
  • 网络eger;EGRI
  1. 报道说,埃格尔镇位于匈牙利的东北部,当地生产的牛血酒在上个世纪90年代以前曾是整个东欧地区最负盛名的葡萄酒之一。

    Bull 's Blood from the town of Eger in northeast Hungary became one of Eastern Europe 's best-known wines under communism .

  2. 同时给它们喝的也不是产自埃格尔镇的牛血红葡萄酒或其它一些价格高昂的红酒,而只不过是普通的日常餐酒而已,因为这种做法对它们的血液细胞大有裨益。

    And it 's not Eger Bull 's Blood or some expensive wine that they are getting but simple table wine , as it 's mainly good for their blood cells .

  3. 苏黎世的经济学家彼得??H??埃格尔(PeterH.Egger)和安德烈娅??拉斯曼(AndreaLassman)近期分析了81篇有关语言和国际贸易的学术论文。

    The Zurich-based economists Peter H. Egger and Andrea Lassmann recently analysed 81 academic articles on language and international trade .

  4. 这次爆炸发生在喀布尔的埃格尔军营附近,北约联军总部和外国使馆都在该城区。

    The blast hit an area near Camp Eggers in a section of Kabul that houses NATO coalition headquarters as well as foreign embassies .