
  • 网络Egyptian Empire
  1. 之前的各个帝国,比如亚述帝国,或者埃及帝国-,当他们战胜其他民族时,往往只是觊觎贡品。

    You see , in the previous empires , like the Assyrian Empire , or these kinds of & the Egyptian Empire , when people conquered other peoples , often all they wanted was tribute .

  2. 新王朝期间创造了埃及帝国文明于世的黄金时期;

    The period of the New Kingdom is best known as the time during which Egypt created an empire .

  3. 埃及与奥斯曼帝国的属国与宗主国关系更增添了其变数的复杂性。

    The relations of dependency and suzerain between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire became more complicated .

  4. 为了争夺如今叙利亚所在的那片土地,古埃及和赫梯帝国展开了长达两个世纪的战争。

    For over two centuries the Egyptians fought against the Hittite Empire for control of lands in modern day Syria .

  5. 而叙利亚-希腊帝国及埃及-希腊帝国,对犹太教历史及耶稣本人,产生了极其重要的影响。

    The Syrian-Greek Empire and the Egyptian-Greek Empire will become very important for the history of Judaism , and Jesus himself also .

  6. 埃及与拜占廷帝国间的政治、文化冲突导致了早期教义纷争的出现,最终科普特教会走上独立发展的道路。

    Politics and cultural conflicts between Egypt and Byzantine Empire have caused the early religious doctrine dispute , and finally Coptic Church stepped onto the independent path .

  7. 涉及古代希腊雅典、马其顿王国、托勒密埃及、古罗马帝国、阿拉伯世界以及中世纪欧洲的科学技术成就,并结合本校特色,关注了各个时代的农业成就。

    Of ancient Athens , Macedonia , Egypt of Ptolemy and , Roman , the Arab world , Medieval Europe , and with the university of science and technology , attention of every time .