
jī diǎn
  • basic point;starting point;centre;jig point;principal point;base point;basis
基点 [jī diǎn]
  • (1) [principal point;centre;base point;basic point]

  • (2) 中心;重点

  • (3) 事物发展的根本;基础

基点[jī diǎn]
  1. 上述法律部门均能够在WTO规则体系中找到基点和基本构架。

    Above-mentioned the law of department all could obtain the basic point and the basic frame in the set of trade rules .

  2. 欧洲文化认同以欧洲文化为基点。

    European cultural identity regards European culture as the basic point .

  3. 这篇文章将作为我们讨论的基点。

    This article will form the basis for our discussion .

  4. 这个职位将给他提供一个强有力的政治基点来挑战克里姆林宫。

    The post will give him a powerful political base from which to challenge the Kremlin

  5. 我们的方针要放在自力更生的基点上。

    Our policy should rest on the basis of self-reliance .

  6. 分析问题是解决问题的基点。

    The analysis of a problem is the starting point for its solution .

  7. 方位基点就是东西南北。

    The cardinal points of the compass are north , south , east and west .

  8. 虽然高中一般不鼓励学生探索生活的新方向,但大学可以被作为这种探索的基点。

    While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life , college sets the stage for that exploration .

  9. MATLAB及其在重力基点网平差中的应用

    Adjustment of gravitational base point net using MATLAB

  10. 本文移植二维水弹性砰击与波激力矩程序,应用B-R准则,以相对应的静态屈曲阈值为基点搜索动态屈曲。

    This paper transplants a program for slamming moment and wave exciting moment , and utilizes the B-R criterion .

  11. 而用CAD绘图并采用查询法求基点坐标,可省去许多计算的繁琐。

    However , calculation may be greatly simplified by using CAD for drawing and query for base-point coordinate .

  12. 用分布式并行算法选取GF〔p〕上椭圆曲线的基点

    Selection of Base Point of Elliptic Curve over GF ( P ) Using Distributed Parallel Arithmetic

  13. 中国MBO法律环境分析&以国有企业为基点

    The Legal Environment Analysis of MBO Appliance in china

  14. TGA基点漂移量的测试与分析

    Measuring-testing and Analysis of TGA Base-point Drift Magnitude

  15. 我国法学界对SA8000标准的研究焦点主要是如何在此标准的基点上完善我国的劳动法制,而对SA8000标准的法律渊源研究未形成系统的理论。

    The research focuses on SA8000 is on how to implement the labor law system .

  16. 本研究以盐碱土地区大庆市肇州县为试验基点,对苏打盐碱地桑树/大豆间作土壤pH、含盐量及土壤酶活性进行检测,以此对土壤质量进行初步评估。

    The research was carried out at Zhaozhou country , Daqing City . The pH , salt content and soil enzyme activity for mulberry-soybean intercropping soil were detected to evaluate soil quality .

  17. 为了针对违约提供保险保护,购买CDS的交易者向卖家支付以基点表述的保费。

    To insure against default , the buyer of a CDS pays the seller a premium , whose value is denoted in basis points .

  18. 同年世行向阿根廷放贷3000万美元,利率为Libor加85个基点。

    In the same year , the World Bank lent Argentina $ 30m at Libor plus 85 basis points .

  19. 介绍了用横向放大率法确定两薄透镜组成的光具组基点的原理和方法,该方法采用线阵光电耦合器件(CCD)测量物经光学系统成像的横向放大率,进一步提高了测量精度。

    The theory and method of using lateral magnification to determine the cardinal point of compound optical system are introduced . Since CCD is used , the high measurement precision is obtained .

  20. 伦敦的一些经纪人称,紧缩方案公布后法国债券的信贷违约掉期(CDS)息差反而跃升至创纪录的236个基点。

    After the announcement , the cost to insure French debt using credit default swaps jumped to a record 236 basis points , according to brokers in the city of London .

  21. DS模型不仅使国际贸易理论发展有了新的基点,而且还使新增长理论(第二代)发展起来。

    DS model serves not simply the new basis for the development of international trade theories , but also facilitates the development of new growth theories ( the second generation ) .

  22. 再次,设计适宜于特征值为3的有限域F(3~m)上的Weierstrass曲线的任意基点的标量乘和多标量乘算法。

    Thirdly , the paper also proposes the algorithms for scalar multiplication and multi-scalar multiplication for an arbitrary point on Weierstrass elliptic curves over fields of characteristic Three .

  23. 但股市已出现强劲反弹,因为投资者的期望有所上升:即美联储(fed)下周将被迫降息50个基点,以防止(经济)迅速滑入低迷状态。

    But equities rallied strongly as investor hopes increased that the US Federal Reserve would be forced to make interest rate cuts by up to 50 basis points next week in a bid to stop a slide into a sharp downturn .

  24. 疲弱的经济数据表明,不断飙升的油价6月份已对经济增长构成冲击,但尚不足以阻止欧洲央行(ECB)在下周加息,欧洲央行计划将主要利率上调25个基点至4.25%。

    Weak economic data indicated soaring oil prices had hit growth in June , but not enough to stop the European Central Bank going ahead next week with a planned quarter percentage point rise to 4.25 per cent in its main interest rate .

  25. 但这并非市场困扰的唯一信号:以美国为例,3个月期国债利率与AA级资产担保融资票据之间的息差,已从今年早些时候的30个基点扩大到了270个基点。

    Yet this is not the only indication of distress : in the US , for example , the spread between the rate of interest on three-month treasury bills and AA-rated asset-backed financial paper has widened to 270 basis points from 30 basis points earlier in the year .

  26. 译文欲鲜活,巧用四字格评大学英语教材译文的翻译技巧汉英隐喻习语ICM和CB的认知对比考察&以汉语的四字格隐喻习语为基点

    On the Function of Four-Character Idioms and Phrases in Translations & A Remark on the Translations of Teacher 's Books Currently Used in Colleges The ICM and CB Operating in the Construction and Cognition of Chinese and English Metaphoric Idioms : A Contrastive Enquiry

  27. 同样面临通胀上升的巴西央行,预计本周将把selic基准利率调升75个基点,至10.25%。

    The Brazilian Central Bank , also facing rising inflation , is expected to hike the benchmark selic rate by 75 basis points to 10.25 per cent this week .

  28. 该公司表示,在日本,CBX上的买卖差价比东京市场上平均28个基点的价差大约低18个基点。

    The company said the difference between bid and offer prices on CBX in Japan was about 18 basis points narrower than the average spread of 28 basis points in the broader Tokyo market .

  29. 在程序验证领域,Hoare公理方法与Dijkstra最弱前置谓词方法是最为杰出的,这两个方法系统的基点是各自定义的语言系统,然后根据各自的方法寻求语言系统的语义。

    In the field of program verification , Hoare axiomatic method and the Dijkstra weakest pre-verb is the most outstanding of these two methods is their point system , the definition of the language system , and then find their way to the semantics of the language system .

  30. 通过静态仿真、DSH动态仿真等手段,以实用性能价格比为基点,进行研究,从而确定经济可行的阀芯设计方案,并对近年来引起人们兴趣的控制曲线双增益问题进行了探讨。

    By means of static simulation and DSH dynamic simulation , practic perfor-mance-price ratio as key point is investigated , thereby an economically practical design scheme of valve core is developed and double gain of control curve is also discussed , which recently becomes attractive subject .