
  1. 新区规划中的城市历史文化保护与延续

    On Conservation and Continuation of Historical Culture in Planning of a City 's New District

  2. 法国南特市城市历史文化保护与城市设计

    The Protection of City Heritage and Urban Design in the City of Nantes , France

  3. 关于我国城市历史文化遗产保护的若干思考

    Thinking on protection of urban historical and cultural heritage in our country

  4. 上海城市历史文化遗产保护制度概述

    A General Review over the Urban Conservation System in Shanghai

  5. 浅议城市历史文化景观保护存在的问题

    Discuss on the problems existed in preservation of historic and cultural landscape in city

  6. 建筑、城镇、自然风景&关于城市历史文化遗产保护规划的目标、对象与措施

    Architecture , City , Natural Landscape & The aim , object and measure of the preservation planning of urban cultural and historic heritage

  7. 关注内蕴文化,让活的历史延续下去理应成为城市历史文化遗产保护的重要组成。

    We should pay close attention to the immanent culture and make the " living history " become the important composition of urban historical and cultural heritage .

  8. 当今是一个空前的变革时代,国内对城市历史文化遗产保护的形势是空前重视与空前破坏并存的状况。

    Nowadays , an unprecedented transform time , the domestic situation of conservation for urban historical and cultural legacy is that " take care unprecedentedly " and " destroy unprecedentedly " are coexisting .

  9. 就历史文化名城保护的原则、措施、存在问题、体系、总体战略、模式及保护规划等几个方面提出了几点建议,以保护城市历史文化,保护古城风貌。

    According to principle 、 measures 、 existing problems 、 general strategy 、 model and planning of protection of historical & cultural city , it puts forward self-ideas to protect historical culture of city and view of ancient city .

  10. 以平遥古城为例浅谈城市历史文化遗产的保护

    Discussion on urban historic culture heritage protection with Pingyao ancient town as example

  11. 城市设计的历史文化保护

    The history culture protection in city design

  12. 近几年,城市历史文化遗产的保护已成为人们关注的焦点。

    In recent years , urban history cultural heritage protection has become a focus of attention .

  13. 一个城市历史文化遗产的保护状况是城市文化内容的重要标志。

    The protective state of the historical and cultural heritage of a city is an important sign of urban civilization .

  14. 西安是世界著名的历史文化古都,又是我国的现代化大城市,城市历史文化保护与现代城市建设矛盾突出。

    Xi'an is not only a large-scale city in china , but also a famous historical cultural city in the world .

  15. 第一部分主要陈述了城市发展中历史文化保护研究的相关背景,研究的目的和意义,并对论文的研究思路进行了详尽的论述。

    The first part of the urban development in the statement of the historical and cultural protection and research relevant background , the purpose and significance of the study on the research papers , and a detailed discussion .

  16. 此外,保护城市历史文化遗产就是保护城市形象特色,城市绿开放空间的布局如何与历史文化遗产保护、利用相结合,也是新时期城市发展对绿色开放空间建设的要求。

    In addition , the preservation of urban cultural and historic heritage is also as important for protecting the city image . And How should the Urban Green Open Space layout be structured to meet the preservation and use of historical and cultural heritage ?

  17. 城市历史文化环境特色的保护与再生&汉城城市传统文化环境保护研究与实践的考察

    The protection and regeneration of historical cultural environment Seoul

  18. 城市更新改造与历史文化保护的探讨

    The Discussion of Urban Renewal and Historic Cultural Conservation

  19. 乐山城市发展与历史文化名城保护的关系研究

    Research of the Relationship between City Development And Historical and Cultural City Protection in Leshan

  20. 同时,大多数城市的历史文化街区的保护工作迟迟没有开启,使得应保护的近代历史遗存不断减少。

    At the same time , The Protection of the most urban historical cultural blocks has not start , and makes the protected historical heritage decline .

  21. 第二章详述本文所运用的理论:地理学的文化景观理论、城市学的历史文化名城保护理论、可持续发展理论及旅游开发原则,并运用到城市旅游发展中。

    In the second part , the author introduces the theory of cultural landscape , the theory for protecting historic city and the theory of tourism sustainable development .

  22. 本文对此计划的活动内容与社会效应进行简单介绍与评述,希望为内地各城市的历史与文化遗产保护工作提供一些借鉴意义。

    The article made brief introduction and comment on activities and social effects of this project , so as to provide references for further urban conservation of historical and cultural heritage in mainland cities .

  23. 阐明了法国国家建筑与城市规划师在城市历史文化遗产保护中的地位与作用。

    Apart from discussing the background of conservation districts , the purpose and content of conservation planning , it demonstrates also the position and influence of national urban planners in the conservation of historical heritage .

  24. 高速城市化时期城市历史文化资源的保护与利用

    Protection and Exploration of City Historical and Cultural Resources in Times of Rapid Urbanization

  25. 在各个城市的改造与更新中,城市历史文化的保护与传承成为人们极度关注的问题。

    In every city in the transformation and updating of city history and culture , the protection and inheritance of become extremely concern .

  26. 当前,在城市化急速发展的背景下,城市现代化建设同历史文化保护之间不可避免的存在着许多矛盾。

    Nowadays , with rapid development of modern cities , many conflicts unavoidably occur between city modernization and historic and cultural landscape conservation .

  27. 一座城市的个性和魅力,与这座城市的历史文化资源的保护成正相关系。

    The characteristics and enchantment of a city are positively correlated to the protection of its historical and cultural resources .

  28. 随着现代城市旅游的发展和保护观念的加强,人们积极开展了对城市历史文化景观的保护性开发工作。

    However , with the development of city tourism and the enhancement of conserving awareness , protective measures are applied upon the development of city historic and cultural landscapes .

  29. 并且,采用学科交叉的方法,深入分析了城市形态中的记忆要素,以此总结出相应的表现原则与策略,为城市历史文化保护与城市设计工作提供借鉴参考。

    Meanwhile , memory elements in urban form were concluded and relevant representation principles were proposed so as to provide references for further urban conservation and urban design .

  30. 城市化的迅猛发展给我们的城市带来了巨大的压力,由此也在城市历史文化遗产保护、城乡共同发展、城市生态环境建设、城市规划设计等方面带来了一系列难以解决的矛盾。

    With the rapid expansion of urbanization , we are confronted with a series of problems such as protection of historical heritage , harmonious development between city and rural area , ecological environment protection of city , and urban planning .