
  • Cleopatra;EGYPT QUEEN;Cleopatra VII
  1. 1963年在拍摄《埃及艳后》时,他们两人坠入爱河,之后经历过两次离离合合。

    They fell in love on the set of Cleopatra in 1963 , and married and divorced twice .

  2. 泰勒最后在接受《名利场》杂志访问时说:“理查德在任何方面都绝妙无敌,在罗马刚开始拍《埃及艳后》时我们就疯狂地坠入爱河。”

    " Richard was magnificent in every sense of the word ," Taylor later told Vanity Fair magazine . " From those first moments in Rome ( on the set of Cleopatra ) we were always madly and powerfully in love . "

  3. 其中就有声名显赫的埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉七世下嫁托勒密十三世(PtolemyXIII),共享床笫之欢。

    One notable Queen Pharaoh ( Pharaess ? ) was the famous Cleopatra VII , who married her young brother Ptolemy XIII .

  4. 关于《埃及艳后》我记得的真的不多。

    I really don 't remember much about Cleopatra .

  5. 可是埃及艳后究竟是什麽样的人?她的外貌是怎样的呢?

    But who was the real Cleopatra ? What did she really look like ?

  6. 我一直都非常想演苏格兰女王玛丽,或者埃及艳后。

    I 've always wanted to play Mary , Queen of Scots or Cleopatra .

  7. 蕾哈娜一头似埃及艳后的黑发看上去很是光彩照人,每走一步大牌范十足,自信满满。

    Rihanna had confidence in every step , looking glamourous in a Cleopatra-inspired black wig .

  8. 埃及艳后即克丽奥佩托拉七世是古埃及托勒密王朝的最后一任法老。法老。

    Cleopatra 's torre that pelosi curly pull vii is ancient Egypt last Egyptian pharaoh .

  9. 埃及艳后便是受过良好教育、意志坚强、有自己思想的一位女性。

    Cleopatra was well educated , strong minded with ideas of her own and a female .

  10. 艾米丽前世一定是埃及艳后

    then Emily was once Cleopatra .

  11. 我十岁的时候扮演埃及艳后,用自己的乳汁喂养毒蛇。

    When I was ten , I played Cleopatra as she fed the asp to her breast .

  12. 安吉丽娜朱莉最近暗示她有可能在结束电影《埃及艳后》的拍摄之后结束她的演艺事业。

    Angelina Jolie hinted that she may end her acting career after taking on the epic story of Cleopatra .

  13. 这些特点埃及艳后全部具备,这也解释了为什么我们会从历史上看到关于她的多种不同说辞。

    Cleopatra had all these traits which is why history has provided us with lots of interpretations of Cleopatra .

  14. 相传,古埃及艳后克利特。奥佩拉用芦荟的液汁化妆,隐藏了自己的真实年龄。

    The Legend says that Queen Cleopatra of ancient Egypt applied aloe juice as makeup therefore concealed her true age .

  15. 长大后,她会美丽如埃及艳后,聪明如所罗门国王。

    She 's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt , and as clever as King Solomon .

  16. 在1963年的电影《埃及艳后》中,饰演克丽奥佩托拉的伊丽莎白?泰勒就曾展示过这款项链。

    Elizabeth Taylor , who played the famous Egyptian queen in Cleopatra , sports such a necklace in the 1963 movie .

  17. 历史上最喜欢的女性英雄是谁?埃及艳后。女生在成长过程中也不把男性视为浪漫的英雄。

    Who are your favorite heroines of history ? Cleopatra . Girls don 't grow up imaging that men are romantic heroes .

  18. 埃及艳后从粉碎了她的口红了胭脂红甲虫为基础,这给了深刻的红色素,和蚂蚁。

    Cleopatra had her lipstick made from crushed carmine beetles , which gave a deep red pigment , and ants for a base .

  19. 并非就字面而言,不见得因为我相信自己从前是埃及艳后身边的调酒师——而是就比喻而言。

    Not so much literally . Not necessarily because I be-lieve that I used to be Cleopatra 's bartender - but more metaphorically .

  20. (戏中所表现的)痛苦其实来自结肠炎,椎间盘砸碎(南方周末译文),过度疲劳还有肺炎——在拍摄《埃及艳后》时,她几乎因肺炎而丧命。

    Pain was : colitis , crushed discs , exhaustion , or the pneumonia that almost killed her during the making of " Cleopatra . "

  21. 然后我已经看了《重庆森林》、花样年华》和《英雄》等等。历史上最喜欢的女性英雄是谁?埃及艳后。

    I have since seen him in Chunking Express , In the Mood For Love and Hero and so on . Who are your favorite heroines of history ? Cleopatra .

  22. 1961年,在罗马拍摄当时制作费用最高,堪称奢侈大片的《埃及艳后》时,泰勒和共同出演该片的已婚男星伯顿陷入热恋。

    While filming the lavish " Cleopatra ", at the time the most expensive movie ever made , in Rome in 1961 , Taylor started a torrid affair with her married co-star Burton .

  23. 在过去6个星期里,这位资深的女演员因为患有充血性心力衰竭而在洛杉矶的医院里住院。她因主演《玉女神驹》和《埃及艳后》等影片而出名。

    The veteran actress , known for movies such as " National Velvet ," which made her a star at the age of12 , and " Cleopatra ," had been suffering from congestive heart failure .

  24. 伊丽莎白•泰勒出生在英国,在《朱门巧妇》、《埃及艳后》及《灵欲春宵》等电影中的出色表演让她声名鹊起,并且凭借《灵欲春宵》在1967年二度折桂奥斯卡。

    She was79.British-born Elizabeth Taylor came to prominence in films such as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , Cleopatra and Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ?, for which she won her second Oscar in1967 .

  25. 亚历山大于32岁驾崩,当时埃及艳后仅23岁,她远行的疆界比亚历山大更远,她以埃及王后和世界上最有权力的人&朱利安·恺撒情人的身份走进罗马。

    By the time Cleopatra was23 , she had gone ever further than Alexander making her entrance into Rome as Queen of Egypt and consort of Julius Caesar , the most powerful man in the world .

  26. 在棕榈泉国际电影节,《少年派的奇幻漂流》的导演李安告诉《好莱坞通讯》,安吉丽娜朱莉版“埃及艳后”电影“正是我要拍的”,而这部电影早先也与保罗格林格拉斯、詹姆斯卡梅隆和大卫芬奇有联系。

    At Palm Springs , the " Life of Pi " helmer tells THR that the project , which has been linked to Paul Greengrass , James Cameron and David Fincher , " just feels right to me . "

  27. 在过去6个星期里,这位资深的女演员因为患有充血性心力衰竭而在洛杉矶的医院里住院。她因主演《玉女神驹》和《埃及艳后》等影片出名。

    The veteran actress , known for movies such as " National Velvet , " which made her a star at the age of 12 , and " Cleopatra , " had been suffering from congestive heart failure . She had been hospitalized in Los Angeles for the past six weeks .

  28. 三千年前,埃及被当时埃及艳后的总建筑师所统治,这名法老决心在史上留下永垂不朽的功绩。

    Three thousand years ago , Egypt was ruled by a master builder , a pharaoh , determined to leave a permanent mark on history .

  29. 个性鲜明却不失精致,这种首饰的设计灵感很大程度上来自于最后一个埃及法老——“埃及艳后”克丽奥佩托拉的时尚主张。

    Strong and sophisticated , the arm candy is heavily inspired by the fashion statements of Egypt 's last pharaoh Cleopatra , also known as " Queen of the Nile . "

  30. 如果古埃及传说是可信的话,埃及艳后克利奥佩特拉也钟情于驴奶酪——据称她用驴奶沐浴以使容颜永驻。

    And if legend is to be believed , Queen Cleopatra was also a fan - she is said to have bathed in asses milk to maintain her beauty .