
  1. 她的小说基本情节都一样。

    Her novels always have the same basic story .

  2. 如果你还没有看过这部电影,下面就是基本情节。

    If you haven 't seen Gump yet , here are the basics .

  3. 影片的基本情节都得到了保留。

    The basic plot has been retained .

  4. 本真叙述构建起小说的基本情节框架,并为人物刻画和主题阐释奠定了反英雄基调。

    Pure diegetic narration constructs the basic structure of the novel and sets the anti-hero tone for the characterization and theme-probe .

  5. 小说的主人公霍尔顿·考尔菲德是一名16岁的男学生,书中以第一人称的方式叙述了他在几天内精神崩溃的经过,这就是这本书的基本情节。

    Holden Caulfield is the 16-year-old schoolboy whose first-person narrative of his mental breakdown over several days forms the basic plot .

  6. 母题,是构成神话的基本情节元素,它作为文化的遗传基因,被反复地复制、组合到不同的文学作品中。

    Motif as a basic component of a myth is often passed on in a culture and incorporated into different literary works .

  7. 电影剧本结构电影的基本情节,电影脚本在制作的角度重塑剧本。

    The basic plot of the movie screenplay structure , the film script in the production of point of view to reshape the script .

  8. 《李尔王》和《长生殿》基本情节结构均是围绕“情感线索”和“动作线索”发展的,前者是两剧的主要线索。

    Both the plot structures of King Lear and The palace of Eternal Youth are developed around the " feeling thread " and the " action thread " .

  9. 编剧马克•科雷恩和贾森•凯勒根据原来的童话故事编写了该电影剧本。影片的一些基本情节没有变动,只是白雪公主对自己的命运有了更多的掌控。

    Writers Marc Klein and Jason Keller use the original fairy tale as the jumping-off point for a story that lets Snow White take more control of her destiny .

  10. 叙述的主要作用是介绍主要人物、基本情节、以及串连故事等;而对话的艺术成就则是《红楼梦》成功塑造七百多位人物形象的根本。

    The function of the narration is mainly to present the key characters , main plot and organize story . While the artistic achievement of the dialogue of HLM is successful arraying seven hundred dazzling characters .

  11. 2006年国庆期间播放的《象棋王》拼凑了日本动漫《棋魂》的基本情节、男主角进藤光的外貌,以及另一部日本动漫《游戏王》的战斗系统。

    Broadcast during the National Day2006 " Chess King " put together the Japanese anime " Hikaru " the basic plot , actor Shinto light appearance , and another Japanese anime " Game King " combat system .

  12. 《祝福》和《活着》基本情节和写法有些相似,但创作时代的不同使得这两部作品的创作观念、作品风貌和阅读效果大不相同。

    New Year 's Sacrifice and Surviving are similar in basic plots and writing methods , but they are quite different from each other in writing conception , style of work , as well as reading effectiveness .

  13. 尽管若干世纪以来,文学理论家们一直在研究作家写故事时应用的基本情节和结构,分析它们的特征,历数其种类,但好像此前从来没有针对英语小说做过如此严谨的科学分析。

    While literary theorists have for centuries characterised and counted the basic plots and structures that writers use in stories , it 's unlikely there 's ever been such a rigorous scientific analysis of English fiction like this before .

  14. 或者它是您的核心功能(如果忘记了什么是核心功能,请参见图1)、您的电影的基本情节,还是您的XBOX360设备中最吸引人的游戏?

    Or is it the core of your production : the core function ( refer back to Figure 1 if you 've forgotten what this is ), or the base story of your movie , or the most engaging bit of gameplay in your XBox 360 title ?

  15. 施耐德说英雄的历程可能形式各不同,但是基本故事情节只有几类。

    Snyder says a journey can take different forms , but there are just a few basic stories .

  16. 弥天大谎中偶尔也会隐藏着些许真相,但基本的故事情节永远差不了多少。

    Occasionally there is a small truth hidden in the big lie , but the essential storyline never deviates .

  17. 这一基本的戏剧情节影响了整个末日天启思想,从法国部落货物崇拜的基本理论到不明飞行物教派的信仰。

    This basic drama shapes all apocalyptic thought , from the tenets of tribal cargo cults to the beliefs of UFO sects .

  18. 基本上,类似情节在我的很多作品中都曾出现。

    In all of my work , it appears somehow .

  19. 从提取出来的情节功能中,我们可以发现,小说基本上围绕这些情节功能展开叙述。小说或包含所有情节功能,或选取几个结构文章。

    It was found that the novels were basically narrated depending on these plot functions , which included in the articles .

  20. 刑罚裁量应当按照“确定基本刑确定量刑情节轻重修正基本刑”的路径进行。

    The most feasible access to measuring penalty includes three steps : confirming basic punishment , confirming the circumstances of sentencing and modifying the basic punishment .

  21. 在词汇教学中,教师应根据心理语言学基本理论,利用情节记忆、联想等方法来加强词汇教学,并注重学习动机的培养,激发学习兴趣,以提高词汇教学的效果和效率。

    In lexical teaching , according to the basic theory of psychological linguistics , teachers should strengthen it by means of plot memory and association , cultivate their learning motive and stimulate their interests to promote the effect and efficiency of it .

  22. 从经济形态之别和基本主题与题材转换,社会关系之别和基本场景与情节转换,价值体系之别和主要人物与主导风格转换这三方面论述乡土小说向农村小说转换的历程。

    The shifting process from hometown novel to village novel is stated from the following aspects : from economic formation differences to basic theme and material , from social relation differences to basic scene and plot , from value system differences to main character and dominating style .