
  • 网络Benchmark Index;benchmark indices;VN-INDEX
  1. 就在本周,作为基准指数的上证综指(ShanghaiComposite)录得多年来新的最高纪录,今年迄今该指数涨幅已超过32%。

    The benchmark Shanghai Composite has notched fresh multi-year highs this week , with a year-to-date gain of more than 32 per cent .

  2. 该公司的LargeMidCapGrowthFund去年增长了5%;其基准指数罗素1000(Russell1000)增幅为9%。

    The company 's Large Mid Cap Growth Fund was up 5 per cent last year ; the Russell 1000 , its benchmark , was up 9 per cent .

  3. 中国基准指数上证综合指数(ShanghaiComposite)从7周低点反弹,收盘上涨0.8%,至3074点。

    China 's benchmark Shanghai Composite bounced back from seven-week lows to close 0.8 per cent higher at 3,074 .

  4. 6月9日,摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)将决定是否在主要基准指数中纳入中国股票。

    On June 9 the MSCI will decide whether to include China in leading benchmark indices .

  5. 他解释称,预计ETF是完全复制基准指数(并且不间断交易)。

    ETFs , he explains , are expected to replicate the underlying index precisely ( and they trade continuously ) .

  6. 他们的成果是很有灵活性的,即便在其结构上他们考虑了NCO的不同客户对基准指数的要求。

    Their remit is very flexible , although structured by an awareness of the requirements of different client benchmarks across NCO .

  7. 截至6月20日,富达中国自年初以来已经下跌逾20%,而其比较基准指数&摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChina)的跌幅则为4%。

    As of Monday 20 June , Fidelity China had fallen more than 20 per cent since the start of the year , compared with a 4 per cent fall in the MSCI China , its benchmark index .

  8. 今年以来,与活跃的上海市场基准指数相比,该公司股价走势落后了40%左右,而炼油及营销业务规模更大的中石化(sinopec)则与大盘持平。

    It has lagged the buoyant Shanghai benchmark by about 40 per cent this year , while Sinopec with a much bigger refining and marketing business has kept pace .

  9. DuetVictoireAfricaIndex每月交易两次,与基准指数的相关性只能达到90%,原因是一些交易无法立即执行。

    The Duet Victoire Africa Index deals twice monthly , and is only able to achieve 90 per cent correlation with the index as some trades cannot be carried out immediately .

  10. 在美国指数供应商MSCI(摩根士丹利明晟指数)暂不将在华上市的股票列入关键基准指数后,中国大陆股市周三低收。

    Mainland Chinese shares closed lower on Wednesday after the US index provider MSCI held off including China-listed shares in a key benchmark index .

  11. 全球主要指数提供商MSCI明晟,最近决定暂不将中国内地股市(即A股)纳入其新兴市场基准指数。

    Global index provider MSCI recently declined to add Chinese onshore stocks , known as A shares , to its benchmark emerging market indexes .

  12. 代表大盘股的首尔Kospi基准指数下跌2.8%,至15周低点。

    Seoul 's benchmark Kospi index of leading shares fell 2.8 per cent to a 15-week low .

  13. 贝莱德集团(BlackRock)的新兴市场股票交易所基准指数基金下跌了25%,而且大部分下跌是在去年发生的。

    BlackRock 's benchmark exchange traded fund for emerging market stocks is down 25 percent , and most of that decline came in the last year .

  14. 例如,NewCovenant成长基金过去3年增长了10.5%,它参照的基准指数标准普尔500(SP500)同期升幅为10.4%。

    The New Covenant Growth fund , for instance , is up 10.5 per cent over the past three years , whereas its benchmark , the S & P 500 , is up 10.4 per cent over the same period .

  15. 全球大宗商品航运成本基准指数波罗的海干散货运价指数(bdi)已跌至4个月前水平的四分之一。

    The Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) , the global benchmark for the cost of shipping commodities , has slumped to a quarter of its level four months ago .

  16. 周二,MSCI明晟集团表示,在几个与市场准入有关的重要遗留问题得到解决后,中国A股有望被纳入MSCI全球基准指数。

    China A-shares are " on track for inclusion " in MSCI global benchmarks after " a few important remaining issues related to market accessibility have been resolved ", the group said on Tuesday .

  17. 联合国粮农组织(FAO)警告,世界面临粮食价格冲击。该组织的农产品价格基准指数上个月大幅上涨,创下名义新高,超过了2007-08年粮食危机时的水平。

    The world faces a food price shock , the Food and Agricultural Organisation warned , after its benchmark index of farm commodities prices shot up to a nominal record last month , surpassing the levels of the 2007-08 food crisis .

  18. oseberg是用于计算布伦特原油基准指数的4种北海原油品级之一。

    Oseberg is one of the four North Sea grades used to calculate the Brent crude benchmark .

  19. 棉花市场的规模相对较小,在基准指数标普高盛商品指数(s&pgsci)中的权重仅为1.2%。

    The cotton market is relatively small , making up just 1.2 per cent of the benchmark S & P GSCI commodity index .

  20. 在纽约,西得克萨斯中质原油(westtexasintermediate)期货的价格暴跌5美元以上,达到日内低点每桶119.5美元,这使得全球大宗商品基准指数reuters-jefferiescrb指数跌至5月初以来的最低点。

    In New York , West Texas Intermediate oil futures plunged more than $ 5 to an intraday low of $ 119.5 a barrel , sending the reuters-jefferies CRB index , a global commodities benchmark , to its lowest in since early May .

  21. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)美国股票资本市场主管斯蒂芬皮尔斯(StephenPierce)表示:市场脱离底部已有3到4个月时间,投资者试图达到或超过基准指数的表现,他们现在愿意重新谈论IPO了。

    Three to four months off market lows , as investors attempt to match or exceed their benchmark indices ' performance , investors are willing to talk about IPOs again , says Stephen Pierce , head of equity capital markets for the Americas at Goldman Sachs .

  22. Jefferies-ReutersCRBindex昨日飙升至467.60点的创纪录新高,从而使得上半年升幅达到30.4%,是1957年有纪录以来的最大涨幅。该指数是衡量石油、玉米或者铜等大宗商品价格的全球基准指数。

    The Jefferies-Reuters CRB index – a global benchmark for commodities prices such as oil , corn or copper – jumped to a record high of 467.60 points yesterday , bringing the first-half increase to 30.4 per cent , the largest since records began in 1957 .

  23. 私人客户投资经理与经纪商协会(apcims)正计划改变其基准指数的权重比例,以更好地反映私人客户资金投向的这种转变。

    The association of private client investment managers and stockbrokers ( Apcims ) is planning to change the weightings of its benchmark indices to better reflect this shift in how private client money is invested .

  24. 因担心经济增长放缓会抑制原材料需求,全球大宗商品基准指数Jefferies-ReutersCRB指数下跌了10.1%,这是自1980年3月该指数下跌10.5%以来的最大单月跌幅。

    The Jefferies-Reuters CRB index , a global commodities benchmark , lost 10.1 per cent , its largest monthly decline since it fell 10.5 per cent in March 1980 , amid worries about lower economic growth damping demand for raw materials .

  25. 追踪一篮子原材料价格的基准指数标准普尔高盛商品指数(s&pgsci)上涨6%,因油价昨日飙升至每桶51美元,为去年12月以来的最高水平,当日涨幅达7%。

    The benchmark S & P GSCI index , a basket of raw materials , rose 6 per cent as oil prices soared to $ 51 a barrel , up 7 per cent on the day , to their highest level since December .

  26. 美国出现一系列的银行倒闭,包括美国最大的投资银行雷曼兄弟所引发的担忧导致韩国股市的基准指数KOSPI这个星期下跌到一年半以来的最低点。

    South Korea 's main stock index , the KOSPI , dipped to its lowest point in a year and a half this week , amid worries over a string of major bank failures in the United States , including the collapse of Lehman Brothers , one of the country 's largest investment institutions .

  27. 中国基准指数上证综指今年上涨75%。

    The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index has risen 75 per cent this year .

  28. 在过去短短两年多的时间里,上海的基准指数已上涨了5倍。

    Shanghai 's benchmark index has increased sixfold in just over two years .

  29. 截至昨日午盘,该基准指数下跌0.8%,至1155点。

    The benchmark index was off by 0.8 per cent at 1155 by midday .

  30. 例如,基金经理也许需要一个关于其特殊投资风格的基准指数。

    They might need a benchmark for their particular investment style , for example .