
  1. 五港同盟诞生于中世纪初期的英格兰,是英国历史上唯一的城市同盟。

    Cinque Ports borned in the early Medieval England , is the only city alliance in British history .

  2. 由于教权和王权的激烈斗争,这个时期的德国中央权力孱弱,城市同盟为城市法治的发展提供了更为广阔的舞台。

    Because of the fierce struggle of the religious right and kingship , the German central power in this period is weak . But the urban league provided a broader stage for the development of the city law .

  3. 实际上,当今的国际政治正开始像中世纪城市的汉萨同盟(HanseaticLeague),全球性中心城市的贸易方式,以及它们协力解决共同问题的方式,是大国无法办到的。

    Indeed , today 's international politics is beginning to resemble the Hanseatic League of medieval cities , with global centres trading and working together to address common problems in ways that large nations do not .

  4. 乌克兰南部位于黑海边的旅游城市;是年同盟国会议的会址,由罗斯福、丘吉尔和斯大林出席。

    A resort city in S Ukraine on the Black Sea ; scene of the Allied conference between Churchill and Stalin and Roosevelt in 1945 .