
  • 网络Base Current
  1. 频率、基极电流、集电极电流、发射极几何尺寸(面积、条长)、Ge组份x、温度等诸多因素都对低频噪声有影响。

    Many factors , such as frequency , base current , collector current , geometry size ( emitter area and length ), Ge fraction and temperature , will have influence on low-frequency noise characteristics .

  2. 辐照后基极电流、结漏电流增大,集电极电流、击穿电压减小。

    The base current and the junction leakage current increase , while the collector current and the breakdown voltage decrease for SiGe HBTs after radiation .

  3. 计及基极电流非理想因子n的影响,引入了禁带宽度视在变窄量△E(8a)的概念,提出了描述h(FE)温度特性的理论模型。

    Taking into account the effect of non-ideal factor n in the medium current range a concept of the " apparent amount of bandgap narrowing " is introduced and a theoretical model of the current gain hFE temperature dependence is presented .

  4. 本文从包括埋层影响的集区杂质分布出发,求出了寄生PNP晶体管的共基极电流放大系数。

    We try to obtain the common-base current gain a of the parasitic PNP transistor from the eloping profile of the collector region including the effect of buried-layer .

  5. 基极电流作等值增长时,集电极电流是否也相应地等值上升呢?

    Does the collector current rise in equal steps for equal increments of base current ?

  6. 微波晶体管电流增益和基极电流非理想因子的温度特性

    Temperature Dependence of the Current Gain and the Nonideal Component of Base Current in Microwave Transistors

  7. 集电极-基极电流增益

    Collector to-base current gain

  8. 结果表明,表面态的存在对集电极电流几乎不产生影响,但显著增加基极电流,使得电流增益明显下降。

    LOSS AND GAIN It is shown that the surface recombination in the extrinsic base degrades the current gain significantly .

  9. 对双极晶体管的低温物理模型和低频噪声模型进行了研究,认为低温下硅双极晶体管电流增益下降的主要原因是低温下非理想基极电流的增加。

    In this paper , the research of low temperature physical model and low frequency noise model of silicon bipolar transistor has been conducted .

  10. 我们已经看到有源晶体管的恒定的基极电流是如何以系数β制集电极电流的。

    We 've seen already how maintaining a constant base current through an active transistor results in the regulation of collector current , according to the β ratio .

  11. 选用自偏置电流源为cascode增益结构提供基极偏置电流,并根据ADS仿真出的基极电流IB与最小噪声系数NF的关系曲线,确定使NF较小的偏置电流。

    The self-bias current source is selected to provide the base biascurrent of cascode gain structure . According to IB-NF curve in ADS simulation , the bias current is determined to achieve the lower noise figure .

  12. 提高脉冲逆变器开关频率的技术&最佳基极驱动电流和抗饱和电路的设计

    The Method of Increasing the Switching Frequency of Transistor Inverter-The Design of Optimal Base Current and Saturation Control Circuit

  13. 本文针对基极电阻随电流变化的实验事实,根据基区电导调制效应,提出了工作在大电流密度水平时,基极电阻RB(IB)的理论模型;

    A theoretical model is presented to determine the current dependence of base resistance RB ( IB ) of bipolar transistor at high current , based on the effect of base conductivity modulation .

  14. 结果表明,与基极电阻和电流增益相关的基区宽度是器件优化设计的重点之一。

    The results show that the base width correlated with base resistance and current gain is one of the key factors for the optimum design of the device .