
  • 网络Vertical magnetic field;VMCZ
  1. 垂直磁场中GaAs-Ga(1-x)AlxAs量子阱内类氢杂质束缚能计算

    Binding Energy Calculation of Hydrogenic Impurities in GaAs-Ga_ ( 1-x ) Al_xAs Quantum Well in Vertical Magnetic Field

  2. 众所周知,依据垂直磁场分量Hz可以确定地层的倾向,所以五分量的处理手段较四分量的处理更加优越。

    It is well known that the five-component method is superior to four - component method because the vertical magnetic component H_z can be applied to the determination of formation dip .

  3. 超导磁体在直径15cm的坩埚区域提供4000Gs以下垂直磁场。

    The superconducting magnet provided up to 4000 Gs vertical magneticfield in the crucible area of φ 15cmx15cm .

  4. 本文叙述了测量阶跃脉冲垂直磁场和水平磁场渗透HL-1装置各种比例导体壳时间常数的方法。

    The method for measuring the penetration time constant of a step vertical or horizontal magnetical field through a resistive conducting shell is described .

  5. 我们不仅考虑了电场的效果,通过施加垂直磁场,我们详细研究了Aharonov-Bohm效应对局域的影响。

    Besides the effect of electric field , we further considered the Aharonov-Bohm effect through introducing a vertical magnetic field .

  6. 从Lawrence-Donisch方程出发,计算了层状超导体在外加垂直磁场下单个磁通线的磁场分布及下临界场.结果表明,在此条件下的结果相对于均匀情形的偏离不大。

    Abstract The magnetic field of a single vortex line in a layered superconductor oriented perpendicular to the layer is calculated within the Lawrence-Doniach model . The lower critical magnetic field is also calculated . The results indicate the deviation from uniform case is small .

  7. 本文在有效质量的近似下,研究了垂直磁场作用下椭圆量子环上激子和带电激子(X-1)体系的基态能的Aharonov-Bohm(A-B)振荡。

    In the framework of effective-mass envelope function , the properties of Aharonov-Bohm ( A-B ) oscillations of the excitons and charged excitons ( X-1 ) system in elliptical quantum ring under magnetic fields are studied theoretically .

  8. 三势垒隧穿结构中由外加垂直磁场引入的高子带非热占据

    Magnetic-field-induced Nonthermal Occupation of Higher Subbands in a Three-barrier Tunneling Structure

  9. 垂直磁场中超导薄膜上的涡旋涨落

    Vortex fluctuations in superconducting film in a perpendicular magnetic

  10. 给出了基于垂直磁场的全区视电阻率定义;

    Then the whole time apparent resistivity is defined based on normalized vertical magnetic field .

  11. 脉动高梯度磁选垂直磁场与水平磁场对比研究

    Study on Comparison Between Vertical and Horizontal Magnetic Fields in Pulsating High Gradient Magnetic Separation

  12. 半固态镁合金垂直磁场搅拌工艺数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of the Processing with Vertical Electromagnetic Stirring of Semi-solid Magnesium Alloy and Experimental Research

  13. 以分子自组装膜的掩模紫外曝光图形为模板,垂直磁场诱导下运用选择性化学沉积制备镍金属微图形。

    Fabrication of metal micro-pattern has been achieved by selective chemical deposition under an external magnetic field .

  14. 同时还探求了垂直磁场对共振隧穿电流峰抑制作用的物理机制。

    It is also explored that the physical origin about the suppression of resonant-tunneling current by a perpendicular magnetic field .

  15. 水平磁场形成一个顺时针的漩涡,垂直磁场沿长轴和短轴呈反对分布;

    It is found that the horizontal magnetic field forms a clockwise whirlpool and the vertical magnetic field presents an antisymmetry distribution .

  16. 本文介绍一种由扁平超导样品表面垂直磁场分布反演体电流密度分布的有效方案。

    An effective method which inverses two-dimensional current density distribution from the perpendicular magnetic field on the surface of flat-shaped superconductor is introduced in this paper .

  17. 我们还计算了在外加场,特别是垂直磁场和水平磁场作用下,电子交换频率、核子交换频率。

    The changes of electron and nucleus exchange frequency along with external field in the coupled quantum dot , especially with magnetic field and the horizontal electric field has been given .

  18. 我们还研究了样品在低温下外加垂直磁场时的电学Ⅰ&Ⅴ特性和光荧光光谱特性,重点阐述了磁场对共振电流峰的抑制机制。

    We also study the current-voltage characteristics and the photoluminescence spectra of our sample in a conjugated manner with the emphasis on the mechanism of the magnetic suppression of the resonant-tunneling current peak .

  19. 利用有效质量近似、变分法,研究了垂直磁场下透镜型量子点(GaAs/In1-xGaxAs)掺入类氢杂质后基态能和结合能。

    The binding energies and the ground state energies of Hydrogen impurity in a lens-shaped quantum dot ( GaAs / Inl-xGaxAs ) under vertical magnetic field using effective mass approximation and variation method have been discussed .

  20. 结果表明,在外加电场和垂直磁场作用下,电流变效应得到加强,改善了减振器的示功特性。

    Through studies on the change of damping force of this shock absorber under both effect of external electric fields and vertical magnetic fields , the result indicated that the absorber has an obvious advantage than it without effect .

  21. 由于在实际应用中,由实测的感应电压直接计算所得的全区视电阻某些值域出现无解现象,而由垂直磁场计算所得的全区视电阻率则解唯一且存在。

    Since in practical applications , the whole region apparent resistivity calculated from measured induced voltage tend to occur no solution phenomenon in certain range , while the whole region apparent resistivity solution calculated by vertical magnetic field is unique and reliable .

  22. 首先研究了垂直磁场下透镜型量子点(GaAs/In1-xGaxAs)掺入类氢杂质后基态能和结合能,然后讨论了如何利用量子点中杂质核自旋构造量子位。

    Firstly the binding energies and the ground state energies of Hydrogen impurity in a lens-shaped quantum dot ( GaAs / Inl-xGaxAs ) under vertical magnetic field will be displayed . Then how to use the nuclear spin as the quantum bit will be given .

  23. 利用Spitzer的广义欧姆定律分析等离子体中由垂直于磁场的压强梯度所引起的宏观瞬变性质。

    In this paper , we investigate the macroscopic transient properties in plasma caused by a pressure gradient perpendicular to a constant magnetic field .

  24. 采用变分方法分析了垂直偏置磁场横向不均匀时掺Bi的YIG薄膜中微波静磁正向体波的激发和传播特性。

    The generation and propagation of Magnetostatic Forward Volume Waves ( MSFVWs ) in the Bi - doped YIG film under transversely nonuniform bias magnetic fields are analyzed using the variational approach .

  25. 结果表明,加磁场后纤维状初生相Al3Ni在垂直于磁场方向的平面上定向排列聚集,形成层间距基本相同的分层组织。

    The results show that the planes of the platelets of Al_3Ni are perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field .

  26. 当振管垂直立于磁场环境中时,在交变磁场的作用下产生磁致伸缩,即沿振管的轴向作简谐振动。

    Vibration tube in the magnetic field vertically brings about magnetostriction under the effect of alternate magnetic field , that is axis resonance .

  27. 文章根据垂直方向磁场对光泵磁共振信号的影响,来测定地球磁场的垂直分量的大小。

    According to the influence of the perpendicular direction magnetic field upon the optical magnetic resonance signal , the perpendicular terrestrial magnetic field are measured .

  28. 由此认为,所产生的垂直于磁场运动方向上的脉动电磁力是引起熔体表面震荡起伏和导致铸件凝固后表面粗糙的主要原因。

    It is believed that the pulse electromagnetic force perpendicular to direction of magnetic field is responsible for the surface fluctuation of the melt and surface roughness deterioration of solidified casting .

  29. 如果对液晶施加一个与指向矢取向相垂直的磁场,那么液晶内部将受到外磁场对液晶分子施加的转矩和由于受到边界条件限制而引起的形变转矩作用。

    When the magnetic ( electronic ) field is perpendicular to the initial director , the molecules will receive the function of torque of the magnetic field and the distortion torque from the boundary constraint .

  30. 由于通入电磁感应器的三相非平衡电流在铝合金熔体内所产生的电磁力是脉动的,其大小呈周期性变化,尤其是垂直于磁场运动方向上的电磁力,其脉动的幅度很大。

    The periodically pulsating electromagnetic force appears in Al alloy melt due to applying 3 phase non-equilibrium current to electromagnetic inductor , especially in the case of the magnetic force perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field with larger pulse amplitude .