
  • 网络advance in earth science
  1. 2006年《地球科学进展》1~12期总目次

    2006 Accumulative Index of ADVANCES IN EARTH SCIENCE

  2. 随着地球科学的进展,大陆岩石圈导电性结构的研究越来越引起人们的重视,而超宽频带大地电磁测深则是目前用于探测岩石圈导电性最有效的地球物理先进技术。

    With the development of geosciences , more and more attention is focused on the study of electrical conductivity of continental lithosphere .

  3. 利用超导重力数据研究若干地球科学问题的进展

    Development of investigations in some geo-scientific problems using superconducting gravimeter data

  4. 浅谈地球空间信息科学进展及发展趋势

    Analyzing the Progress and Developing Trend of Geo-spatial Information Science

  5. 稳定氯同位素在地球科学研究中的进展

    Advances in Geosciences of Chlorine Stable Isotope

  6. 激光剥蚀等离子质谱微区分析在固体地球科学中的应用进展

    Progress of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ( la-icpms ) applied in Earth Science

  7. 笔谈:地球信息科学研究的进展&祝贺陈述彭院士八十华诞

    Comments on Progress in Geoinformation Science

  8. 从中可以看出,现代天文测量技术和多学科交叉的综合研究对天文地球动力学和地球科学进展的深远影响。

    It can be seen from the paper that significant effects of the modern astronomical measurement technique and comprehensive study of interdiscipline on the Astro geodynamics and earth science .

  9. 本文介绍了耗散结构理论、分形理论和混沌理论等非线性科学在地球科学中的研究进展,分析了非线性科学在地球科学中的地位和作用,探讨了将非线性科学引入地球科学的途径和方法。

    The paper introduces the development of study on nonlinear-science such as dissipative structure theory , fractal theory and chaos theory in geo-science , analyzes the status and function , discusses the approach and methods by which the nonlinear-science is introduced into geo-science .