
  • 网络earth din;rumbling earthquake
  1. 当我抚摸猫时,它低低地鸣呜叫。

    When I stroked the cat , it gave a low purr .

  2. 她短促地鸣了三声喇叭。

    She gave three short hoots on the car horn .

  3. 巨型卡车刺耳地鸣着喇叭飞弛而过。

    Huge trucks rushed past with their horns blaring .

  4. 火车呜呜地鸣着汽笛,钢轮擦过铁轨的转辙器时,发出了卡嗒卡嗒的响声。

    The locomotive whistled , there was the click of steel wheels passing over switches .

  5. 从看她身姿的那一瞬间,我的胸口便如发生地鸣一般的震撼,口中如沙漠干得沙沙坐响。

    The moment I see her , there 's a rumbling in my chest , and my mouth is as dry as a desert .

  6. 它会先停在窗台,全身的羽毛都竖起,大声地吱喳而鸣,然后就一头飞向玻璃窗猛撞过去。

    The bird would perch at the base of the window , ruffle its feathers , chirp loudly , and then fly headfirst into the glass .

  7. 从某种意义上讲,从贝多芬到肖邦,可以浓缩地反映出奏鸣曲由古典派到浪漫派发展演变的概貌。

    In a certain sense , the creations from Beethoven to Chopin , are an epitome of the evolution of sonatas from the Classical to Romantic style .

  8. 结果表明,利用两步法预测反褶积可以很好地压制变周期鸣震干扰,突出有效反射,提高资料的品质。

    The results confirmed that the two-step predictive deconvolution method can effectively suppress the variable period reverberation , highlight the valid reflections , and improve the data quality .

  9. 我静静地躺着,等待着。突然,窗外的生机引起了我的注意:昆虫在吱吱嗡嗡地合鸣;

    Lying still , waiting , I suddenly notice the life outside the window .