
  • 网络ellipsoid;spheroid;spheroid of earth;Spheroid or Ellipsoid
  1. 基于地球椭球体的缓冲区构建技术研究

    A Research on Creating Buffer on the Earth Ellipsoid

  2. 同一地球椭球体上不同坐标系之间的坐标转换

    Coordinate Transformation Among Different Coordinate Systems on the Certain Earth Spheroid

  3. 基于地球椭球体模型的航迹计算

    Track Calculation Based on Ellipsoidal Model of the Earth

  4. 由于推导过程中卫星轨道采用了标准的椭圆轨道模型和地球的椭球体模型,从而解决了传统的近似计算方法所带来的残余偏差较大的问题。

    Standard elliptical orbit model as well as earth ellipsoid model is assumed in the course of development , thus the bias caused by conventional approximation is eliminated .