
diàn jiān
  • shoulder pad;shoulder pad(padding)
垫肩 [diàn jiān]
  • (1) [shoulder pad(padding)]

  • (2) 挑或扛东西的时候放在肩膀上的垫子

  • (3) 衬在上衣肩部的三角形衬垫物

垫肩[diàn jiān]
  1. 公司以设计开发生产正装西服、水洗休闲单西(无垫肩、无胸衬)、全毛仿毛单西与茄克棉服为主。

    We specialize in formal suit , water processing casual suit ( without shoulder pad or chest liners ), 100 % or imitation wool simple suit and jacket , cotton-padded clothes .

  2. 车上的人勒住马,下车走到后面,用镐把上百磅重的冰快砸成两半,把其中的一块用夹子夹到垫肩上,走进一个人家的后门。

    The man would drop his reins , go to the back of the wagon , bisect a hundred-pound block with his pick , swing half of it to his shoulder pad with his tongs , and proceed to someone 's back door .

  3. 现代西服的垫肩有点军服肩章的味道,强调浦鲁马追求的经典的V型躯干样式。

    The modern suit 's padded shoulder has the whiff of an epaulette while accentuating the V-shaped torso of classical antiquity so sought by Brummel .

  4. 穿一些能够使人们的注意力从双腿向上转移的衣服:V领,小的垫肩,或者衣领处有装饰的上衣。

    Wear tops that draw attention up and away from your legs : V-necks , halters , small shoulder pads , and necklines with beading or trim .

  5. 大垫肩是上世纪80年代着装的典型特点。

    Shoulder pads were a power dressing staple of the 80s .

  6. 垫肩的流行来来去去,但永远最好的朋友确实永远

    Shoulder pads may come and go , but a b.f.f.is forever

  7. 连续喂入式垫肩针刺机送料机构简析

    A Brief Analysis of Delivering Materials to the Continuous Feeding Padding Acupuncture Machine

  8. 这件衣服有垫肩。

    The dress has pads in the shoulders .

  9. 这是一件有垫肩的上装。

    This is a jacket with padded shoulders .

  10. 足球和曲棍球球员都戴垫肩。

    Football and hockey players wear shoulder pads .

  11. 这是件非常传统地亚洲刺绣但又加入了现代感的单个垫肩的设计。

    This look works traditional Asian embroidery with a contemporary design in the padded one-sleeve .

  12. 她觉得带垫肩的短上衣会使她显得更有气派。

    She thinks that a jacket with padded shoulders will make her look more important .

  13. 松线装置的小手指能自动松开以避免垫肩受压变形。

    The automatic adaptation of the stitch loosening finger prevents the pad from being compressed .

  14. 让我算一下,垫肩加上里料,一起共175美元。

    Let me see , with padding and lining cloth , it comes to175 dollars altogether .

  15. 针对男式西服用的针刺垫肩,详细介绍其组成、工艺流程和几种针刺垫肩及其应用。

    The form , technological process and applications about needle punching shoulder pads are described in detail .

  16. 当你看到球员互相绞扭时,你就会了解他们为什么要垫肩。

    When you see the players tackle each other , you understand why they have shoulder pads .

  17. 制造销售:服装、服装辅料;销售:塑料制品、衣架、衬布、垫肩。

    Manufacturing sales : clothing , clothing textiles ; Sales : plastic products , racks , crinoline , clothing .

  18. 在20世纪80年代,大垫肩、不规则剪裁的夹克以及迷你短裙在时尚界大行其道。

    In the ' 80s , linebacker shoulder pads , cropped jackets and micro-mini skirts were all the rage .

  19. 细节设计更加精巧,流苏,垫肩,无袖的设计让羽绒服更加时尚。

    There are more design details in down coats , such as leather fringes , shoulder pads and sleeveless patterns .

  20. 一个标志性的特征是:曾经是公司女强人标志性装备的垫肩最终从女性服装上面消失了。

    One sign : shoulder pads , standard issue for the female cor ­ porate warrior , are finally disappearing from women 's clothing .

  21. 美国军人攻击了穿着华丽的下垂西装,垫肩,裤口在脚踝处被扣住的墨西哥裔美国人和黑人男性。

    American servicemen attacked Mexican-American and black men who had embraced flamboyantly draped suits , padded at the shoulder and pegged at the ankle .

  22. 这位前辣妹成员在米兰的一次外出购物中穿着一件80年代风格的合体黑色皮衣,配着大大的垫肩。

    The Spice Girl went shopping in Milan on April 7 wearing a form-fitting black leather jacket with ' 80s-style , angular shoulder pads .

  23. 和最近几年流行的垫肩装不同,这些衣服除了面料的讲究之外并没有任何夸张之处。

    In contrast to the power-shoulder looks introduced in recent years , there is nothing exaggerated about these clothes except the luxury of the fabrics .

  24. 书的封面是赫芬顿的照片,照片上她身穿白色套装,高垫肩,大裙摆,坐在一张坚硬的单人床上。

    On the cover Huffington is pictured in a white suit with power shoulders and flowing skirt , seated on a punishingly hard single bed .

  25. 最新修订意味着安大略省《衬垫和填充料类产品计划》对衬垫内衣和成衣垫肩以及装饰带进行了豁免。

    The latest amendment means that padded undergarments and shoulder pads and trimmings are all exempt from Ontario 's " Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Program " .

  26. 我入手了八十年代的有垫肩的连衣裙和大衣,那些衣服通常人们都很不喜欢,就算垫肩被赋予了时尚潮流元素,你不会。

    I 've got eye-watering dresses and coats from the Eighties with shoulder pads that , even given the current trend , you couldn 't get away with .

  27. 这部电影出自那个少了点时尚感的80年代。在那个时代,很多女孩看上去都在与能把大大的垫肩搭配得很好看的人暗地较劲。

    This movie came out during the less-than-subtle fashion era of the '80s , and there are times when the girls seem to be having a silent competition over who can wield the biggest shoulder pads .

  28. 分析了服装肩部结构平衡的重要性,着重讨论了影响肩斜度结构平衡的五个方面&落肩、垫肩、横开领、前后肩斜度以及肩省。

    The importance of the balance of fashion shoulder structure is analysed . The five factors of influencing the balance of shoulder slope , such as shoulder slope drop , shoulder pad , neck open , front / back shoulder slope and shoulder dart are discussed .