
  • 网络geologic history
  1. 从哲学的基本原理出发,引用地史及水文气象资料探讨了全球气候变化问题,指出全球气候一直在变化;

    Based on basic principle of philosophy , the problem of global climate change is discussed by citing data of geologic history and hydrometeorology .

  2. 由于构造格局变化频繁,勘探中要十分注意研究地史发展中的动态平衡和平衡后的新动态。

    Because of the frequently varied tectonic framework , we should pay much attention to the study of regimes of dynamical equilibrium and post-equilibrium in geologic history .

  3. 这一地史时期的温度变化大体呈现W型的变化趋势。

    Temperature variations in this geological period showed W type trend .

  4. 得到了H凹陷的地史、热史、生烃史、排烃运移史资料。生烃史和排烃运移史的研究主要对沙河子组地层进行。

    Much of the information about geohistory , thermal history , hydrocarbon generation , migration and accumulation history in respect of the H depression is derived .

  5. 论述了Au的矿源体(场)、特定的岩性和地质结构、挽近地史时期的气候和喀斯特地质结构和水动力系统在成矿中的内在联系及其对矿床分布的控制作用。

    Discussion on the inherent relation in the ore-forming process of Au involving the original ore body , specific lithologic characters and geological structure , climate in neoid period and karst geological structure and hydrodynamic system and control process with deposit distribution has been carried out .

  6. 桂中北泥盆纪沉积盆地依据上述新模型划分出7个Vail级旋回层序,其中包括2个Ⅱ类层序,这些层序叠置的地史延续时间在1Ma至几十个Ma之间。

    According to the model and method mentioned above , the Devonian strata in northern and central Guangxi can be divided into seven Vail-scale sequences , of which two are type ⅲ sequences , with a time duration of about one to tens of Ma .

  7. 受区域性构造运动的影响,盐体在地史时期曾经历了三次较为明显的塑性流动:第一次发生在早二叠世末期,表现为盐体向南流动了2~2-8km;

    Under the influence of regional tectogenesis , the salt body underwent three times of plastic fluxion in geological history . The first time was in the late stage of Early Permian , the salt flowed 2 ~ 2.8 km southwards ;

  8. 为了给库车坳陷的油气勘探提供定量依据,使用盆地模拟软件BASIMS对该坳陷的地史、热史、成岩史、生烃史、排烃史及运聚史进行了全定量模拟。

    The histories of stratigraphic burial , geotherm , diagenesis , hydrocarbon generation , expulsion and migration-accumulation are simulated quantitatively by means of the basin modeling software of BASIMS in order to provide the quantitative data for oil and gas exploration in Kuqa depression .

  9. 重大地史事件、节律及圈层耦合

    Significant geological events , rhythms and interaction of different earth spheres

  10. 地史时期土壤侵蚀速率方法主要介绍了阶地剖面方法和宇宙核素法。

    The latter include terrace profile method and cosmogenic nuclides method .

  11. 考虑断层发育史并适用于欠压实的地史模型

    A geohistory model considering fault development history and applicable to undercompaction

  12. 鄂尔多斯盆地下古生界地层地史模拟与油气聚集

    Geohistory modeling and hydrocarbons accumulation of Lower Paleozoic strata in Ordos Basin

  13. 闽浙赣革命根据地史研究中若干问题的探讨

    An Approach to some Issues on History of Fujian-Zhejiang-Jiangxi Revolutionary Base Areas

  14. 地史早期古板块构造研究进展

    Research progress of palaeo-plate tectonics in the early geological history

  15. 地史中构造应力场更替与中国地壳演化

    The replacement of stress fields and the evolution table of China crust

  16. 中国监狱发源地史考

    The Historical Research of Birthplace of the Prisons in China

  17. 为揭示油气形成机理、地质储量及其分布,必须查明油气藏地质特征在地史过程中的演变情况,孔隙度是这一地质过程中的重要参数,也是地史研究的主要内容。

    Porosity is the major parameter in the changing course of geological characters .

  18. 生物多样性分布格局的地史成因假说

    Historical hypothesis in explaining spatial patterns of species richness

  19. 概述了地史早期宏体植物化石的记录。

    The fossil record of macroscopic plants in early geological history is outlined .

  20. 地史时期泥裂构造的成因初探

    Origin of mud crack in the geologic past

  21. 震旦-寒武交变期是地史上一个重大转折期,亦是一个具有特殊意义的过渡时期。

    The Precambrian-Cambrian transition is one of the critical time intervals in Earth history .

  22. 关于大熊猫种的划分、地史分布及其演化历史的探讨

    On the taxonomic status of species , geological distribution and evolutionary history of Ailuropoda

  23. 地史过程中煤岩显微组分含量的恢复及其意义

    Recovery of the Content of Coal Macerals at Any Geohistory Time and Its Significance

  24. 华北平原地下水演化地史特征与时空差异性研究

    Geohistory Characteristics and Temporal-Spatial Diversity of Groundwater Evolution in North China Plain in Holocene

  25. 异珊瑚目的地史分布与化石组合

    Geological distribution and fossil assemblage of Heterocorallia

  26. 张裂大陆边缘盆地地史及热史数值模拟研究

    Research on the Numerical Modeling of Tectonic and Geo-thermal History of Rifted Continental Margin Basin

  27. 河南省舞阳铁矿田太古代古地史及铁矿的形成过程研究

    Research on Archean Geohistory and Developed Process of Iron Deposit at Wuyang in Henan Province

  28. 马尾松毛虫及其寄主松属植物的地史初步考证

    The preliminary study on geohistory of Dendrolimus punctatus and its host plants , Pinus spp

  29. 历述浙江省从地史时期到历史时期森林的变迁情况。

    A statement of the variations of forest from geological periods to historical periods of Zhejiang .

  30. 中国梅花鹿地史分布、种和亚种的划分及演化历史

    On the geological distribution , taxonomic status of species and evolutionary history of sika deer in China