
ɡuī niè
  • standard;criterion
圭臬 [guī niè]
  • [criterion;standard] 指圭表,比喻标准,准则和法度;可以据此作出决定或判断的根据

  • 圭臬星经奥,虫篆丹春广。--杜甫《八哀诗》

  • 适应之说,迄今日学人犹奉为圭臬。--鲁迅《人之历史》

  1. 在临床医学中,保密一直是医师们尊奉的圭臬和操守。

    In clinical practice , confidentiality is always the ethical criterion and conduct for clinicians .

  2. 他们仍然强调所谓的“基坑成功(PitofSuccess)”,并将其作为设计圭臬,特别是在谈及开发者的生产力时,尤其如此。

    They are still emphasizing the " Pit of Success " as a design philosophy , especially when talking about developer productivity .

  3. 道路安全专家盛赞K53考照制度,奉为防卫性驾驶的圭臬。

    Road safety experts hail the K53 as a textbook lesson in defensive driving .

  4. 不论她告诉我什么,我都奉若圭臬,认为她的话绝对可靠。

    Whatever she told me I believed was canon and infallible .

  5. 第二,坚持科学精神和科学方法为圭臬。

    Secondly , this journal insisted on the scientific spirit and method .

  6. 自主创新:知识经济和全球化时代的竞争圭臬

    Creativity : Competition Principle in the Times of Knowledge Economy and Globalization

  7. 圣经有非常多不同版本的教义文本,不同的信仰人群会选择奉不同的版本为圭臬。

    There are many different scriptural texts that different groups of people recognize as authoritative .

  8. 孔子语言哲学凸显语言的规范功能,本质上是以道德行为实用主义为取向,以语用学为圭臬的。

    Confucius'philosophy of language emphasizes prescribing function , which is pragmatism of moral action and pragmatics in essence .

  9. 贾平凹小说中神话原型系统的建构不以西方神话原型理论为圭臬而是以民族文化作为根柢。在外部形态上呈现的是抒情性特征而非叙述性特征;

    The construction of JIA Ping_ao 's novels mythological stereotype is based on Chinese culture rather than western ones .

  10. 以“道”为圭臬,老子将人生境界区分为俗人境界、圣人境界、赤子境界三个层次。

    Based on " Tao ", Laozi put life realms into three gradations-common realm , wise realm and newborn baby realm .

  11. 结合历史与现实的“和平崛起”理论将成为新世纪中国外交工作的圭臬。

    The theory of peaceful rise will have been being a new guideline of China 's diplomacy in the 21st century .

  12. 正者,合乎圭臬和法度,道理与准则,并矢志朝自身目标不偏不倚行进;

    Zheng refers to conducting in line with criteria , laws as well as logics and striving to gain objectives with determination ;

  13. 自提出之日起,八十年来几乎被中国文学研究者引为圭臬。

    Since the introduction of the day , it is almost cited by literature researchers for the truth in 80 years of Chinese .

  14. 高扬创新,特别是增强自主创新能力,是国家发展和民族领先的基本路径,是知识经济的基本特征和全球化时代的竞争圭臬。

    Creativity is the key to national development as well as the principle of competition in the times of knowledge economy and globalization .

  15. 日后罪刑法定原则在世界范围得到了承认,成为后世各国刑法典,主要是大陆法系国家刑法典遵奉的圭臬。

    Principle of legality has been worldwide recognized as the Penal Code in many countries in the future , mainly in Continental Law countries .

  16. 很多女性也担忧工业会对孩子造成不良影响,以是不但愿乱费钱,以免给孩子树立坏圭臬。

    Many women also worried about wealth having bad effects on their children and didn 't want to spend lavishly to set a bad example .

  17. 但过分注重感情有时不免失之主观,因此,他又强调文学批评的科学理性,以此作为理解作品的工具、褒贬作品的圭臬。

    But emotions can sometimes lead to excessive subjective , he stressed the scientific ration of literature criticism he use it as a tool to understand the works .

  18. 尤其是20世纪40、50年代风靡一时的新批评派,更是把玄学派诗歌奉为英语诗歌的圭臬。

    In the 1940s and 1950s , " New Criticism " became very influential in America , which increased the popularity of metaphysical poetry in the English literary world .

  19. 在这二十年岁月里,金佛寺所散发出的持久的稳定及不断的成长是我观摩学习的圭臬。

    It has been two decades since I first became resident at Gold Buddha and I have watched and learned from both the enduring stability and ever-changing growth that has transpired .

  20. “典型宜多,综合宜少”这条指导典型报道的工作方针,曾经被奉为我国新闻工作的圭臬。

    The work policy that guides the typical model report " typical models shoud be more , comprehension shoud be less " is regarded as the model of our country 's journalism .

  21. 一种文明如果把掠夺和征服自然(以便使人的无穷欲望得到满足)视为自己的价值圭臬,那么,环境污染与生态危机的出现就是必不可免的。

    Both pollution and ecological crisis would be inevitable if the plundering and conquering of nature , which serve the satisfaction of desire , were held as the terminal value of a civilization .

  22. 其理论的核心部分被后人广泛接受,成为传统计量发展的圭臬,而该理论本身也成了中国古代传统计量理论形成的标志。

    The central part of his theory was accepted by later people and became the guiding thought for traditional Chinese metrology . The theory itself symbolized the formation of the theory of traditional Chinese metrology .

  23. 中国上古社会政治文化经由夏商周三代以神权与王权合一为特征的神权政治到周秦时期以仁政礼制、王霸杂陈为治国圭臬的伦理政治,呈现出由多元走向一元的总体趋势。

    The social and political turning in ancient China from religious politics in the dynasties of Xia , Shang , and Zhou , to ethnic politics in Zhou and Qin dynasties shows the turning trend from poly-politics to mono-politics .

  24. 为深化我国高校体育教学的改革工作,本文针对不同的文化结构层面试予理性探索,进而建立体育教学系统的圭臬框架。

    In order to deepen the teaching reform in physical education of the institutions of higher education , this paper attempts to make a study of these different levels , thus to establish the model framework in the teaching system of physical education .

  25. 与以道德价值和普遍正义为圭臬的正统自然法理念相异,近世多元化和相对主义促成了以商谈为基础、政治道德意义上的正义理念,产生了政治对道德伦理中立的诉求。

    As a result of the theoretical pluralism and moral relativism , the doctrine of justice based on deliberation and moral neutrality has become a pure political doctrine diverging from the traditional natural law which argues for the universal justice as a morally good .