
  1. 研究同时表明在虎掌下胚轴不定芽诱导过程中,与KT、ZT相比,BA对下胚轴不定芽分化的促进作用强。

    The studies also showed that , BA had the better effects on the promoting of the adventitious buds differentiation of the hypocotyls than KT and ZT .

  2. 这表明这套遗传标记系统在虎种群遗传管理中非常有效。

    The above results demonstrated the validity of this set of microsatellite system in the genetic management of tiger population .

  3. 在虎掌生根过程中,1/2MS培养基、暗培养利于虎掌试管苗生根。

    1 / 2 MS medium and darkness benefited the rooting of Pinellia pedatisecta in the process of tissue culture .

  4. 在“虎版M3”的内部,每一个座椅头枕上都绣着一个桔黄色的虎头。

    Inside , each of the headrests is embroidered with an orange tiger 's head .

  5. 你在弼虎手下干过也该知道点儿。

    Sukhwan , you collected for him so you should know .

  6. 当色素走到毛根部,在银虎斑猫中它被认为是图案形成失败。

    When the pigment goes to the roots , it is considered a pattern-fault in silver tabbies .

  7. 但人类在免受虎害的同时,却不得不面临生态恶化的威胁。

    Although human avoided the encroachment of tiger , they had to confront the menace of ecological deterioration .

  8. 休伊:没什么,我只是记起了格兰宁在峡谷虎文件上添加的“评论”。

    Huey : No , I was just remembering some of the " commentary " Granin added to the Shagohod papers .

  9. 在墙画虎中,鼻尖的反光是一个水平的细棒(图10),但是在40号照片中,反光却是一个厚的长方形。

    In the poster tiger , the glisten on the nose tip is a slender , horizontal bar ( Fig.10 ), but in photo no.40 , the glisten is as thick as a rectangular form .

  10. 孩提时的我,一到过年就兴奋不已,我虽平日生活在我家虎妈的“淫威”下,但过年我就可以收到红包了,可以熬夜了,甚至还有机会收到一年才能吃到一次的糖果了。

    When I was a kid , I was excited during Chinese New Year when I got lai see and I could stay up late . I even had access to candy , a once-a-year treat while living under the roof of my Tiger Mom .

  11. 通过HARSVERT-A变频器在大庆龙虎泡取水厂的应用,总结了在水泵节能改造过程中应用大功率变频调速装置的经验和心得。

    With introducition of the HARSVERT-A frequency converter and its application in Daqing Longhupao water treatment plant , some experiences and recommendations are presented out .

  12. QL-2B型防冻剂在大庆龙虎泡取水泵站工程中的应用

    Application of Anti-freezing Agent in Water Intake Pumping Station in Daqing

  13. 中国的此项提议不包括在印度进行虎制品买卖。

    The Chinese proposal would not include selling tiger parts in India .

  14. 在中国东北虎很稀少的。

    Northeast Tigers are rare in China .

  15. 不过,两部作品也存在着一些差异,例如,在《雪虎》中,实际上隐含作者对超人哲学的某些否定性思考。

    For example , the author 's negative attitude towards philosophy of superman is implied in White Fang .

  16. 怎样,在美国“虎妈”的咆哮声之后,他激起了另一轮关于教育孩子的辩论。

    Anyway , he has succeeded in stirring another round of controversy on parenting following the roars of a " Tiger Mother " in the US .

  17. 可是我明白,人世仍在外面饿虎般地等着;无穷无尽的苦难仍悬在我们的头顶。

    I was yet aware that the world waited outside , as hungry as a tiger , and that trouble stretched above us , longer than the sky .

  18. 军队奋力在塔米尔之虎叛军控制的最后一点领地上将其彻底铲除,彻数百平民在炮击中身亡。

    Hundreds of civilians were reported killed in shelling , as the army struggled to root out Tamil Tiger rebels from the last few square kilometres of land under their control .

  19. 商代,巴人有巴方和虎方两个方国,巴方在陕南,虎方在鄂北,后者是从前者分衍出来的。

    In Shang Dynasty , Ba People had two chiefdoms , Ba chiefdom in western Shanxi province and Tiger chiefdom in northern Hubei province , and the latter derived from the former .

  20. 在29号虎片中可以看到,一个有三片大叶子的小树枝紧帖在大老虎尾巴后面伸展出来,向右后走行,到达老虎的臀部。

    A small stem with three large leaves extends immediately behind the tiger 's tail , running backwards and right to the tiger 's hip , is observable in photo No.29 ( Fig.1 ) .

  21. 为了颂扬陈纳德将军的精神与伟绩以及我们对和平的祈盼祝愿,今天我们在这飞虎队员们曾经战斗并取得无数战役胜利的地方为陈纳德将军的雕像揭幕。

    Today we unveil his statue in the land where the Flying Tigers has fought and won a lot of battles before to pay tribute to him and to show our yearning for peace .

  22. 那是一群苦恼的人,穷苦把他们逐渐围困起来。可是我明白,人世仍在外面饿虎般地等着;无穷无尽的苦难仍悬在我们的头顶。

    It was a sad group enveloped in misery , which was being gradually annihilated . I was yet aware that the world waited outside , as hungry as a tiger , and that trouble stretched above us , longer than the sky .

  23. 许多人对在陕西发现华南虎是濒危动物而感到惊奇。

    Many people that tigers of south China are in Shanxi .

  24. 在美国访问飞虎队

    Visiting Flying Tiger in the United States

  25. 在周公布的虎照中,所有相对聚焦较好的照片,眼睛的大小、瞳孔的位置和大小都是不同的。

    In the set of tiger photographs published by Zhou , the size of the eye , the position and size of the pupils in all comparatively well-focused photos are different .

  26. 鹿眠宁对6种猫科动物的麻醉剂量在非洲狮与虎、豹间存在着极显著差异(P<0.01),虎、豹间差异不显著(P>0.05)。

    The dosages used were not different between tigers and panthers ( P > 0 . 05 ), but there were the significantly different between tigers and cats ( P < 0.01 ) .

  27. 黑鹿是世界上分布最广泛的鹿类之一,遍布于东南亚的森林里。在这座以虎闻名的公园中,它常成为老虎的猎物。

    One of the most widely distributed deer species in the world , sambars live in forests throughout Southeast Asia and are favorite prey of tigers , for which this park is known .

  28. 过去三年,总会一直在俄罗斯远东地区从事防止山火工作,主要目的在保护西伯利亚虎的栖息地。

    WWF has been working to prevent fires in the Russian Far East for three years , with the protection of the Siberian tiger habitat as one of its main objectives .

  29. 他在阿斯顿马丁工作了16年,曾参与研发DB9车型;之前他在路虎(LandRover)工作了10年。

    He spent 16 years at Aston Martin and worked on the DB9 , having been at Land Rover for a decade .