
  • 网络basic courses;basic curriculum;Fundamental Courses
  1. 会计、商务谈判、市场营销、英语语法、词汇学以及一些其它的基本课程。

    Accounting , Business Negotiation , Marketing , English phraseology , vocabulary and other basic courses .

  2. 各地扫盲教学材料的编写须覆盖基本课程的全部内容。

    Around the teaching of literacy materials prepared must cover the entire contents of basic courses .

  3. 它不是多余的;它支持学生所需的基本课程活动及服务。

    It is not for frills ; it supports basic programs and services that students need .

  4. 在这过程中,你最可能要面临两项基本课程:思想开明和公平感。

    In this course , you will most likely encounter the basic lessons of openness and fairness .

  5. 各地编写的基本课程的教学材料应报教育部备案。

    Over prepare the basic teaching materials should be submitted to the Ministry of education for the record .

  6. 要想使这一学习过程轻松些,你必须首先修得同情和宽恕这两门基本课程;

    To ease this process of learning , you must first master the basic lessons of compassion and forgiveness .

  7. 他说,很多学校也停电了,导致教育系统瘫痪,加沙儿童无法通过基本课程的考试。

    As a result he says Gaza 's educational system has broken down , and children there fail basic tests in rudimentary subjects .

  8. 也有以科学和社会科学为基本课程的高中,其目标也是通过大学考试。

    There are Science and Social Science-based High Schools , which give education of science or social sciences focused and leading to university entrance exam .

  9. 它是针对先进的学生英语,英语教师(母语及对母语),并做学生的基本课程,在语音。

    It is aimed at advanced students of English , teachers of English ( native and on-native speakers ) and students doing basic courses in phonetics .

  10. 完成基本课程后,新人们将学习更为具体的业务部门知识。

    Upon the completion of the basic program , management trainees will move on to specific business units ( product desk ) and learn on the job .

  11. 田径教学作为高等院校体育教学的基本课程之一,其开展的效果与质量也越来越为人们所关注。

    The track and field teaching in college sports teaching of basic course , its carry out the effect and the quality also more and more attention .

  12. 统整后,作为一种宏观的参考性框架,学校课程结构包括基本课程、强化课程、微型课程和自由学习四大块。

    After synthesis , the structure of school curriculum as a consultative framework concludes four parts : basic curriculum , intensive curriculum , mini-courses and free learning .

  13. 与香港大学专业进修学院继续合办「护理人员爱滋病基本课程」。

    " Introductory Course on HIV / AIDS for Nurses " was jointly organised by the School of Professional and Continuing Education , the University of Hong Kong .

  14. 本研究在把握高等职业教育基本课程理论的基础上,点击高职教育改革的核心问题&课程改革。

    On the basic of the theory of the fundamental subjects in higher vocational education , the study focused on the core problem of the reform of higher vocational education & curriculum reform .

  15. 记者在《指导纲要》中看到,基本课程应涵盖《生活中的读与写》、《生活中的数与算》和《生活中的知与能》三门课程。

    Reporters in the " guidelines " to see , basic course should be covered " life in reading and writing "," life " and " count the number and life in the knowledge and ability " three courses .

  16. 研究得出:高等体育院校武术普修课程应以武术基本课程设置为主体,淡化专业课程,淡化套路,体现教学方法与手段的灵活性和先进性;

    Researching acquires : Advanced Institute of Physical Education 's Wushu as Universal Curriculum should take the Wushu basic curriculum as main part , desalinate special curriculum , desalinate routine , reflect teaching method and means ' flexibility and advance ;

  17. 而与此相应,现代高等教育的教学之课程,可以教学四种基本的课程类型为维度来构建集约化的范式。

    The teaching courses of modern higher education can be classified into four basic types .

  18. 因此,本文主要从三个方面探讨提高马克思主义基本原理课程教学实效的具体举措。

    Therefore , this thesis mainly discusses measures to improve efficiency of the teaching from three aspects .

  19. 库克岛与新西兰的教育系统有着深深的联系,基本上课程相同。

    The Cook Islands has close ties with the New Zealand education system and basically has the same curriculum .

  20. 高职旅游管理专业行业基本素质课程教学新模式研究

    A research into the new teaching mode for basic professional quality course in tourism management in higher vocational colleges

  21. 英语教材是最基本的课程资源,在教学中起着重要作用。

    English textbooks are the primary resource for English curriculums . They play a vital role in teaching English courses .

  22. 目的对中医药院校医学生开设护理基本功课程进行教学研究。

    Objectives : To conduct investigation on offering courses of basic nursing skills among students of colleges and universities of Chinese medicine .

  23. 早在19世纪就形成了两种基本的课程综合化的原理&相关综合原理与经验综合原理。

    As early as 19th century , there arose two basic principles of curriculum integration : the principle of interrelated integration and the principle of experiential integration .

  24. 职技高师作为新型师资培养院校面临着教师基本技能课程设置不合理的问题。

    The article puts forward the train of thought to reform the teachers basic skill course from the aspects of course provision , teaching method and means , etc.

  25. 在课程资源日益多样化的今天,传统文本资源虽然不再是唯一合法的课程资源,却依然是最重要、最基本的课程资源。

    Though traditional text resources are no longer the only valid one in such a context with varied curriculum resources , it is still vital and the most basic .

  26. 自2001年《基本教育课程改造纲要(试行)》公布与实行以来,探究教授教养成为我国教育工作者关注的焦点。

    Since the promulgation and implementation of Basic Education Curriculum Reform ( Trial ) in2001 , there is a growing tendency these days for many educators to focus on inquiry instruction .

  27. 迈阿密&戴德学院开设的通识教育课程包括基本技能课程、核心课程、分类课程和选修课程四大类。每个大类包括若干科目。

    The general education courses offered in MD-CC consist of four categories , i.e. Basic Skills , Core Courses , Distribution Courses and Elective Courses , each of which different subjects .

  28. 在对20世纪以来二种最基本的课程内容选择模式进行反思后,构建了体育课程内容选择的“过程&目标偏向融合模式”,并分析了它对大学体育课程相关改革的启示。

    This paper forms a new mode of choosing the contents for PE curriculum after examining two basic modes of choosing curriculum contents since the 20th century , and analyzes the enlightenment to the PE curriculum at universities .

  29. 足球普修课是体育院系必修的一门重要的基本骨干课程,它作为培养我国体育教育专业人才的摇篮,必须根据知识与经济时代的特征进行教学改革,培养适应时代需求的人才。

    Football is a sport departments required is an important basic key course , it as the cradle of talent education of sports in our country , we must reform the teaching according to the characteristics of knowledge and economy era , train suitable talents .

  30. 普通课程则是基本的高中课程,不如AP或荣誉课那么难。

    Regular courses are basic high school courses , and are not as challenging as AP or honors classes .