
  • 网络Vertical profile;crsv.gs;crsn.gs
  1. Q矢量诊断表明,Q矢量散度在福建沿海NE-SW向的垂直剖面图上呈条块状辐散、辐合区相间分布的形式,反映了中尺度特性。

    Q vector divergence field on vertical section plane along NE-SW direction on Fujian coast submit piece form district of convergence and divergence , have reflected meso-scale character .

  2. 垂直剖面图是显示实钻井眼轨迹的重要方法,其关键在于计算实钻井眼轨迹在设计柱面上的投影曲线。

    In the process of using Kriging for analysis of Zijin Mine 's reserves , the calculation of reserves profile is one of important charts .

  3. 垂直腐蚀边界剖面图被垂直的面限制边界的有限平面形。

    Vertical etched edge profile a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides .

  4. 垂直腐蚀边界剖面图

    Vertical etched edge profile