
  • 网络Regional brands;Local branding
  1. 长三角地区品牌之乡的发展及其表现

    Development and Performance of Brand Township of the Yangtze River Delta

  2. 浅议大型体育赛事对于地区品牌打造的意义

    The Significance of Large-scale Sports Competitions for the Creation of Regional Brand

  3. 关于地区品牌环境和品牌群建设的研究

    Study on Local Brands Environment and Brands Group Construction

  4. 离开了国际化品牌战略,地区品牌难以独立生存。

    Diverging from internationalized brand strategy , the regional brand is difficult to survive independently .

  5. 由于奥运会具有确实的全球性,它为想要掌控世界的地区品牌提供了一块合适的跳板。

    Because the games are truly global , they offer a plausible springboard for regional brands that want to conquer the world .

  6. 最后在前文的基础上概括福建地区品牌建设的局限性,并提出建议,希望通过对福建品牌经济的探索,寻找线索,摸清规律,为福建地区品牌经济持续更快发展提供理论支持。

    At the end of paper , the passage attempted to find out the rules of economic development on the base of summing up the limitations of brand plan in Fujian area , and provided theories to develop brand economics in Fujian province .

  7. 本文采用文献查阅法和数据分析法,结合经济地理学和品牌学相关内容,概括福建地区品牌经济的类型和特点,研究各种环境因素对品牌经济形成和发展的影响。

    This passage summarized the types and characteristics of brand economics in Fujian Province by combining the economic geography and brand related content uses with the method of reviewing literatures and analyzing dates to study the effects that were caused by environmental factors on brand economics .

  8. 总体来看,中部地区品牌旅游资源丰富,吸引力较好,但是开发条件相对落后,开发效益也不够理想,应该加大基础设施和旅游设施投资力度,改善交通条件,完善旅游接待服务状况。

    Overall , the brand tourism resources of middle China is rich and its attraction is better , but the development conditions are relatively backward and development effectiveness is not satisfactory ; Government should expand infrastructure and tourism facilities investment , improve traffic conditions and the situation of tourism services .

  9. 然而,与亚洲的经济规模相比,该地区大型品牌的数量依然很少。野村证券(Nomura)的数据显示,亚洲占据全球GDP的20%。

    Yet the number of large brands remains small compared with the size of the region 's economy , which accounts for 20 per cent of global gross domestic product , according to Nomura .

  10. LEXEL作为深圳知名品牌,所有产品均满足世界立法保护环境国家地区知名品牌客户严格要求。

    LEXEL Shenzhen as a well-known brands , all products meet the national environmental legislation to protect the world famous brands , set strict requirements .

  11. 地区重点品牌是在特定的地理区域受欢迎的品牌。

    Local priority brands were those popular in specific geographic areas .

  12. 土特产作为我国所特有的民族特色,是一个地区的品牌。

    Native as unique national characteristics of China is a regional brand .

  13. 珠江源头地区旅游品牌塑造中的文化因素

    The culture factors in creating tourist brands in the headwaters of Zhujiang River

  14. 关于民族地区发展品牌经济的思考

    The thinking about develop trademark economy of national area

  15. 志邦厨柜正在由地区强势品牌向全国性品牌稳步发展。

    Zhibang is now developing from the regional strong brand into the national brand .

  16. 本文的课题是上海地区超市品牌服装的企划设计与研究。

    The subject is the research of design plan of the brand garments in the supermarket in shanghai .

  17. 从一个全新概念的提出,到如今宜春在产学研各方面进行了产业链的精心布局,宜春锂电作为一个地区产业品牌的崛起,为世人瞩目。

    From the proposal of a brand new concept , Yichun has careful layout in all aspects of industrial chain for both production and research now .

  18. 联想希望借此提高在中国和全球其它地区的品牌声誉和市场份额。

    Through doing so , Lenovo expects to increase its brand reputation and market share in China as much as in the rest of the world .

  19. 初始战略:为了帮助管理人员保持业务重心和分配资源,帝亚吉欧把旗下品牌划分为三类:全球重点品牌、地区重点品牌和分类品牌。

    The initial strategy : to help managers maintain focus and allocate resources , Diageo developed three brand classifications : global priority , local priority and category .

  20. 民族地区发展品牌经济要运用市场力量,规范企业的生产和经营行为,打造自己的品牌;

    In order to develop trademark economy we should use market power , standardize the manner of enterprise 's production and management , product its own trademark ;

  21. 但究竟是什么因素影响了这些地区区域品牌的形成?产业集群在区域品牌的生成过程中发挥着什么样的作用?到目前为止还没有一个明确的答案。

    But what factors affect the formation of the regional brand ? What kind of role Industrial clusters played in the formation process of regional brand ? So far , there is not a definite answer .

  22. 华厦伟业(中国)控股集团有限公司作为“梦幻魔术城”大中华地区的品牌、商标的拥有者及“梦幻魔术城”巡游活动和落地主题公园在大中华地区的承办单位。

    Sino Grand ( China ) holding group CO. , Ltd is the owner of the magic planet 's brand and trademark in greater China region , and also is the operator of magic planet parade and landing in China .

  23. 具有自然条件优势和产业优势的某些地区发展品牌化经营已取得良好的效果,而某些国内区域品牌发展势头良好,但是相比国际区域品牌,其品牌资产相去甚远。

    Some places of natural advantages and industrial advantages make use of branding places have already got superior effects . Many place brands are well developing , however , compare with international place brands , having much less brand equity .

  24. 同时,本文还对影像传播在广西旅游品牌推广中可能出现的负面问题进行了探究,并提出了相应解决方案,以期为广西及全国其它地区旅游品牌的推广提供一定的借鉴和参考。

    Also image communication can effectively promote tourism brands . In addition , this paper explores the possible negative questions in image communication , and then presents a solution in order to give some suggestions to Guangxi and other provinces to promote tourism brands .

  25. 同时随着经济的深入发展,我国各地区的品牌也在不断兴起,如何使企业有效利用资源、少走弯路,尽快形成区域品牌也是地区利用区域品牌促进经济发展的重要途径。

    With the in-depth development of the economy at the same time , our brand also continue to rise , how to make effective use of resources to form a regional brand is also a regional brand in an important way to promote economic development .

  26. 针对桐乡地区自主品牌和国内外进驻品牌,从羊毛衫产品的审美性、实用性和象征意义三个方面实现差异化,从根本上解决羊毛衫设计同质化的问题,使品牌脱颖而出。

    Tongxiang area for their own brand and positioning the brand at home and abroad , from the sweater product aesthetic , practical and symbolic significance to achieve differentiation . A fundamental solution of the problem of homogenization sweater designed to make the brand stand out .

  27. 基于对东北地区区域品牌带动经济发展的现状的研究,通过分析区域品牌策略与区域经济发展的关系,指出东北地区实施区域品牌战略的意义和作用。

    Based on the regional brand in Northeast China to promote economic development present situation research , through the analysis of regional brand strategy and the relationship that region economy grows , point out Northeast China saves the implementation of regional brand strategy significance and the role of .

  28. 根据对承德地区14个品牌的175组新标准水泥的试验结果,研究了1.5h压蒸养护促硬快速检测水泥强度与28d标准强度之间的关系。

    According to the test results of 175 groups for 14 cement brands in Chengde region , the relation between the rapid detection of cement strength cured by steam for 1.5 hours and standard strength for 28 days is studied .

  29. 找出适合东北地区的区域品牌发展对策和建议。

    To identify suitable for Northeast China region brand development strategy .

  30. 浅谈金融危机下少数民族地区的旅游品牌传播对策

    Tourism brand communication strategy after the financial crisis in Ethnic Minority Areas