
  • 网络Firing;heap roasting;pile burn
  1. 这一过程叫做堆烧法。

    It was a process called heap roasting .

  2. 铜矿含有硫磺,堆烧是烧去铜里面硫磺的一种方法,所以留下的近乎于纯铜。

    Copper ore contains sulfur . And heap roasting was a way to burn away the sulfur in the copper , so they 'd be left with something closer to pure copper .

  3. “一堆烧得旺旺的好柴火!”老妇人补充道。

    " A fine , flaming fagot ," added the old woman .

  4. 最后,在地面上火堆烧过的地方覆盖一些树叶,这样就绝对不可能死灰复燃。

    And then , finally , where there 's a scorch on the ground , just bring some leaves back over so there is absolutely no trace that there was a fire here .

  5. 整个烧成过程中,瓷体全部是堆烧(叠烧10~20层),生产效率比二次烧成提高10倍以上。

    In whole sintering process , the ceramic disc body was heap roasted ( laminated roasting 10 ~ 20 layers ) . Production efficiency by one – time sintering technology is ten times more than that by two-time sintering .

  6. 并通过对试样进行化学稳定性、热膨胀性、光泽度、堆烧、粘度测试、印花彩烤等一系列对比实验考察所用外加剂对熔剂性能的影响。

    And through a series of contrastive experiments of the samples for their chemical stabilities , thermal expansions , luster degrees , pile burn , viscosity test , screen printing and decoration firing , the impacts on the performance of the flux are studied .

  7. 结果表明,人工草地建植前堆烧草皮可加速土壤有机质矿化,增加土壤速效养分,改善植物保护酶系统,提高植物抗寒性和光合代谢强度,延长植物寿命,防止草地过早退化。

    The results show that burning turf before establishment of artificial grassland can accelerate the mineralization of soil organic matter , raise quick-effective nutrient of the soil and plant , s resistence to cole , prolong plant longevity , and prevent grassland from early degeneration .

  8. 等静压盘子堆素烧存在问题的分析

    Analysis on Flaws fo Isostatic Dishes Biscuit

  9. 我要将这一堆东西全烧了,然后移居到乔治敦开曼群岛。

    I 'm gonna burn the whole stack and move this thing to the caymans .

  10. 核事故中真正可怕的不是放射性尘埃而是堆芯熔毁,堆芯熔毁能够烧穿地表并渗入地下水。

    The truly fearful event in a nuclear accident , then , isn 't fallout but meltdown , where the core burns through the floor and suffuses the water table .