
kēnɡ kǒu diàn chǎnɡ
  • pithead power plant;mouth power plant;mine-mouth power plant;coal mine mouth power plant
  1. 在我国北方,坑口电厂所在地区水资源严重匮乏,尤其是在枯水期,难以承担大流量的耗水,直接影响到能否建厂的问题。

    In northern China , the area of pithead power plant is severe shortage of water resources , especially in the dry season , so the construction of power plants is restricted because of the large amount of water needed .

  2. 我国北方地区主要建火力发电厂,建坑口电站更为经济节约,但建坑口电厂必须要解决水源问题。

    In north China , thermoelectric power station is often selected to build . And the pithead power plant is more economical , but the water source must be solved firstly .

  3. 坑口电厂粉煤灰的研究与利用

    Research and application of fly ash in mine electric power plant

  4. 循环流化床燃烧技术在煤矿坑口电厂的应用

    Application of Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology at Mine Mouth Power Plant

  5. 坑口电厂化水处理新工艺

    Water Chemical Treatment New Process of Mine Power Plant

  6. 最后,基于2个坑口电厂建设项目论证了该评估模型的可行性和有效性。

    Finally , the feasibility and effectiveness of the evaluation model are proved based on two electric factory projects .

  7. 煤矿坑口电厂烟气脱硫除尘工艺选择原则

    The selection principle on the technique of flue gas desulfurization and dust collection for coal mine electric power plant

  8. 坑口电厂排土场废弃物排放的环境影响及防治措施

    The Effluence of the Topsoil Dumping of Power Station at Coal Mines on Ecological Environment and the Measures Taken for It 's Pollution Prevention

  9. 陕北及宁夏煤炭资源极其丰富,地理条件优越,交通十分方便,适宜建设坑口电厂。

    North Shaanxi and Ningxia are extremely abundant in coal resources , with excellent geographical positions and transport facilities , suitable to build large size pithead power plants .