
  1. 柴达木盆地涩北一号、二号气田具有天然气甲烷含量高、纯度高、地层水矿化度高的特点。

    Natural gas from No.1 and No.2 gas fields in Caidamu basin is characterized by high content methane , high purity and high formation water salinity .

  2. 与传统联轴器螺栓相比,液压螺栓能有效地防止卡涩和咬死。

    Compared with conventional coupling bolts , the hydraulic radial-fit bolts can effectively prevent unsmooth stagnation .

  3. 通过采取多种综合措施,可以有效地提高种子的质量,较大幅度地降低涩粒率。

    It seems possible to improve the quality of seeds , and to reduce the rate of abortive seeds , by taking some comprehensive measures .