
  • 网络Redemption;fund redemption
  1. 机构投资者与基金赎回率的影响关系比较大;

    Institution investors have great influence to the redemption ratio .

  2. 开放式基金赎回机制的外部效应

    External Effects of the Redemption Mechanism of Open-end Funds

  3. 集中投资亚洲(不含日本)的基金赎回额达到三年来的最高点。

    Redemptions from Asia-focused funds ( excluding Japan ) hit a three-year high .

  4. 我国开放式基金赎回问题的行为金融学分析

    Behavioral Financial Analysis of China 's Open-style Fund Redemption

  5. 开放式基金赎回现象的实证研究

    Phenomenon An Empirical Investigation on Open-end Fund Redemption

  6. 开放式基金赎回异象研究

    Research on Exceptional Redemption of Open-end Fund

  7. 模型回归的结果暗示总体上滞后一期收益和分红都对基金赎回具有控制作用。

    The regressive result implies that log return and log dividend of fund can control the redemption .

  8. 偏债型基金赎回率的最佳影响变量是基金规模和上期赎回率。

    And partial-bond funds ' best redemption ratio influence factors are fund size and previous period redemption ratio .

  9. 本文通过实证研究发现了关于影响我国股票型开放式基金赎回的因素以及这些因素带来的后果。

    This dissertation summarises the factors which effecting on the redemption risk of the equity open-end fund and the consequence .

  10. 并且,我国的开放式基金赎回主要有四个特点:持续性、全面性、巨额性和非理性。

    And , our country 's open-end fund redemption mainly has four characteristics : continuity , overall , large amount and irrationality .

  11. 最后,针对我国股票型开放式基金赎回风险的特殊性,本文从三个不同层面给出了具体建议。

    At last , this paper gives some material suggestions from three aspects , because of the particularity of redemption risk in China .

  12. 其次,持续出现的基金赎回使基金份额急剧减少,对基金的持续经营能力提出了挑战;

    Second , appears continually the fund redemption causes the fund share to reduce suddenly , proposed the challenge to the fund continually business capacity ;

  13. 恐慌的私人投资者成群结队地从对冲基金赎回资金。在以不信任为特点的环境中,他们恰恰对自己已经投资的东西缺乏信心。

    Panicked private investors redeemed from hedge funds en masse , unsure , in an environment characterised by mistrust , of exactly what they had invested in .

  14. 鉴于欧洲和美国市场面临的不确定性,各银行流动性减少;而因受到基金赎回的打击,大型投资机构正在减持亚洲债券。

    Given the uncertainty stalking the European and US markets , banks have less liquidity and the big investment houses , hit by fund redemptions , are pulling back from Asian bonds .

  15. 然而,去年这一切都改变了。石油和大宗商品价格大幅下跌,加上美国高收益债券基金赎回,导致高收益债券市场的流动性出现重大洗牌。

    However , all this changed last year when steep falls in oil and commodities prices , together with US high-yield fund redemptions , led to a liquidity shakeout in the high-yield bond market .

  16. 实证分析表明,影响我国开放式基金赎回的因素是多方面的,包括基金净值变化、分红、基金成立时间的长短、品牌、投资者结构等。

    Positive analysis shows that many factors affect the redeem of open funds , such as net value changes , dividends , the time since the forming of the funds , brand , the structure of investors , and so on .

  17. 业内咨询机构KineticsPartners的一位主管克里斯隆巴德(ChrisLombardy)表示,降低费用是金融危机期间,当一些基金暂停赎回时开始的。

    Chris Lombardy , an executive at Kinetics Partners , an industry consultant , said the fee cuts started when some funds halted redemptions during the financial crisis .

  18. 汇丰银行(HSBC)亚洲股票策略师StevenSun表示:自2月27日股市下跌9%以来,散户和保险公司正在推动开放式基金的赎回。

    Retail investors and insurance companies are driving redemptions for open-ended funds since the [ 9 per cent ] market drop on February 27 , said Steven Sun , Asia equity strategist at HSBC .

  19. 而中国的资本市场上,开放式基金的赎回比例则很大。

    However , the redemption degree is very large in China .

  20. 关于水利建设投资基金的赎回和质押。

    Redemption and hypothecation of investment fund of water resources construction .

  21. 第二章对我国开放式基金的赎回风险进行特殊性分析。

    Chapter two mainly analyses the specialty of our open-ended fund .

  22. 开放式基金的赎回机制决定了其特殊的流动性风险。

    The redemption mechanism of open-end funds determines its particular liquidity risk .

  23. 在发达国家的资本市场上,开放式基金的赎回始终保持较小的比例。

    In developed countries , open-ended funds keep a low degree of redemption .

  24. 开放式基金投资者赎回行为的模拟

    Simulation of the Redeeming Behavior of Open-End Fund Investor

  25. 然而,由于开放式基金自由赎回制度导致的流动性风险也越来越突出。

    Unfortunately , the liquidity risk resulting from redemption is becoming increasingly serious .

  26. 下一步将会是数以千计的高杠杆对冲基金出现赎回。

    The next stage will be a run on thousands of highly leveraged hedge funds .

  27. 共同基金的赎回潮导致股市资金外流,也使股市承压。

    It doesn 't help that mutual-fund redemptions are taking wind out of the stock market .

  28. 开放式基金的赎回机制是为了激励基金经理更努力地工作,为投资者带来更大的收益。

    The redemption mechanism is originally designed to stimulate the fund managers to work harder , thus earning more profits .

  29. 在介绍完赎回风险的概念、市场表现和影响后,基于委托&代理理论对开放式基金的赎回风险进行了成因分析。

    After introduce the concept and the influence of the redeeming risk the paper analyses the reason of the risk by Principal-Agent-Theory .

  30. 当马多夫基金遭遇赎回浪潮时,这场庞氏骗局据称马多夫自己就是这么叫的就难以继续了。

    When a wave of redemptions hit the Madoff funds , the Ponzi scheme , as Mr Madoff himself reportedly called it , became unworkable .