
  • 网络platform area
  1. 在传统的地台区发现这种逆断层不仅具有实际勘探意义,而且有一定理论和学术价值。

    The discovery of this overthrust fault in the platform area has both practical and academic significance .

  2. 结果表明,既使在较稳定的地台区,地壳内部的结构也可能是相当复杂的。

    The results also indicate that even in a more stable platform area , the structure of the crust interior can also be quite complicated .

  3. 华北地台区金成矿地质构造作用的研究

    STUDY ON GEOLOGICAL TECTONISM of gold mineralization in North China Platform

  4. 扬子准地台区是本省地热异常的主要分布区。

    Yangtze paraplatform is a major distribution region for geothermal anomaly .

  5. 早石炭世上扬子地台区及其周缘古气候研究

    Palaeoclimates on the upper Yangtze platform during the Early Carboniferous

  6. 该矿床位于华北地台区北缘内侧。

    The deposit is located in the North margin of North-China Platform .

  7. 西南部隶属四川地台区的北缘。

    The southwestern portion belongs to the north margin of the Sichuan Platform .

  8. 中国地台区张裂盆地沉积

    Sedimentation of extensional basins in platform regions of China

  9. 河南省华北地台区成盐条件及找盐远景

    Salt forming conditions and salt exploring prospects in North China platform region of Henan Province

  10. 跨越地台区的地震迁移

    Earthquake Migration Across Platform Region

  11. 上扬子地台区晚古生代海相碳酸盐岩的碳、锶同位素研究

    A study on carbon and strontium isotopes of Late Paleozoic carbonate rocks in the upper Yangtze Platform

  12. 所有的组合带在中国西南地台区都有存在,但两个亚带在澄江是区域性的。

    All of the assemblage zones are recognizable throughout the Southwest China Platform , but the subzones are of local utility .

  13. 东秦岭华北地台区岩浆活动的时代及地壳增长和再改造

    The Ages of Igneous Rocks from Eastern Qinling of North China Platform and the Crustal Growth and Reworking of the Terrane

  14. 在成因上同时与太古宙绿岩建造和显生宙花岗岩类有关的一系列金矿床构成了地台区特有的金矿床系列。

    A series of gold deposits related to both Archaen green stone formation & Phanerozoic granites constitute the characteristic gold deposit series in platforms .

  15. 四川攀西地区地处我国东部地台区和西部地槽区的接合部位,是著名的攀西裂谷所在地;

    The Panxi Area in Sichuan province is situated at the joined place between east platform area and west geosyncline area of China , and in where there is the famous Panxi rift .

  16. 以上事实说明华北地台区富碱侵入岩的物质来源与富集地幔关系密切,而地槽区的则与亏损地幔关系密切。

    All those facts above show that source material of the alkaline-rich intrusions in North China platform has close relationship with the enriched mantle and that of the geosynclinal area has close relationship with the depleted-mantle .

  17. 一方面,它虽由历史大地构造单元如地槽区、地台区和地洼区组成,但强调了在空间上迁移的动态而与之有别;

    On the one hand , though consisting of historic tectonic elements such as geosynclinal , platform and geodepression ( diwa ) regions , it puts emphasis on their changing state in spatial migration , thus differing from them .

  18. 外生成矿元素的地球化学富集与地台区构造的关系是:在地台构造发展历史上呈现出垂直分带性;在地台区内部构造位置的空间上,呈现出水平分带性。

    The relation between the geochemical abundance of exogenetic ore-forming elements and the tectonics of the platform region shows a vertical zoning in the tectonic development of the platform region and a horizontal one in the position of its internal tectonic units .

  19. 由地槽区、地台区、地洼区的地球化学特征及其发展和演变过程,可见地球物质的地球化学分异是引起地壳大地构造运动和发展的基本原因之一。

    It is thus obvious that the geochemical differentiation of the earth 's material is one of the basic causes of tectonic movement and crustal development , as evidenced by the geochemical features and their development and evolution process in geosynclinal , platform and diwa regions .

  20. 中国后地台活动区动力特征及浅源强震发震模式

    The dynamic characteristics of the back platform active regions in China and the associated earthquake-generating models of shallow strong earthquakes

  21. 这类矿床多分布在地台稳定区的边缘,常沿深断裂或裂谷带延展方向呈群分布。

    They are commonly distributed along the margins of such stable areas as the platform and are characterized by oriented distribution along extensions of deep faults or rifts .

  22. 华北地台重要成矿区带成矿区划及其特征

    Mineral Resource Assessment and Characteristics of the Important Metallogenic Regions and Belts in North China Platform

  23. 我国扬子地台及邻区晚震旦世&早寒武世遗迹化石的发现及地层意义

    The discovery and the strata significance of late SINIAN-EARLY Cambrian trace fossils from the Yangtze platform and its adjacent regions

  24. 上扬子地台及其邻区早、中三叠世间绿豆岩沉积前后古地理

    Paleogeography of before and after deposition of green-bean rock ( altered tuff ) between the early and Middle Triassic in the upper Yangtze platform and its adjacent areas

  25. 山东牟乳金矿带位于华北地台东缘活化区。

    The Mouping - Rushan gold ore belt lies in the activated region on the eastern margin of the North China Craton .