
dì zhǐ zì duàn
  • address field
  1. 注意当ActiveRecord加载了Member时,您并不会看到地址字段。

    Notice that you don 't see an address field in the log when ActiveRecord loaded Member .

  2. 在地址字段中将“fremont,ca”指定为位置。

    The location is specified as " fremont , ca " in the Address field .

  3. 运行lsdev–Cgrep$ADDR,取代地址字段查看子设备。

    Run lsdev – C | grep $ ADDR , substituting the address field to view the child devices .

  4. 例如,基于事件的customerID字段,针对数据库表使用SELECT语句来计算地址字段。

    For example , based on the customerID field of the event , the address field is computed using a SELECT statement against a database table .

  5. OfficeLocation包括名称、两个街道地址字段、市和州。

    An OfficeLocation has a name , two street address fields , a city , and a state .

  6. 请在服务器地址字段中输入地址。

    Please enter an address in the server address field .

  7. 目的地址字段加小撇

    Destination address field prime

  8. 返回成员资格用户的集合,其中用户的电子邮件地址字段包含指定的电子邮件地址。

    Returns a collection of membership users for which the e-mail address field contains the specified e-mail address .

  9. 但如果在“客户”表中输入地址字段,它就只会出现一次。

    However , if you put the address field in the customers table , it will appear only once .

  10. 示例应用程序包含一个带有公司名称、联系人姓名和电子邮件地址字段的表单。

    The application contains one form with fields for the company name , contact name , and email address .

  11. 如果是收集数据以更新现有记录,请转至指定电子邮件地址字段部分。

    If you are collecting data to update existing records , skip to the section specify the e-mail address field .

  12. 现在可以过滤电子邮件地址字段,从而可以选择要将邮件发送到的用户的地址。

    You now filter the e-mail address field so that you can select the addresses of users to whom the message is sent .

  13. 能够将城市和州字段与其他地址字段放在同一个文件中是比较理想的。

    It would be nice to be able to leave the city and state in the same file as the other address fields .

  14. 或者,您可能希望将包含地址字段的列拆分为单独的街道、城市、区域和邮政编码列。

    Or , you may want to split a column that contains an address field into separate street , city , region , and postal code columns .

  15. 扩展此应用程序的一种方式是添加一个关键字或地址字段,而二者均能让您进一步精炼搜索。

    One way to extend this application is to add a keyword or location field , for example , either of which would allow you to further refine searches .

  16. 因为您可能发现自己受制于地址字段的长度,所以您还必须在关系系统中指定列类型。

    You also have to specify column types in a relational system , so you might find yourself constrained by , say , the length of the address field .

  17. 在主机名(或IP地址)字段中输入您实例的IP地址。

    In the Host name ( or IP address ) field , type the IP address of your instance .

  18. 必须填写“地址”字段。

    You must provide a value for the address field .

  19. 每条记录包含有关一位客户的数据,而“地址”字段包含该客户的地址。

    Each record contains data about one customer , and the address field contains the address for that customer .

  20. 例如,在“电子邮件地址”字段中,智能标记可以创建一封新邮件或者将地址添加到联系人列表中。

    For example , in an e-mail address field , a smart tag can create a new mail message or add the address to a list of contacts .

  21. 带有标题、摘要、地址和URL字段,以及'AddArticle'按钮的文章输入表单的屏幕截图

    Screen capture of an article input form with title , summary , address , and URL fields plus'Add Article'button

  22. 下划线JavaBean是一个简单的Contact类,使用id、名称和地址作为成员字段。

    The underlining JavaBean is a simple Contact class with id , name , and address as its member fields .

  23. 组织者的电子邮件地址是必须字段。请在该字段中输入数据。

    The Organizer 's e-mail is a required field . Please enter data into this field .

  24. 比如,一个被用于电子邮件地址的文本字段应该允许包括标准数字和字母在内的所有字符。

    For example , a text field that is being used for e-mail addresses should allow all the characters that are valid in an e-mail address beyond the standard numbers and letters .

  25. 测试地址和测试消息字段是必需的。

    The test address and test message fields are mandatory .

  26. 一旦用户编辑了他们的地址文档,该字段就出现。

    Whenever users edit their address documents , this field will appear .

  27. 该地址列表包含的字段过多。可搜索的最大字段数为%1。

    This address list contains too many fields . The maximum number of fields that can be searched is % 1 .

  28. 若要在字段中输入多个条目,例如,多个地址或电子邮件地址,请单击字段旁的向下箭头。

    To enter multiple entries in a field , such as more than one address or e-mail address , click the down arrow next to the field .

  29. 请指定包含电子邮件地址(如工作电子邮件地址)的字段。

    Specify a field that contains ane-mail address , such as Work email address .

  30. 第二个过滤器,“排除所有流量从一个IP地址”,消除交通从地址输入IP地址字段。

    The second filter ," Exclude all traffic from an IP address ", removes traffic from addresses entered into the IP address field .