied to the soil environment . Developing the terrestrial biotic ligand model ( t-BLM ) which can effectively predict the ecotoxicity of heavy metals to soil organisms became a hot issue .

  23. 成功构建了检测原生态土壤环境中AHLs的方法体系。(3)酸性土壤中不同基因型大豆品种根际AHLs的检测:两种不同基因型大豆根际土壤中的AHLs的种类不尽相同。

    In addition , a system for detecting AHLs in the original ecology of rhizosphere soil was successfully constructed . ( 3 ) Detection of AHLs in rhizosphere soil of different soybean genotypes in acid soil : Different kinds of AHLs in rhizosphere soils of different soybean genotypes were found .

  24. 选取了芥菜和油菜作为实验对象,采用正交均匀设计方案,模拟Cd-Zn-Pb重金属复合污染土壤环境进行栽培实验。

    The orthogonal uniform design was used in this experiment . The cropping experiment was carried out by simulating Cd-Zn-Pb compound contaminating the environment soil . Results indicated that the leaf mustard and the rape have strong ability to survival and concentration in the heavy metal contaminated oil .

  25. 土壤环境中砷污染的危害及其研究进展

    Detriment of Arsenic Pollution of Soil Environment and Its Research Progress

  26. 而且土壤环境一旦受到污染,其治理和恢复的难度非常大。

    If soils are polluted , it is hard to resume .

  27. 菌渣还田对土壤环境效应的影响研究

    Research of Bacteria Residue Fielding Effects on the Impact of Soil Environment

  28. 微生物对土壤环境中重金属活性的影响

    Effects of microorganisms on the mobility of heavy metals in soil environment

  29. 旱地覆盖耕作对土壤环境的影响

    Effect on stubble mulch tillage to soil in Rainfed Areas

  30. 土壤环境质量生物评价方法探讨

    Study on the Method of Biological Assessment of Soil Environment