
  • 网络Tacloban City
  1. 据NPR新闻的乔纳森·布莱克利从塔克洛班市带来的报道,救援人员正竭力保证幸存人员的需求。

    NPR 's Jonathan Blakeley reports from Tacloban city aid workers are desperately trying to keep up with needs of survivors .

  2. 塔克洛班市市长称他谈话的每个人都有至亲之人逝去。

    Tacloban 's mayor said everyone he talked to had lost someone .

  3. 这里有菲律宾塔克洛班市的最新消息。今天的新闻如下。

    All the latest from here , in Tacloban Philippine .

  4. 她用了4天时间联系上在塔克洛班市的朋友。

    It took her four days to contact her friends in Tacloban .

  5. 在这张地图上,你会看到塔克洛班市。

    On this map , you 'll see Tacloban .

  6. 塔克洛班市城市残破不堪的景象。

    The aftermath Tacloban city 's shattered landscape .

  7. 她说:我还在塔克洛班市,我还活着。

    I am still here in Talcloban , she says , I am still alive .

  8. 在受灾严重的塔克洛班市,本社记者看到几十具尸体,发放援助毫无秩序。

    An AP reporter in the devastated city of Tacloban saw dozens of bodies and no evidence of organized aid delivery .

  9. 但是在塔克洛班市,政府在维持秩序方面的困难重重,该市在上周的台风中几乎被夷为平地。

    But authorities are having trouble maintaining order in Tacloban , a city that was nearly wiped out by last week 's typhoon .

  10. 塔克洛班市的部分地区是莱特岛受灾最严重的地区之一,现在那里已经满目疮痍。

    Parts of city of Tacloban , one of the worst hit areas on the islands of Leyte are a picture of devastation .

  11. 菲律宾士兵一直在向受灾严重的地区分发食物和水,这些地区就包括严重受创的塔克洛班市。

    Philippine soldiers have been handing out food and water in some of the more devastated areas including the heavily damaged city of Tacloban .

  12. 塔克洛班市机场的这次航班延时显示到达及从被毁城市离开的援助,这是给更加孤立的社区提供食物,水源和其他补给品的一个主要中心。

    This time-lapse sequence of Tacloban 's airport shows aid arriving and departing from the destroyed city , which is a major hub for delivering food , water and other supplies to more isolated communities .

  13. 我们必须确保一切都在有条不紊的进行,更不用说实际上这次影响塔克洛班市的风暴潮相当巨大而且具有毁灭性。”

    We had to make sure that everything was done in the proper way , not to mention the fact that really this storm surge the effect on Tacloban was quite huge and devastating . "