
  • 网络stratigraphic column
  1. 自动制图功能,可自动绘制井身结构图、地层柱状图等多种标准图。

    The auto drawing functions visualize the structure chart of geothermal wells , stratigraphic column and others automatically .

  2. 基于数据库的综合地层柱状图编制技术研究与实现

    The study and Realization on synthetical stratum histogram drawing based on Database

  3. 钻进时同步显示钻孔地层柱状图技术探讨

    Discussion of technology for displaying the bore strata histogram in - phase with drill

  4. 地层柱状图是地质调查工作的一种重要成果图件,其手工绘制非常繁琐。

    The strata histogram is a kind of important production map in the Geological Survey work , and it is very complex if drawn by hand .

  5. 地层综合柱状图自动绘制的技术研究

    The study of technology for drawing comprehensive stratigraphic column

  6. 地质柱状图按其应用分为钻孔柱状图和地层综合柱状图,它们的绘制方法大致相同。

    According to application , geology columnar section may be classified as synthesis columnar section and drill columnar section , and there are the same way to plot diagram .