
  • 网络Christian art
  1. 圣母像基督教艺术中圣母玛利亚的画像。

    Madonna In Christian art , a depiction of the Virgin Mary .

  2. 奈杰尔正在研究早期的基督教艺术。

    Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art .

  3. 在基督教艺术中,以圣徒为题材的图像丰富而繁多。

    Among Christian art , images of saints have been abundant and various .

  4. 威廉是早期基督教艺术的专家。

    William is an expert inion early Christian art .

  5. 在基督教的艺术中,鸽子常常作为圣灵的标志被画在基督的头顶上方。

    In Christian art , the dove was used to symbolise the Holy Ghost and was often painted above Christ 's head .

  6. 哥特式艺术或绘画艺术作为基督教传统艺术形式,在北方国家的民族文化中具有强烈民族情感特征和审美意味。

    As a traditional art form of Christianity , Gothic art or its painting art possesses strong national emotions and aesthetic tastes in the national cultures of north European countries .

  7. 哥特式建筑艺术实现了中世纪基督教哲学与艺术创作的完美结合。

    Gothic architecture achieves medieval Christian perfect combination of philosophy and art .

  8. 不同时期基督教精神对悲剧艺术的影响力不同,悲剧对基督教精神的态度也不同。

    In different times , Christian influence on the tragic art and the attitude of tragedies to the Christian spirit are different .

  9. 基督教是西方文明的源头之一,基督教题材的艺术作品在西方艺术史上占有非常重要的位置,对基督教题材的艺术作品进行研究具有艺术、宗教、社会、历史和文化等多方面的意义。

    Christianity is one source of the western civilization , and the art works on Christian imagery occupy significant position in western history of arts . So taking a research on Christian imagery art works shows great significance in such art , religion , society and culture and so on .