
jūn fēn
  • sharing;divide equally;share out;share out equally;dichotomy;divvy
均分 [jūn fēn]
  • [divide equally] 平均分划;平均分配

均分[jūn fēn]
  1. 通过均分土地使用权向农民提供的社会保障不仅是低水平的,而且还妨碍了农村经济的发展。

    Not only providing social guarantees to farmer is low level through divide equally the land usage power , but also still hinders the development of the rural economy .

  2. 通过无主均流法解决了双模块并联工作后模块间的功率均分控制问题。

    Through no advocates algorithm after solved the double module parallel work the module power to divide equally the control question .

  3. 他们达成协议,收益由大家均分。

    They came to an accord that profits should be shared equally .

  4. 这批建筑材料由三个单位均分。

    This lot of building materials will be shared equally among three units .

  5. 方法300例行无痛胃、肠镜检查的患者,随机均分为3组,异丙酚组(P对照组);

    Methods 300 patients received painless gastroscopy and enteroscopy were randomly divided info 3 groups : Propofol alone ( p control group );

  6. 结果:治疗组经心理治疗后社会功能缺陷均分明显降低(P均<0.01)。

    Results : The average scores of social dysfunction had significantly decreased by psychotherapy in the trail group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 方法40例困难插管患者随机均分F组、R组,各20例。

    Methods Forty patients were randomly divided into two groups ( F and R ), each group contained 20 cases .

  8. 方法选择择期行室间隔缺损修补术的患者30例,随机均分为鼓泡式氧合器组(B组)和膜式氧合器组(M组)。

    Methods Thirty patients were divided into two groups with 15 cases each : group B ( bubble oxygenator ), group M ( membrane oxygenator ) .

  9. N进入SCL-90总均分及除躯体化、恐怖因子外的各因子方程;

    N entered the whole average score of SCL 90 and every factor equations except somatization and phobia ;

  10. 失眠组的症状自评量表(SCL-90)各因子均分皆高于非失眠组,差异有统计学意义(P值均<0.001);

    There were significant differences in SCL-90 scores between the insomnia group and normal group ( P < 0.001 ) .

  11. SDS量表总均分高于我国女性常模;

    The general mean score of SDS was higher than that of the norm .

  12. SCL-90总分、总均分与阳性项目数都大于全国常模(P≤0.01);阳性项症状均分与阴性项目数小于全国常模(P≤0.01)。

    SCL-90 total score , total average and the number of positive items were higher than the national norm ( P ≤ 0.01 ) .

  13. 方法将40只大鼠随机均分为A、B、C、D组,均行单侧膝关节前交叉韧带切断。

    [ Methods ] 40 SD rats underwent unilateral anterior cruciate ligament transection ( ACLT ) and were randomly divided into A , B , C , D groups .

  14. 方法新生1周Wistar大鼠40只,随机均分为四组,每组10只。

    Methods Fourty neonatal 1w Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups with 10 rats each .

  15. 方法20例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级经腹腔镜肾上腺肿块、输尿管上段结石及肾切除的病人,随机均分为P组和C组。

    Methods Twenty ASA ⅰ - ⅱ patients undergoing suprarenal gland mass resection and nephrectomy laparoscopically were randomly allocated to two groups with 10 cases each .

  16. 方法3周龄清洁级健康雌性SD大鼠20只,随机均分为2组。

    Methods Twenty female SD rats aged 3 weeks old were randomly divided into the normal group and the experimental group .

  17. 方法将18只SD大白鼠随机均分为三组:自体对照组、异体对照组、辐照处理组。应用放射辐照方法处理异体神经后进行移植。

    Methods : 18 SD rats were randomly divided into autogenous nerve graft , homogenous nerve graft control and radiation treatment groups .

  18. 方法20例室间隔缺损合并重度肺高压病儿均分为肺动脉灌注组(组I)和常规组(组II)。

    Methods 20 patients diagnosed with CHD and PH were divided into group 1 ( perfused with oxygenated blood ) and group 2 ( conventional CPB ) .

  19. 方法选用2月龄Wistar雄性大鼠16只,均分为实验组和对照组,实验组饮用含200mg/L氟化钠的去离子水,对照组单纯饮用去离子水。

    Methods Sixteen Wistar male rats were divided into 2 groups of 8 each : fluorosis rats and control rats .

  20. 治疗前后分别对其进行FD症状、SAS、SDS评分。结果FD患者各量表均分显著高于常模(P<0.01)。

    Results The average scores of every scale were significantly higher than that of norms ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 方法26例CPB后心电图ST段改变的患者随机均分为参附组(S组)和对照组(C组)。

    Methods Twenty-six patients with ST segments depression were randomly divided into shenfu ( group S ) and control ( group C ) with 13 cases each .

  22. 用推广的Maxwell速度分布律证明转动、振动方式能均分定理

    Demonstration of the theorem of equipartition of energy on rotation and vibration with the extension of Maxwell velocity distribution law

  23. 对SAT问题和整数均分问题,参考分子计算的解题模型,在FPGA上分别实现了适合特定规模的SAT问题和整数均分问题的处理机实例,并进行了功能仿真。

    For SAT problem and Integer-sharing problem , referring to DNA computing problem-solving model , we instantiate specified dimension processor instances in the FPGA platform and simulated . 4 .

  24. 结果①游泳教学后,除躯体化外,军校学员总体SCL-90各因子分、总均分和阳性项目数均显著降低(P<0.05);

    Results ① After swimming instruction , the scores of SCL-90 of students decreased obviously but somatization ( P < 0.05 );

  25. 方法对60例脑震荡患者进行90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)评定,并与常模(正常人阳性症状均分)比较。

    Methods 60 cases of brain concussion were tested by Symptom Check-List 90 ( SCL-90 ), then compared with the normal .

  26. 在初中、高中、大学三个文化层次的父母中,SAI的均分以高中层次为最高;

    The SAI scores in the parents with educational level of high school were the high est .

  27. 最弱链接近似被用来分析单根Cu导线:Cu导线被适当均分为若干相互串联、失效机制不同的Cu块,任何一个Cu块的失效都会使整根Cu导线失效。

    It shows how a weakest link approximation analysis can be applied to a single wire by dividing the wire into relevant segments and assigning different failure mechanisms to the various segments .

  28. 方法:1、将54只雄性SD(spraguedawley)大鼠随机均分为3大组,记为组A、B、C,其中每大组又随机分为3小组,每小组6只大鼠。

    Fifty-four male , Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups . Each group was divided into 3 subgroups , six rats per subgroup .

  29. 将96只30日龄AIV阴性AA肉鸡随机均分为5组,第1组不接毒,不给药;

    96 30-day-old AA chickens were randomly divided into 5 groups . Chickens in Group 1 were not challenged with AIV ;

  30. 结果:显示孤独症患儿父母的SDS、SAS和SCL&90的量表总均分以及各分量表分与正常儿童父母相比均有显著性差异。

    Results : Significant differences were found of the parents with autistic children from the normal groups in SDS , SAS , and SCL-90 scales .