
jī yīn
  • Pitch;fundamental tone
基音 [jī yīn]
  • (1) [fundamental tone]

  • (2) 任一谐音系中的基本音调,它产生发出声调的可听到的音高

  • (3) 产生谐音列的音

  1. 基于MATLAB的自相关函数基音检测的优化

    The Autocorrelation Function based on MATLAB Optimization of Pitch Detection

  2. 基于Matlab的一种基音周期检测算法

    An algorithm for pitch detection based on Matlab

  3. 线性调频变Z换在钢琴基音检测中的应用

    Application of Linear Frequency Modulation Complex Z Transformation in Pitch Detection of Piano

  4. 一种基于BF模型的基音检测改进算法

    A Modified Approach of Pitch Detection Based on Bloomfield Model

  5. 本文提出基于STRAIGHT模型和BP神经网络的基音频率转换算法。

    For this reason , the pitch frequency transformation algorithm , based on the STRAIGHT + BP Neural Network , is proposed .

  6. 扩展基音周期曲线在动态HMM模型中的应用

    Application of Extended Pitch Contour in Dynamic HMM Model

  7. 基于LPC预测误差DWT的语音基音检测

    Pitch Detection of Speech Signals Based on LPC Predictive Error DWT

  8. 基于LPC预测残差的倒谱基音检测算法分析

    LPC Predictive Residual of Speech Based Cepstral Pitch Detection Algorithm Analysis

  9. 基音轨迹F0~t转换是实现高质量源-目标说话人声音转换的重要组成部分。

    The Transformation of F_0 contour from source speaker to target speaker is a key issue of the high quality voice trans - formation .

  10. 本文采用自相关基音检测算法(ACF)提取基音频率。

    Pitch frequency can be extracted by auto correlation function ( ACF ) .

  11. 一种高精度改进型SHR基音检测算法

    Improved SHR pitch detection algorithm with high accuracy

  12. 基于基音元的汉字单音节LPC合成方法

    A Method of LPC Speech Synthesis of Chinese Syllables Based on Pitch Unit

  13. 基于MBE模型的基音周期估计算法改进

    Improved on Pitch Period Calculation Based on MBE Model

  14. 基于小波变换的MBE模型基音估计算法改进

    Improved MBE fundamental pitch calculation based on wavelet transform

  15. MBE声码器的基音估计研究

    Research on Estimation of Pitch Period OF MBE Vocoder

  16. 研究了一种用于WI语音编码模型的基音检测算法。

    An algorithm of pitch detection for WI coding model is presented .

  17. 基于CEP和LPC谱提取语音信号基音周期的方法

    Speech Signal Extraction Method of Pitch Based on CEP and LPC Spectrum

  18. MFCC中的基音频率信息对说话人识别系统性能的影响

    The influence of fundamental frequency to performance of speaker recognition using MFCC

  19. 以基音频率F0作为支持向量机(SVM)的输入,进行语种模型的训练。

    Pitch frequency FO as a support vector machine ( SVM ) input to training language model .

  20. 一种基于Hilbert-Huang变换的基音周期检测新方法

    Detecting Pitch Period Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform

  21. 基于基音周期的语音MFCC参数提取

    MFCC feature extraction of speech based on pitch period

  22. MBE语音模型中快速基音细搜索算法的研究

    Fast Pitch-refining Algorithm in MBE Model

  23. 结合FPGA特点,讨论简化短时自相关函数法实现基音周期的估值,并介绍单bit方法应用于语音信号频域分析。

    Based on the characters of FPGA , give simplify method of short-time Autocorrelation function for the pitch estimation , and discuss one bit quantify apply in the speech signal frequency analyze .

  24. 一种基于AMDF和ACF的基音周期提取算法研究

    Pitch Period Extraction Algorithm Research Based on AMDF and ACF

  25. 基于FIR滤波器的基音提取预处理轮胎纹理分层的Gabor滤波器设计

    Pitch Pretreatment Based on the FIR Filter ; An Algorithm of Designing Gabor Filters for Getting Every Texture Layer of Multi-layers Texture Tyre Image

  26. 用分数延迟改进基音预测的CELP编码方案

    Improved Pitch Prediction with Fractional Delays in CELP Coding

  27. MBE模型的基音周期搜索算法存在着运算量大,抗噪性能一般等缺点。

    The algorithm for pitch period search with MBE model is complex in calculation and low flexible .

  28. 提出对LPC残差用频域法来进行处理,得到改变了基音周期的LPC残差,从而实现语音的基音周期的变换。

    Frequency method is proposed to process the LPC residual , then the pitch modified LPC residual is got .

  29. 本文提出了一个基于基音的辅助系统与MFCC主系统结合的方法。

    It proposes a method which combines MFCC based system and Pitch based system to gain better result .

  30. G.723.1语音编码算法闭环基音搜索的低复杂度算法

    Low Complexity Algorithm of Close-Loop Pitch Search in G.723.1 Speech Codec