
tǔ yīn
  • twang;local accent;accent
土音 [tǔ yīn]
  • [local accent] 地方口音

  • 五方土音。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

土音[tǔ yīn]
  1. 你们一听爱尔兰人或者约克郡人的土音,就能辨别出他是哪里的人。

    You can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue .

  2. 这人说法语一点不费力,没有任何土音。

    This man expressed himself with perfect ease and without a trace of an accent .

  3. 而关于演唱方言土音辨正、语言创作特征的抽象总结则具有语言音乐学的意味。

    In addition , the sum-up of dialect and the creation of languages has linguistic significance in musicology .

  4. 口音;腔调;土音北方/都柏林/印度/苏格兰口音浓重的口音她说英语带有口音。保守的;

    a northern / Dublin / Indian / Scottish accent a strong / broad accent ( = six that is very noticeable ) She spoke English with an accent .

  5. 高阳昆曲擅长演净、武生、老生等剧目,以武打见长,唱念加入了当地方言土音,脸谱、服装、音乐伴奏也有独到之处。

    Gaoyang Kunqu good at his net , Wusheng bones , and other repertory , and to martial arts and due praise to join the local dialect Du Yin , mask , clothing , music also independence Road Department .

  6. 听着她最后的鸣叫,我来读一首宋词吧,我用我家乡的土音,我读起这首婉转低回的词,将那离别的隐痛传在这熟悉的水泊。

    Listening to her last tweet , I 'll read a Song , my hometown with my accent , I read from the first keyed word mildly , that parting of the secret anguish will pass in this familiar Shuibodu .