
  • 网络St. Joseph;St Joseph;saint joseph;Saint-Joseph
  1. 宾夕法尼亚州圣约瑟夫大学(SaintJoseph’sUniversity)的Haub商学院(HaubSchoolofBusiness)是唯一一所首次上榜的学院,排在第98位。

    Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph 's University in Pennsylvania is the only school ranked for the first time , in 98th place .

  2. 圣约瑟夫是玛丽的丈夫,母亲的耶稣基督。

    Saint Joseph was the husband of Mary , the mother of Jesus Christ .

  3. 她在布鲁克林圣约瑟夫学院作家培训MFA班教授创意写作,并担任艾奥瓦大学作家坊的英文与创意写作副教授。

    Ayana taught Creative Writing at The Writer 's Foundry MFA Program at St. Joseph 's College , Brooklyn . She is an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at the Iowa Writers " Workshop .

  4. 是在下午和圣约瑟夫技术晚上所提供的课程先进曼德维尔举行。

    The courses are offered in the afternoons and evenings at Saint Joseph 's technology-advanced Mandeville Hall .

  5. 在山顶,你会看到圣约瑟夫教堂和滑铁卢公园的入口。

    At the top of the hill , you 'll see St. Joseph 's church and the entrance of the Waterloo Park .

  6. 过去6个月里,她一直在塞拉利昂东部圣约瑟夫高中教科学课程。

    She has been teaching science now for six months at St. Joseph 's , a high school in the east of the country .

  7. 如今,米德尔斯堡的圣约瑟夫罗马天主教小学的女校长在学校的全部三个入口处都树立了这种告示牌,试图打击这种风气。

    Now the headmistress at St Joseph 's RC Primary School , in Middlesbrough , has erected the signs at all three entrances to the school in an attempted crack down .

  8. 对圣约瑟夫高中的副校长沃特·塞姆来说,和平队重返塞拉利昂对他们在困难状况下提供高质量的教育是一个极大的支持。

    For St. Joseph 's deputy principal , Walter Sam , Peace Corps " return to Sierra Leone is a welcome support to the challenges of providing quality education in difficult conditions .

  9. 在宾夕法尼亚州圣约瑟夫大学,400多名学生、教师和校友在学校吉祥物的指引下一起挥舞手臂,整个过程持续了足足五分钟。

    Over 400 students , faculty , and alumni at St. Joseph 's University in Pennsylvania flapped their arms up and down for five minutes in honor of the university mascot 's signature flapping move .

  10. 圣约瑟夫小学的校长丽兹·金说道:“我们在学校试图培养孩子的听说能力,我们认为立告示牌确实是传达信息的简单方法。”

    Liz King , headmistress at St Joseph 's , said : " We are trying to develop our speaking and listening in school and we thought it was a really simple way to get the message across .