
  • 网络Status level;status hierarchies
  1. 地位等级一旦发生改变,与之相应的基因表达随即改变。

    When that happened , changes in gene expression appropriate to the new status quickly followed .

  2. 博士东和吉拉德能够发现了这一点,是因为,参与实验的几个猴子确实改变了她们在群体中的地位等级。

    Dr Tung and Dr Gilad discovered this because a few of their monkeys did change status within their groups .

  3. 首先,任何类型的文化标志可以帮助我们了解一个国家更多的历史事件和帮助我们更好的感知到的我们处在社会中的地位等级。

    To begin with , any cultural sign can help us to learn more our country 's history and to perceive our status in our society .

  4. 研究发现,学术会议一方面受行政权力的干预,另一方面在促进学术场域的社会团结的同时,其内部也形成了特定的地位等级结构。

    It is found that academic conferences are intervened by the administrative power in one side , and given hierarchic rank is formed inside while promoting the social unity of the academic field in the another side .

  5. 根据猴子们加入研究群体的时间顺序,研究人员给她们的地位等级编号(新来的都是要听前辈的,这是潜规则)。

    The researchers were able to control where in a group an individual ranked by the order in which it was introduced into its group ( newly introduced monkeys almost always adopt a role subordinate to existing group members ) .

  6. 博士东和吉拉德,用49个中等地位等级的女性猴子做实验(用女性猴子的原因是,前期大量动物地位等级的准备工作都是在女性猴子身上做的),并把他们分为四到五组。

    Dr Tung and Dr Gilad took 49 middle-ranking female macaques ( females were chosen because a lot of previous work on animal hierarchies has been done on female macaques ) and split them into groups of four or five .

  7. 这一结果很牢靠,倒过来看也成立。只提供血液样本而没有其他相关信息,就可以预测个体在群体里的地位等级,且精确度达到80%。

    The relationship was robust enough to work the other way round , too . Given a blood sample and no other information , it was possible to predict an individual 's status within her group with an accuracy of 80 % .

  8. 等级于是得以建立。研究团队采集猴子血液做细胞研究,试图搞清楚恒河猴的地位等级对其生物化学的影响,特别是地位等级是如何对各种基因活动起作用的。

    The hierarchies thus established , the team conducted tests on cells in the monkeys ' blood , in an attempt to determine the effect of a macaque 's rank on her biochemistry and , in particular , on how rank influences the activity of various genes .

  9. 但很多文化则重于集体道德,强调义务,地位,等级制度,互相依赖。

    But many cultures focus on an ethics of community , bringing together duty , status , hierarchy , and interdependence .

  10. 而所谓的阶级差异和社会地位的等级划分都是人为的,不自然的,是社会意识的产物。

    The so-called class differences and social distinctions are all man-made and artificial , not natural , and they are the products of social consciousness .

  11. 这些方面也会在国家和地方级决定社会如何组织各项事务,从而产生各种形式的社会地位和等级制度。

    These in turn shape the way society , at national and local level , organizes its affairs , giving rise to forms of social position and hierarchy .

  12. 至于人物造型有妇女、文官、武将、胡俑、天王,根据人物的社会地位和等级,刻画出不同的性格和特徵;

    As for the character shapes of women , government officials , military commanders , Hu figurines , king , according to people 's social status and class , depicts a different character and features ;

  13. 权势概念下的各种支配性因素,包括年龄、辈分、社会地位、等级、职业的作用也有很大差别,其中社会地位、年龄和辈分的作用最为显著。

    Variables underlying power such as age , generation , social status , rank , and occupation exert different degrees of influence on the choice of address forms , among which social status , age , and generation are the major affecting factors .

  14. 研究发现,社会地位的等级几乎与文化资本的层次成正向对接,高学历与好职位挂钩,贫困生获得文化资本,意味着得到进入高社会地位场域的入场券。

    It was found that the level of social status and cultural capital almost formed a positive connection , highly educated is linked with good job , needy students got cultural capital , mean getting the ticket accesses to field of high social status .

  15. 首先,中国社会分层结构的总体特征是一个差异性极大的社会,表现为城市和农村的巨大差异、社会结构是金字塔形状、身份地位的等级制度。

    First , it analyzes the general characteristics of social stratification in the whole history of China . China has always been a quite discrepant society in its history and today , with huge gaps between rural and urban areas , pyramid social structure and also with hierarchy status system .

  16. 等级、地位、品质等级更高的人。

    One of greater rank or station or quality .

  17. 他被授予的品位高于骑士。等级、地位、品质等级更高的人。

    He was placed before the knights one of greater rank or station or quality .

  18. junior:资历较浅者,地位(或等级)较低者;晚辈听着,这是为低年级搞的狂欢周末。

    Chuck : Look , this is the lost weekend , for juniors , Not senior citizens .

  19. 皇室子孙显赫的身份从出生开始就已突显,吃、穿、用、行无不彰显其尊贵的地位;不同等级的儿童为其不同的目的,接受相应的教育。

    Royal children from birth eminent status began highlight , eat , wear , use , and do the shows the status of the honorable ; Different grades of children for their different purposes , accept the corresponding education .

  20. 他们在官方世界之外建构了第二个世界与第二种生活,一个没有地位差别或森严等级的世界。

    They have built and construct the second world and the second kind of life outside official world in which the people are in equal .

  21. 划分,区分,分等级根据能力或地位对人进行分类等级、地位、品质等级更高的人。

    Categorization of a group of people according to ability or status . one of greater rank or station or quality .