
tǎ ɡé tánɡ
  • tagatose
  1. 苯基硼酸和TOMAC离子对溶剂萃取分离塔格糖

    Separation of Tagatose by Solvent Extraction with Ion-pair System of Phenylboronic Acid and TOMAC

  2. 功能性甜味剂塔格糖的生产及应用

    Manufacturing and Application of Functional Sweetener & Tagatose

  3. 功能性甜味剂塔格糖的含量测定

    Determination of tagatose content in functional food additive

  4. 塔格糖的甜度是蔗糖的92%,甜味与蔗糖相似,不产生不良风味和后味,是一种很好的甜味剂。

    The sweetness of D-tagatose is 92 % that of sucrose with a similar taste .

  5. 本文介绍了塔格糖的生理功能,并详细论述了它的生产方法及在食品中的应用情况。

    The physiological functions of tagatose , its production and its application in food industry were detailed .

  6. 功能性甜味剂的新成员&塔格糖

    A New Functional Sweetener-Tagatose

  7. D-塔格糖研究进展

    Research Advance of D-tagatose

  8. 塔格糖是一种稀有糖,因此通常利用化学转化或生物转化方法进行大量生产。

    D-tagatose is a kind of rare sugar and mass production of D-tagatose is often developed using chemical or biological transformation .

  9. D-塔格糖是一种新型低热量甜味剂,用于食品和药品领域,有抗高血糖和益生保健等多种功能。

    D-tagatose , a novel low-calorie sugar-substituting sweetener , possesses multi-functionality applied in food and pharmaceuticals , such as anti-hyperglycemia and probiotics .

  10. 反萃取后,D-塔格糖的回收率和纯度分别为92.2%、96.7%。

    After stripping process , the recovery extraction percentage and that of purity for D-tagatose were obtained to be 92.2 % , 96.7 % , respectively .

  11. 塔格糖是果糖的差向异构体,在分子水平上,除了第四个碳原子上的羟基和氢基团倒置外,D-塔格糖与D-果糖的结构是一样的。

    On a molecular level , D-tagatose is structurally identical to D-fructose , except for an inversion of the hydroxyl and hydrogen groups at the fourth carbon atom .

  12. 塔格糖是一种在自然界中较为稀有的天然己酮糖,属于稀少糖的一种,稀少糖是指在自然界存在但含量极少的一类单糖。

    D-tagatose , a rare natural hexoketose , is one of the rare sugars , which are defined as monosaccharides and their derivatives that rarely exist in nature .