
  • 网络Kandahar airfield;Kandahar Airport;KDH
  1. 10月16日星期六,阿富汗坎大哈机场商店。一名美军士兵驻足在放置明信片的货架前。

    Soldiers walk around a postcard stand in a shop at Kandahar Airfield , Afghanistan on Saturday , Oct.16,2010 .

  2. 一名加拿大士兵(姓名不详)遍历在坎大哈机场,在阿富汗南部掩体星期五,2010年1月29日。

    A Canadian soldier ( name not available ) walks through a bunker at Kandahar Airfield in southern Afghanistan Friday , Jan.29,2010 .

  3. 一名官员表示,政府军仍然控制着坎大哈机场,这是美军在阿富汗的第二大基地。

    An official said government forces still controlled Kandahar 's airport , which was the U.S. military 's second biggest base in Afghanistan .

  4. 他还规划拓宽连接坎大哈和机场之间的公路,扩大太阳能照明的使用。

    He wanted to expand the road from the city to the airport , and install more solar lighting .