
  1. adhoc网络是一种无有线基础设施支持的移动网络,主要用在地震或水灾后无法或不便预先铺设网络设施的场合。

    Ad Hoc network is a wireless network with no infrastructure . Mostly , it is used for the situation which can not be pre-installed network facilities for example after an earthquake or flood .

  2. 地震次生水灾的成因及对策

    Earthquake - causal secondary flood and Countermeasures against it

  3. 十四世纪以来我国地震次生水灾的研究

    Study on the secondary flood disasters caused by strong earthquakes since the 14th century in China

  4. 这类风险包括地震、水灾、饥荒、火山及其他自然灾难。

    This classification would include earthquakes , floods , famine , volcanoes and other natural " disasters " .

  5. 位居次数多、为祸烈前三位的灾种为地震、水灾、旱灾。

    The natural disasters in Luoyang in the Eastern Han Dynasty mainly are earthquake , flood and droughts .

  6. 地震、水灾、火灾的应急处理措施是居民最想要了解的突发公共卫生事件相关知识,其次是重大传染病疫情。

    The emergency measures that most residents want to know is earthquakes , floods and fires , followed by the major infectious diseases .

  7. 比如,战场上部队快速展开和推进、地震或水灾后的营救等。

    For example , in the battlefield troop advance and expand fast in battlefield , after an earthquake or flood rescue as so on .

  8. 比如军事领域、应急救援场合(火灾、地震、水灾等)、视频会议等。

    For example , in the military field , the emergency rescue situations ( fire , earthquake , flood , etc ), video conferencing .

  9. 地震、水灾、风灾、火灾等自然灾害的频发使土木工程结构不可避免地产生损伤。

    Frequent occurrences of earthquakes , floods , typhoons , fires and other serious natural disasters will inevitably cause damage to civil engineering structures .

  10. 发生地震或水灾时,世界上一些未受影响的幸运地方可慷慨地帮助受灾人群。这次危机不同。

    This is not the kind of crisis , like an earthquake or a flood , where some fortunate , unaffected parts of the world can generously assist those who are suffering .

  11. 这两个特点使得蜂窝移动通信系统对有些特殊场合来说并不适用,例如,战场上部队快速展开和推进、发生地震或水灾后的营救。

    This makes it unsuitable for several special situations , such as the expanding and propelling of armies in battlefield , the management of rescue work after disasters like earthquake or flood happened .

  12. 近些年来,伴随着地震、水灾、风灾等自然灾害的发生,人们越来越认识到人与自然和谐相处的重要性,也更加关注灾区的灾后重建工作。

    In recent years , with the occurrences of earthquakes , floods , storms and other natural disasters , people increasingly recognize that the harmony between human and nature is significant , and pay more attention to the post-disaster reconstruction .

  13. 一方面,地震、水灾、火灾、泥石流等自然灾害频发;另一方面,突发公共卫生事件、突发社会安全事件及群体性突发事件等问题也不断凸显出来。

    The one hand , ural disasters , such as earthquakes , loods , fires , mudslides and so forth , are happened frequently . On the other hand , problems such as public health emergencies and unexpected social security events and mass emergencies are also prominent .

  14. 对地震、水灾等6种灾害的功率谱、集中度和集中期分析显示,南通市自然灾害具有2.2年的年际变化规律和春季多冰雹、寒害,夏季多旱涝、台风的年内分布规律;

    Applying the power spectral analysis , the laws of 2.2-year-periodicity can be found . With the method of the degree and time of concentration , we found that hails and cold disasters have a high frequency in spring and floods , droughts and typhoons often happen in summer .

  15. 同时,在动态环境中,进化中的局部个体会偶尔经历突然发生的自然灾害(如地震、水灾、瘟疫等),灾害能在一定范围内影响物种的进化,导致物种的灭绝或者物种的优化。

    Meanwhile , the local individuals in a dynamic environment occasionally experience sudden-onset natural disasters such as earthquakes , floods , plague , etc , while those disasters can affect the evolution of species in a certain range , that leading to the extinction of species or species optimization .

  16. 高危型堰塞湖由于蓄水量大、落差大,往往在形成后几天至几年后会被冲垮,形成严重的地震滞后次生水灾。

    High-danger dammed lake , with great storage capability and high drop height , is often burst in several days to several years after its formation , and causes severe secondary flood disaster .

  17. 首席执行官沃伦•巴菲特称,由于公司为日本和新西兰地震、澳大利亚水灾以及美国飓风灾害后可能涌现的索赔请求计提理赔资金,其主要的保险业务税前亏损17亿美元。

    CEO Warren Buffett said Berkshire took $ 1.7 billion in pretax losses in its big insurance business , as the company reserved for probable claims on quakes in Japan and New Zealand , the Australian floods and a big cyclone .

  18. 腐蚀损失为自然灾害(地震、风灾、水灾、火灾等)损失总和的6倍。

    The loss is 6 times of that caused by natural disasters ( earthquake , windstorm , flood , fire and so on ) .

  19. 在收集大量调查资料的基础上,对河北省北部地震次生灾害做了预测,认为地震火灾、毒气泄漏和地震水灾是震后可能发生的较为严重的地震次生灾害。

    In this paper , we predicted the secondary disasters of earthquakes in the north of Hebei province on the basis of a vast amount of investigation data .