
  1. 我们觉得受到威胁或遭受挫折时本能地会感到气愤。

    Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated .

  2. 新的妥协毫无疑问地会达成。

    There is no question that a new compromise will be reached .

  3. 开发性伤口的表面,不可避免地会成为感染的场所,这就进一步刺激血管形成。

    The surface of the open wound is inevitably the seat of infection , which stimulates further vascularity .

  4. 一个诗人在这种兴高采烈的同伴中自然而然地会快乐。

    A poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company .

  5. 当听说一对情侣身处两地,彼此间隔11个时区,很久才能相聚时,我们很自然地会为他们的相思之苦表示同情。

    When we hear that a couple live 11 time zones apart and can afford to come together only once in a long while , it ’ s natural to offer sympathy for the pain .

  6. 这些发现与M和H的类似,即鸟类像人类一样,无疑地会并且倾向于被音乐吸引。

    These findings resemble those of McDermott and Hauser and suggest that birds , like humans , clearly engage , and are inclined to engage , with music .

  7. 我们不设防的广阔而未受监管的边界不可避免地会有许多漏洞。·管理和执行WTO的多边与诸边贸易协定;

    Our unfenced and largely unpoliced border inevitably has been very porous .. Administering and implementing the multilateral and plurilateral trade agreements which together make up the WTO ;

  8. 针对预警卫星测量方程的非线性,利用传统方法(如EKF)不可避免地会带来线性化误差。

    The traditional method ( EKF ) would bring about the linearization error of the measurement equation .

  9. 对于JMS导出,送达绑定目的地会触发对连接导出的SCA组件的调用。

    For JMS exports , an arrival on the bound destination will trigger an invocation of the SCA component to which the export is wired .

  10. 金星和“黑暗孪星”也被困在这个“杯子”里,而排斥力在它们与地球之间造成了一段距离,所以不时地会推动地球朝行星X靠近。

    Venus and the Dark Twin are caught in the cup too , and the Repulsion Force is forcing a distance between them and the Earth , thus pushing the Earth toward Planet X at times .

  11. 在高速数字电路设计中不可避免地会遇到各种信号完整性问题。因而在PCB设计初期就进行电路板级仿真已经成为必然。

    The signal integrity problem is unavoidable In the design of high speed digital circuit , so we must do the digital circuit simulations in the first-phase of PCB design .

  12. 相控电抗型无功功率补偿装置(SVS)已为高压、超高压输变电广为采用。SVS工作原理决定了它在运行中不可免地会产生特征和非特征谐波。

    According to the principle of SVS , the characteristic and Non-characteristic harmonics will be generated in operation .

  13. PCI术后不可避免地会引起血管内皮损伤及内皮功能障碍,进而导致血管内皮损伤局部新生内皮过渡增殖引起再狭窄的发生。

    PCI will inevitably lead to vascular endothelial injury and cause endothelial dysfunction , Which will lead to transitional proliferation of new endothelial in the local of vascular endothelial injury , and then cause the restenosis .

  14. 如果有多台机器,那么很自然地会想要在所有多余机器上设置一个memcached的实例来提供一个超大的联网RAM缓存存储。

    If you have multiple machines , the temptation is to set up a memcached instance on all of your spare machines to provide a massive amount of networked RAM cache storage .

  15. 在常规靶场CW测速雷达中,由于收-发天线是共用的,故不可避免地会在接收信号中混入发射机的泄漏信号,从而影响接收机的正常工作。

    In CW radars for speed measurements at a general range , since the antenna is common in its receiver and transmitter , therefore the transmitter 's leakage signal exists in the received signal certainly , it ef-fects normal operation of the receiver .

  16. 这件大工作真地会很难做。

    This big job is really going to be a bitch !

  17. 但是随着改革的发展,地会遇到障碍。

    Nevertheless , as it proceeds we shall inevitably encounter obstacles .

  18. 我在这上面无意识地会感到一种温暖的慰藉。

    From that I unknowingly derive some sort of warm solace .

  19. 在现代社会中,校园文化与企业文化不可避免地会发生碰撞。

    In modern society , campus culture and enterprise culture conflicts inevitably .

  20. 所有评语都是匿名的,而且不可避免地会有好有坏。

    All are anonymous and inevitably some are good , some bad .

  21. 快速上升的银行放贷,不可避免地会带来更多不良贷款。

    Rapidly rising bank lending inevitably creates more dud loans .

  22. 在电子系统中不可避免地会受到噪声的干扰。

    In electronic system , noise interference is inevitable .

  23. 一旦做出结婚的决定,你的生活就无可避免地会介入另一半的生活。

    Marriage is a decision to inextricably join your life with someone else 's.

  24. 被动定位跟踪不可避免地会遇到非线性问题。

    The nonlinear problem is inevitable in bearing - only target tracking problem .

  25. 火灾后建筑物的受力性能不可避免地会受到影响。

    The bearing capacity of concrete structure will be inevitably affected after fire .

  26. 马克:她肯定时不常地会想家,会极度渴望相交朋友。

    Mark : She 'll feel homesick and desperate at times , to be sure .

  27. 这一计划在实施过程中不可避免地会面临一些困难和障碍。

    This plan inevitably can face some difficulties and the barrier in the implementation process .

  28. 但政客自然而然地会偏向于一种更为平均主义的哲学,因为每张选票都同等重要。

    But politicians naturally favour a more egalitarian philosophy , since every vote counts equally .

  29. 但三者之间不可避免地会发生矛盾和冲突,此时,应坚持价值衡平原则。

    At this time , The principle of equalitiable interest value should be sticked to .

  30. 语言学习者在学一门外语时不可避免地会犯各种各样的错误。

    Language learners are bound to commit various mistakes and errors during their learning process .