
jī chǔ yīnɡ yǔ
  • Basic English
  1. 论基础英语课程CAI课件的制作

    On making of multimedia teaching courseware of Basic English Course

  2. 运用PowerPoint设计和制作基础英语课程教学课件

    Using PowerPoint to Design and Make Teaching Courseware for Basic English Course

  3. 我们呼吁简化语言基础英语,开发商是查尔斯的k。奥格登,并发表于1930年随书:基础英语:一般采用的规则和语法。

    We call this simplified language Basic English , the developer is Charles K.Ogden , and was released in1930 with the book : Basic English : A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar .

  4. 早在二十世纪二十年代,英国学者、评论家IA理查茨构想出一种850字的英语版本《基础英语》在中国使用。

    As long ago as the1920s , the British academic and critic IA Richards formulated Basic English , an850-word version of English for use in China .

  5. 其基本分类包括:基础英语、特殊英语、英语改革、专业英语、欧式英语、手势英语和E-prime(一种省略be动词的英语表达方式)。

    The basic classifications include Basic English , Special English , English reform , Sea speak , Euro-English , manually coded English and E-prime .

  6. 无论是国内的政策与研究趋势,还是国外的先进教学经验,都预示和证明了ESP教学代替传统基础英语教学必将成为未来中国大学英语教育发展的一个重要方向。

    Not only domestic relevant policies and researches , but also foreign advanced teaching experiences , all indicate and prove that ESP taking the place of traditional EGP will become an important direction for the future college English education development in China .

  7. 高校英语专业基础英语课程中的文化教学

    English Class On Culture Teaching in Comprehensive English Class in College

  8. 专业英语是高等学校本科各专业的一门重要辅助课程,是基础英语的延伸。

    Specialty English is a very important cocurriculum for college students .

  9. 探究中学习:基础英语课程个案研究

    Learning Through Inquiry : A Case Study on Basic English Course

  10. 压缩大学基础英语,提高语言学习效率&试论重点大学大学英语课程设置改革

    On the reform of College English curriculum design in key universities

  11. 用社会建构主义模式构建基础英语教学

    Teaching Basic English on the Basis of the Social Constructivist Approach

  12. 他们把《基础英语》选作教材。

    They have chosen " Essential English " as their textbook .

  13. 试谈基础英语与专业英语的关系

    On the Relation of Basic English and English for Special Purposes

  14. 掌握基础英语的关键在于质,而不在于量。

    The key to basic English is quality , not quantity .

  15. 基础英语五步教学初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Five-Step Teaching Method in the Basic English

  16. 基于认知语言学的教学法与基础英语词汇教学

    Cognitive Linguistics-Based Cognitive Teaching Approach to Basic English Vocabulary Teaching

  17. 也谈习得、学得与我国的基础英语教学

    Concepts Of Acquisition Learning With Regards To China 's Basic English Teaching

  18. 论成人高校专业英语和基础英语的衔接

    On the Connection between EGP and ESP at Adult Colleges

  19. 关键期假设与中国基础英语教学

    The Critical Period Hypothesis and English Language Learning in China

  20. 高职基础英语课程教学改革中的问题及对策研究

    The Major Problems and Countermeasures in EGP Teaching Reform in Vocational Colleges

  21. 基础英语初级阶段教学中易忽视的问题

    Several Neglected Issues in the Teaching of Intensive Reading at Primary Stage

  22. 高职英语专业中的基础英语课程教学

    Teaching of Basic English Course for English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 大学生基础英语写作能力现状调查及对策研究

    Investigations On College Students ' Writing Ability In English And The Implications

  24. 基础英语常用词搭配要点。

    Focus collocation of common words of essential English ii .

  25. 论篇章模式在基础英语精读教学中的应用

    Application of textual pattern to teaching of English intensive reading

  26. 关于构建基础英语课程教学评价体系的思考

    Thought on the Construction of Comprehensive English Evaluation System

  27. 有关基础英语课作业的布置、批改和讲评的设想

    On the Students ' Homework for Essential English Course

  28. 家庭背景对上海市基础英语教育的影响

    Influence of Family Background on English Learning in Junior High Schools in Shanghai

  29. 建构主义学习理论和基础英语课堂教学

    Constructivist Learning Theory and Classroom Teaching of Basic English

  30. 基础英语是英语专业的主干课程。

    Basic English is one of the main courses in English specialized courses .