
  • 网络The Sacred Valley;the Urubamba Valley;Valle Sagrado;El Valle Sagrado
  1. 这座城市在秘鲁的印加圣谷旁独立于世,从未被征服者发现和掠夺过,直到1911年历史学家海拉姆·宾厄姆(HiramBingham)造访后,它才被外界知晓。

    Isolated near the Urubamba Valley in Peru , the city was never found and plundered by conquistadors , and it was not until historian Hiram Bingham visited it in 1911 that it became known outside of the region .

  2. 马丘比丘又称“古老的山巅”(OldPeak)是哥伦布发现美洲大陆以前的印加古城,位于秘鲁印加圣谷(UrubambaValley)之上的海拔2430米的山脉之上,靠近库斯科。

    Machu Picchu (" Old Peak ") is a pre-Columbian Inca city located at2,430 m ( 7,970 ft ) altitude on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru , near Cusco .

  3. 我很庆幸我在前往秘鲁的库斯科市(11154英尺[约合3400米])以及攀爬印加圣谷(SacredValleyoftheIncas,9000英尺[约合2743米])时做了这些预防措施。

    I was glad I did when traveling to Cusco , Peru ( 11154 feet ) and climbing in the Sacred Valley of the Incas ( 9000 feet ) .

  4. 圣谷里古老的石墙。

    Old stone fences in the Qadisha Valley .

  5. 秘鲁的印加圣谷让哈尔托太太为之动容,于是她爬到车顶脱掉衣服赤身留影。

    In the Sacred Valley of the Incas , in Peru , Mrs. Harteau felt moved to climb onto the VW 's roof , strip off her clothes and pose naked .

  6. 圣盔谷以前救过他们一命。

    Helm 's deep has saved them in the past .

  7. 希优顿率领人民逃到圣盔谷。

    Theoden 's people have fled to helm 's deep .

  8. 在圣盔谷的惨败告诉了我们的敌人一件事。

    His defeat at helm 's deep showed our enemy one thing .

  9. 他们会逃到圣盔谷。

    They will flee to helm 's deep .

  10. 圣盔谷只有一个弱点。

    Helm 's deep has one weakness .

  11. 撤退到圣盔谷!

    Fall back to the keep !

  12. 我们可以和平共处,只要我们在圣盔谷前为壮烈牺牲的洛汗战士向你复仇;

    We shall have peace when the lives of the soldiers whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the gates of the Hornburg are avenged .

  13. 赵美心的从政生涯最早可追溯到20世纪70年代早期,那时她正上大一,是圣盖博谷的一名社会活动人士和政治领袖。

    Judy Chu can trace the beginnings of her career as a San Gabriel Valley activist and political leader back to the early1970s and her freshman year in college .

  14. 我听说你住在遥远的圣佛南度谷。

    I hear you live way out in the San Fernando Valley .