
  • 网络connate water;buried water
  1. 下伏三叠系&侏罗系源岩的沉积埋藏水、粘土矿物脱出水沿断裂带伴随天然气向浅部越流,在构造顶部形成相对低矿化度的地下水化学特征。

    The sedimentary fossil water in the underlying Triassic-Jurassic source rocks and water of dehydration from clay minerals flowed to shallow layers along with gas , resulting in relatively low salinity of water in the top structure .

  2. 西南岩溶地区面积78万km2,地下水系统包括裸露岩溶水系统和覆盖-埋藏型岩溶水系统两大类。

    There are about 780,000 km ~ 2 karst areas in southwest China , which are composed of two types of underground water systems , i.e. , the bare karst water system and the covered-buried karst water system .

  3. 潞安矿区奥陶系岩溶水由于埋藏深,水交替缓慢,水文地球化学条件复杂。

    The karst water of the Ordovician is buried deeply in the Luan coal mines , which makes the runoff velocity very slow and the hydrochemical conditions very complex .

  4. 利用TEM法,对比分析不同测线视电阻率-深度断面图,得出地下岩层含水层的埋藏条件及富水性,初步确定取水井位;

    By a comparative analysis of the apparent resistivity-depth relationship on different measurement lines with the transient electromagnetic method ( TEM ), the embedding condition of underground aquifers and their capacities of water storage were obtained , and the well positions for water intake were primarily determined .