
  • 网络Base Metal;basis metal;bulk metal
  1. 刷镀层对基体金属疲劳性能的影响

    Effect of Brush Plated Deposition on Fatigue Performance of Base Metal

  2. 焊接基体金属的处理

    Preparation of base metal for welding

  3. 用AES研究铝薄膜与基体金属铀之间的界面反应

    Auger Electron Spectroscopy Study on Interaction Between Aluminum Thin Layers and Uranium Substrate

  4. 采用火焰喷涂技术对基体金属表面喷涂Al2O3陶瓷。

    Flame spraying technique was employed to spay Al2O3 ceramic coating on metallic surface .

  5. 沉积坯多次循环压制后,SiC颗粒取向平行于基体金属流动方向。

    After cyclic pressing , SiC particles parallel to the flowing direction of the matrix in the as-deposited billet .

  6. 变形温度对SiCW/6061Al复合材料压缩变形期间基体金属流动和晶须重新取向的影响

    Influence of Deformation Temperature on Matrix Metal Flow and Whisker Re-orientation in SiC_W / 6061Al Composites During Compressive Deformation

  7. 用SEM对阳极氧化膜表面形貌和横截面形貌进行了观察,发现氧化膜表面形成了均匀孔洞,且与基体金属有很好的结合,并对此作出了合理的分析。

    The surface of anodizing film have homogeneous distributions of small holes and good combination between the film and matrix alloy is found by SEM .

  8. 由于SiCp承担了部分载荷和表层存在着机械混合层,因此复合材料具有比其基体金属更高的耐磨性。

    The composites have higher wear - resisting properties than their matrix alloys because of the SiC_p taking some load and the mechanical mixture layer existing in the surface regions .

  9. 试验表明:在其过程中,夹杂Al2O3微粒可以减少氢的渗入量,且随着夹杂到镀层中Al2O3微粒的增加,渗入到基体金属的氢量减少;

    Results showed that there was less amount of hydrogen permeated in the process . The more of Al-2O-3 particles , the less of hydrogen permeation in Cd-Al-2O-3 composite electroplate .

  10. 磨损亚表层中基体金属沿滑动方向的塑性流动是铝基复合材料磨损的基本特征,Al2O3纤维可有效地阻止基体的塑性流动,提高复合材料的耐磨性;

    Wear behavior of MMCs is characterized by plastic deformation of matrix in sliding direction along sub-worn surface . Al_2O_3 fiber can prevent matrix from plastic deformation and improve wear-resistance property effectively .

  11. 发现Co可增强奥氏体和马氏体基体金属原子间结合力(键参数nα相应提高12.5%~30%和20%~27%),有利于更高温度奥氏体化及回火析出量增加。

    It has been found that Co can enhance the atomic binding forces of austenite and martensite ( bond parameter n α raised by 12.5 % ~ 30 % and 20 % ~ 27 % respectively ) and increase the austenizing temperature and tempering precipitates .

  12. 合成样的分离结果表明,本方法可应用于从大量基体金属如Fe2+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Mn2+、Al3+、Pb2+和Zn2+中分离Pd(II)。

    The proposed method was applied to the separation of palladium from large amount of base metals such as Fe2 + , Ca2 + , Mg2 + , Mn2 + , Al3 + , Pb2 + and Zn2 + in synthetic sample .

  13. 用晶化的硅酸铝短纤维作增强体,用磷酸铝作黏结剂制得预制体,用AZ91D作基体金属,通过挤压浸渗工艺制备镁基复合材料。

    A magnesium alloy matrix composite was fabricated by squeeze cast with the preform made of crystallized aluminum silicate short fibers as reinforcement and aluminum phosphate as binder .

  14. 研究结果表明,提高镀液中HEDP与Cu2+离子的络合比有利于阴极电沉积铜,在不使用其他任何添加剂的情况下都能获得与基体金属结合力良好的致密铜镀层。

    The results showed that dense copper coatings which had good adhesion to substrate were obtained by increasing the complexation ratio of HEDP with copper ion without any other additives .

  15. 粉末热压复合过程中的较低温度限制或减缓了准晶颗粒与基体金属之间的反应,反应层的反应产物除了准晶类似相Al13Fe4外,还存在一定的MgAl2O4氧化物。

    The lower temperature of powder hot pressing process restricted or reduced the reaction between the quasicrystalline particle and metal matrix . Except the reaction product of quasicrystalline approximant Al_ 13 Fe_4 , there was the oxidation of MgAl_2O_4 on Al_ 63 Cu_ 25 Fe_ 12 particle edge .

  16. 基体金属的改变则会改变各阶段的长短。

    Different metal matrices caused the change of each stage length .

  17. 镀层中基体金属扩散系数的测定

    Determination of diffusion coefficient of basis metal in plated coating

  18. 紧密层利用基体金属显微不平整而与基体牢固结合,并且紧密层中存在大量沟状微裂纹。

    There are many groove micro-cracks in the compact layer .

  19. 当膜层厚度较厚时,在膜层结构中有微小的基体金属颗粒存在。

    When the coating is very thick there are metallic granules in the coating .

  20. 基体金属硬度与工艺对复合辊套耐磨性的研究

    Investigation on Hardness of Metal Matrix to Composite - alloy Grinding Roller of Wearing Resistance

  21. 涂层与基体金属附着力的研究进展

    Adhesive Between Organic Coating and Metal Substrate

  22. 紧密层与基体金属结合牢固,且紧密层中存在大量纳米尺寸的微裂纹和颗粒。

    The inner compact layer , with many micro cracks , is bonded to the substrate tightly .

  23. 基体金属对堆焊层金属性能的影响可用参数熔合比来表征。

    The effect of the substrate metal on the deposited metal property can be characterized by penetration ratio .

  24. 基体金属在堆焊过程中熔化的数量将影响堆焊层金属的微动磨损特性。

    The amount of the substrate metal molten will affect the fretting wear characteristics of the deposited metal .

  25. 与基体金属的耐磨损性能比较,堆焊层金属的耐磨损性能更好。

    Compared with fretting wear resistance of substrate metal , the fretting wear resistance of the deposited metals is better .

  26. 复合镀层经氮碳共渗后,增强镀层与基体金属之间的结合力,使其由机械结合转变成冶金结合;

    The joint form between the coating and matrix increases and it changes from mechanical joint metallurgical joint after nitrocarburizing .

  27. GB/T12635-1990碳膜电阻器用陶瓷基体金属薄膜&陶瓷基组件热载屈曲失效

    Ceramic base body using in carbon film resistor Buckle-driven delamination of metal film / ceramic substrate systems under thermal loading

  28. 界面近区基体金属发生了剧烈的多种形式的塑性变形,变形主要集中于波前漩涡附近。

    Intense and manifold plastic deformation occurs in parent metal near interface zone , and deformation mostly fastens on eddy in front of wave .

  29. 基体金属进入界面过渡层以及界面过渡层富集密着剂都有利于釉料润湿基体。

    The entry of base metal and the enrichment of indiscrete dosage in the intermediate layer can also be effective to the wetting performance .

  30. 诱发反应的有效性可从基体金属的稳定电位-时间曲线看出。

    When an autocatalytic meta is in contact with the substrate metal in the bath , a sudden decrease of stationary potential is observed .