
  • 网络University of Kansas;Kansas University
  1. 为找出志同道合在构建人际关系时的重要性,来自威雷斯利大学和美国堪萨斯大学的研究人员随机调查了1500多对情侣、朋友和熟人,要求他们完成一项关于价值观、偏见、态度和个性特点的调查。

    To find out how important similarity was to forming relationships researchers from Wellesly and the University of Kansas approached more than 1500 random pairs , including romantic couples , friends and acquaintances , and asked them to complete a survey about their values , prejudices , attitudes and personality traits .

  2. 约翰C贝兹是一个戏剧和电影在美国堪萨斯大学的副教授。

    John C.Tibbetts is an associate professor of theater and film at the University of Kansas .

  3. 在取得堪萨斯大学(UniversityofKansas)本科学位之后,穆拉利曾参加过半职业的网球巡回赛。

    After earning his undergrad degree from the University of Kansas , Mulally competed on the semi-pro tennis circuit .

  4. (GeneralMotorsInstitute,现更名为凯特林大学[KetteringUniversity])、堪萨斯大学(UniversityofKansas)、密苏里大学圣路易斯分校(UniversityofMissouri,St.Louis)和达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)。

    the General Motors Institute ( now called Kettering University ) ; the University of Kansas ; the University of Missouri , St. Louis ; and Dartmouth College .

  5. 堪萨斯大学(UniversityofKansas)的研究人员发现,如果某位投资者从1802年进入股市,而且只在九月进行投资,那么到2006年他会亏掉一半以上的资金。

    If someone started investing in 1802 and kept his money in stocks only during September , he would have lost more than half of his money by 2006 , according to researchers at the University of Kansas .

  6. 即使当人们听到这个故事之后,他们只是会想,:“噢,他们在非洲发现了这个天赋异禀的怪物,然后他去了美国的堪萨斯大学大发神威,然后进入NBA,Boom,一飞冲天。”

    Even when people hear the story , they think like , " Oh , they discovered this crazy talent in Africa , and this guy came over and started killing it . Kansas . NBA . Boom . "

  7. 学生ClaireHinrichsen在一个人口600多人的城镇长大,她曾在堪萨斯大学(KU)读本科,她选择加入萨莱纳项目的原因之一就是学校的规模。

    Student Claire Hinrichsen grew up in a town of about six hundred people . She attended the University of Kansas , or KU , as an undergraduate . One reason she chose the Salina program is because of the size .

  8. 堪萨斯大学教育学院教授赵勇表示,没有必要对中国的分数反应过度,因为他认为PISA不能“衡量任何教育系统的整体教育水平”。

    Yong Zhao , a professor at the University of Kansas ' school of education , said that there is no reason to overreact to China 's scores , because he doesn 't believe the PISA " measures the totality of the quality of education of any education system . "

  9. 我甚至不知道“疯狂三月”(NCAA男篮锦标赛)是指什么,我也不知道战绩卓越的球队是哪支。我选择堪萨斯大学的唯一原因仅仅是因为卢克告诉我:“堪萨斯州是最好的,你应该去堪萨斯大学打球。”

    I didn 't even know what March Madness was . I didn 't know who the good teams were . The only reason I chose Kansas was because Luc told me , " Kansas is the best . You should go to Kansas . "

  10. 该研究论文的联名作者、堪萨斯大学的马克・豪格(MarkHaug)说,“我最多只能说,九月份确实有些不同寻常的事发生。不管是什么,都很糟糕。但找不到一个合理的解释让人很抓狂。”

    From the best of my ability , I think there 's something up with September . No matter how you slice it up , it 's bad , ' says the University of Kansas ' Mark Haug , one of the authors of the report . ' It 's frustrating to not have an explanation . '

  11. 麦克迪尔这家伙知道拉马尔?奎恩曾在堪萨斯大学上学。

    This guy McDeere knew Lamar Quin went to Kansas State .

  12. 一年后,我选择进入了堪萨斯大学。

    A year later , I committed to Kansas .

  13. 1997年堪萨斯大学,陶瓷艺术与设计,美术硕士。

    1997 m.f.a.ceramic art and design university of .

  14. 堪萨斯大学校队本赛季的不败记录毁在了老对手密苏里大学的手里。

    Kansas'unbeaten season came to an end at the hands of their arch-rival Missouri .

  15. 堪萨斯大学的威尔·史密斯就是其中一位。

    One person doing such thinking is Val Smith of the University of Kansas .

  16. 在堪萨斯大学的第一场比赛中,我就遭到了塔里克·布莱克(司职中锋,效力于休斯顿火箭)狠狠地暴扣,我差点因此而放弃篮球了。

    My very first scrimmage at Kansas , I got dunked on so hard by Tarik Black that I almost quit .

  17. 在堪萨斯大学,任何一个学生,只要是感到了不安全或受到了威胁,就可以住在洛伦斯市一个居民的家里。

    At the University of Kansas any student who felt unsafe or threatened could stay in the home of a Lawrence resident .

  18. 在加入维拉司法研究所之前,福格勒松先生曾任犹他大学和堪萨斯大学政治学副教授。

    Before joining Vera , Todd was an assistant professor of political science at the University of Kansas and University of Utah .

  19. 美国堪萨斯大学一项研究发现,一个人的调情方式会直接影响人们恋爱关系的类型。

    A research from the University of Kansas found that a person 's flirting style can predict success in the romance department .

  20. 这次春节晚会是由恩波利亚州立大学与堪萨斯大学,海斯堡州立大学中国学生组织共同举办的一次盛大的节日狂欢!

    ESUCSA is hosting this giant Spring Festival Gala with other Chinese students organizations in U of Kansas , Fort Hays State University .

  21. 在研究过程中,63名堪萨斯大学的学生观看了研究参与者穿的208双不同的鞋的图片。

    In the study , 63 University of Kansas students looked at pictures showing 208 different pairs of shoes worn by the study 's participants .

  22. 来自堪萨斯大学和华盛顿史密森研究所的科学家们确信每2700万年就会发生一次大灭绝事件,认为可信度达99%。

    Scientists from the University of Kansas and the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC are 99 per cent confident that there are extinctions every 27 million years .

  23. 堪萨斯大学的研究人员称,只需看看一个人穿的鞋,就能准确地判断陌生人的90%的性格。

    Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger 's personality simply by looking at the person 's shoes .

  24. 美国堪萨斯大学的杰弗瑞霍尔指出,调情方式可化分为五种类型:传统型、肢体型、真诚型、戏谑型和礼貌型。

    Jeffrey Hall , of the University of Kansas , found there were five different types of flirting – traditional , physical , sincere , playful and polite .

  25. 美国堪萨斯大学的杰弗瑞·霍尔指出,调情方式可化分为五种类型:传统型、肢体型、真诚型、戏谑型和礼貌型。

    Jeffrey Hall , of the University of Kansas , found there were five different types of flirting - traditional , physical , sincere , playful and polite .

  26. 堪萨斯大学的研究推测,九月份纽约白昼时间的大幅骤减可能引发了季节性的情绪紊乱,导致一些交易员的避险情绪加重。

    The University of Kansas study suggests a sharp drop-off in the amount of daylight in New York in September might trigger seasonal affective disorder and make some traders more risk-averse .

  27. 2010年01月30日一个由中国东北大学和美国堪萨斯大学组成的联合研究小组近日表示,他们成功解决了长期以来悬而未决的鸟类飞行起源问题。

    2010-01-30 A joint team from the University of Kansas ( KU ) and Northeastern University in China says recently that it has settled the long-standing question of how bird flight began .

  28. 他阅读了有关该事务所所有41名律师的介绍,而且能在一瞬间回忆起拉马尔?奎恩曾在堪萨斯大学读过书。

    He had read the biographical sketches of all of the forty-one lawyers in the firm , and in a split second he had recalled that Lamar Quin had gone to Kansas State .

  29. 在两个保护区内共采集51种186号标本,这些标本现保存在美国堪萨斯大学自然历史博物馆和生物多样性研究中心;还对另外8种保护鸟类进行了拍照。

    A voucher collection of 186 specimens representing 51 bird species was deposited at the University of Kansas Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center , with photographs documenting an additional 8 taxa .

  30. “当我看到它之后就知道它与众不同”,卢克说到。他是堪萨斯大学的研究生也是参与研究的人员之一。

    " I knew as soon as I saw the animal that it was something special ," said Luke Welton , a graduate student at the University of Kansas and one of the co-authors of the study .