
dì jí shì
  • prefecture-level city
  1. 近日,国家卫健委和生态环境部等部委联合印发的医疗机构废弃物综合治理工作方案提出,到2020年底,全国每个地级市都要至少建一个规范的医疗废物处置设施。

    A recent official plan requires each prefecture-level city to build at least one standardized medical waste disposal facility by the end of this year . The work plan about comprehensive treatment of waste from medical institutions was released by authorities including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment .

  2. 地级市的电影院也开始犹如雨后春笋般在近几年迅速开始崛起,大量电影院开始在这些二三线城市建立,电影院线不断扩大其市场覆盖率促使了电影市场的复苏。

    Prefecture-level city cinema like mushroomed rapidly in recent years have begun to emerge , a large number of cinema began to be established in the second and third tier cities , the cinema line continues to expand its market coverage to promote the recovery of the film market .

  3. 利用GIS的网络通达性分析功能,根据胡佛模型,采用实际交通距离替代直线距离的方法,计算贵州省九个地级市的腹地范围。

    The hinterland of the nine cities in Guizhou province is studied by using GIS and Huff Model .

  4. RPR技术在地级市电力系统中应用设想

    RPR Application in Prefecture-level City 's Power System

  5. 首先将数学中的模糊聚类分析和交通小区划分相结合,用模糊聚类分析法对同一地级市辖区内各县区进行聚类合并,以期减少OD调查中交通小区的总数量,减少工作量。

    The traffic zone division combine with fuzzy clustering analysis method will reduce the number of the traffic zones , greatly reducing the workload .

  6. 针对输电GIS专业应用及系统在全省13个地级市的建设与应用,提出了建设中的误区及需要进一步开展的工作。

    Furthermore , the paper presented the common pitfalls in establishing GIS platform and further actions needed to take aiming at the professional application of GIS and its extended application in the 13 cities of the whole province .

  7. 结果表明,1990~2004年中国216个地级市的TFP整体呈现出增长的趋势,城市经济的地区差异明显且呈扩大趋势。

    It concludes that from 1990 to 2004 the TFP of 216 cities has increased , however , economic growth disparity has been relatively enlarged .

  8. 以地级市为基本空间单元,选取15项工业发展指标,利用SPSS统计分析软件对1991和2003年广东省工业经济发展进行主成份分析和层次聚类分析。

    Using SPSS data analysis toolkits , an analysis is made on the change of spatial disparities for industrial development in Guangdong Province between 1991 and 2003.The spatial units are municipal level cities and the 15 industrial development indices are considered .

  9. 如皋,是一个因其居民长寿而闻名的地级市。

    Rugao is a city which is famous for its residents'longevity .

  10. 浅论地级市统一人力资源市场的必要性

    The Necessity for Unification of the Prefecture-level City Human Resource Market

  11. 河北省十一个地级市经济聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis of Economical Index of Cities in Hebei Province

  12. 河北省11个地级市极端气温的分析和预报

    Analysis and Forecast of Extreme Temperature in 11 Cities of Hebei Province

  13. 地级市公共图书馆的数字化资源建设

    Research on the Construction of Digital Resources in Public Library

  14. 邢台市是河北省南部的地级市,曾是河北省重要的工业生产基地。

    Xingtai city is an important city in Hebei Province .

  15. 地级市政府在城乡统筹发展中的挑战和机遇

    Challenge and Opportunity for Prefecture-level City Governments in the Urban and Rural Development

  16. 但这些学校均分布在地级市。

    But these schools all locate in prefecture-level cities .

  17. 市场经济条件下地级市政府运行机制研究

    The Study on the Municipal Government Operative Mechanism under the Condition of Market-oriented Economy

  18. 地级市公共图书馆发展初探

    Probe into the Development of the Public Libraries of the Cities on Prefecture Level

  19. 大部分流动老年人来自农村、地级市或省会城市。

    Most of them come from rural areas , prefecture-level cities or capital cities .

  20. 本文利用聚类分析方法,将山东省16个地级市人力资本投资划分为三大类型。

    Using cluster analysis , we classify sixteen cities in Shandong province into three types .

  21. 市人大主任(地级市)市政局辖区内街市宣布

    Chairman , the Municipal People 's Congress Declaration of Markets in the Urban Council Area

  22. 黄山市位于安徽东南部,是一个以黄山为中心的地级市。

    Huangshan is a prefecture-level city centered on the Huangshan Mountains in southern Anhui province .

  23. 独家买断权:加盟店可申请买断县级市、地级市独家经营权;

    Exclusive right : Franchiser can apply to buy the County-level or prefectural-level monopoly rights .

  24. 地级市家具业发展战略&以安阳市为例

    The Development Strategy Of Furniture Industry In Small Cities And Towns : Case From An-Yang

  25. 皖南地级市行政区划研究&以宣城市为例

    Study on administrative division of Xuancheng

  26. 小地级市医院的视角探讨医院运营管理模式的导入

    Exploring the perspective of the hospital operation and management mode by small prefecture-level city hospitals to

  27. 惠州市是广东省第一个建设新闻发言人制度的地级市。

    Huizhou is the first prefecture-level city to set up news spokesman system in Guangdong province .

  28. 因子分析法中因子载荷矩阵的应用&内蒙古地级市居民生活质量的综合评价

    The Comprehensive Evaluation of the Quality of Lives of Residents in Prefecture-level Cities of Inner Mongolia

  29. 因此,需要对地级市政府进行新一轮的改革。

    As a result , new reforms are needed to resolve the issues of prefecture administration .

  30. 论文运用2006年全国地级市的数据,对影响地级市预算内教育经费支出水平的因素进行了探索性研究。

    This article explores the influence of the mayors of prefectural cities on their educational spending in2006 .